Fast Mail, Northern Pacific Railroad - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

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Fast Mail, Northern Pacific Railroad's primary photo

Primary photo for Fast Mail, Northern Pacific Railroad

Short |Documentary, Short

"Here is a twelve car train dashing along at a high rate of speed. It is seen first in the distance and approaches and then passes by the camera. As it takes less than 30 seconds to show this 50 foot strip on a Projecting Kinetoscope, an ...See more"Here is a twelve car train dashing along at a high rate of speed. It is seen first in the distance and approaches and then passes by the camera. As it takes less than 30 seconds to show this 50 foot strip on a Projecting Kinetoscope, an idea may be formed of the speed of this pet train of the Northern Pacific Railway. The waving grass along the track side, the black smoke, and the clouds of dust that follow the train make very vivid effects." Written by Edison Catalog See less

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