Great Bull Fight - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

This must not be confused with incomplete or less imperfect bull fight pictures which have been sold in short lengths from time to time. Remember, that we here show in 1,000 feet, a complete bull fight from start to finish. By the aid of a...See moreThis must not be confused with incomplete or less imperfect bull fight pictures which have been sold in short lengths from time to time. Remember, that we here show in 1,000 feet, a complete bull fight from start to finish. By the aid of a specially designed panoramic camera, and by special arrangement with Sr. Antonio Fuentes and Sr. Luis Mazzantini, we are able to keep the bull within the field of our lens during the entire fight. The bull and the fighters are also very close to our camera and at all times are full life size. This is a complete performance in itself and can be billed as a special feature or a headline, the complete series, 1,000 feet in all, lasting 25 to 30 minutes. This fight, by the greatest bull fighters in the world (the one and only Antonio Fuentes and his companion, Luis Mazzantini), was fought in the City of Mexico before President Diaz and his entire cabinet, on February 2nd, 1902. Its features are many. Only pure blooded Spanish bulls are used. First comes the Grand Herald with his elegant costume, black velvet trappings, and beautiful plumes, his elegant charger prancing up to the Judges' stand. After bowing to the Judges and the audience, he rides out of the ring, and again returns, followed by the entire cuadrilla of bull fighters, including Matadors (Killers), Banderilleros and Picadores (Stickers) and several mule teams (six to each team). At a signal given from the Judges' stand by a bugler, a wild bull rushes frantically into the ring, tail up and eyes darting fire. The Capadores flourish their capes in the bull's face, as he charges at them. The Picadores ride in front of the animal, holding their picks ready to stick him when he charges the horses. In this fight, horses and riders are upset and thrown in every direction. The Picadores pick the bull many times, although five horses are killed before the bull is finally dispatched. The bull, now more furious than ever, charges at the Banderillos, who have been waiting to thrust the wounded animal. They succeed in placing four pairs of Banderillos in the bull's back and shoulders. At last the bugler gives the signal to kill, and the Matador walks proudly up to the bull, shaking his red cloth in his face. The bull rushes madly at the cloth, but the Matador nimbly steps to one side. The Matador sees his opportunity, and thrusts his sword up to the hilt in the bull's neck. Mortally wounded, he staggers around blindly, tearing around the ring, and trying to pierce his enemies with his horns. He repeatedly charges the Matador, Antonio Fuentes, rushing at him with his head lowered. Here one realizes how helpless is this magnificent animal pitted against science and agility. The Matador is obliged to place another sword before the powerful animal succumbs. This time the sword enters between the shoulder blades as the bull is making one of his fiercest charges, and he drops dead. A team of mules now drags the dead bull from the ring. This picture is most exciting, and gives one a perfect idea of the sport which is indulged in by the Spanish and Mexican people. We also sell the separate subjects of the bull fight. Written by Anonymous See less