The Grip of Circumstance - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Thomas Rogers has been a servant in the house of the Edwards for years. The Edwards family has dwindled down to two women, one the mother and the other the daughter. The girl, Frances, is loved by James Darwin, a self-made man. A reception...See moreThomas Rogers has been a servant in the house of the Edwards for years. The Edwards family has dwindled down to two women, one the mother and the other the daughter. The girl, Frances, is loved by James Darwin, a self-made man. A reception is given at the Edwards home and at it Frances meets a Jay Maiden, a handsome society crook. Frances is fascinated by him and gives him permission to call. Maiden calls frequently at the Edwards home. He is deeply in debt for his card losses, and finds it necessary, while at the Edwards home, to steal several valuable pieces of silver, which he pawns. The loss is discovered shortly after, and Maiden confides to Mrs. Edwards that he suspects Rogers, the servant. In the meantime, Young Darwin has called and is treated with indifference and coldness by Frances. He is bewildered by her actions and questions Rogers, who tells him of the intruder, Maiden, and also of the missing silverware. Jay Maiden loses heavily at cards one day, and plans to call that night at the Edwards home with the intention of making a scoop. Mrs. Edwards, returning late from a social call that afternoon, in removing her gloves, unconsciously removes from her finger her engagement ring, which from years of wear had become loose, the ring leaving one of her gloves on the table. Maiden arrives and is shown into the parlor by Rogers to wait for Frances. Maiden, nervous and excited by his losses, nervously fidgets with the gloves on the table, and consequently discovers the ring just as Frances enters. Maiden, taken by surprise, recovers himself find hurriedly places the glove and ring in his pocket. Frances later orders Rogers to serve chocolate. While Rogers is serving, Mrs. Edwards enters, excited and angry at the loss of her ring. Maiden, realizing his position if discovered, tosses the glove on the floor and places the ring in the vest pocket of Rogers, who is standing next to him. After a short search, in which the glove is discovered on the floor. Maiden openly accuses Rogers of the theft. Rogers, protesting his innocence, is forced to undergo a search. The ring is discovered, Rogers discharged and Maiden lionized. Rogers, a broken man, starts out on a fruitless search for work, and is turned down repeatedly on account of his age. Near the end of his resources, he is in a quandary as to what to do, when he meets Darwin. He tells him of his position and Darwin finds him work in the cloakroom of the club of which he is a member. Maiden also frequents this club. A few days later, Darwin is seated in the reading room of this club with several other fellows. Darwin passes around the cigarettes, and all admire his beautiful cigarette case. Maiden, seated nearby, overhears their conversation. Before the cigarettes have gone the rounds. Darwin is called to the phone and the case is placed on the table to await his return. The phone call is pressing and Darwin leaves immediately. The other members leave for the billiard room, leaving behind them Darwin's case. Maiden, who has been watching them, advances to the table, and laying the book down, takes the case. To rid his person of Darwin's case, he hurries down to the cloakroom and exchanges Darwin's for his own, which is in his overcoat pocket. This action is seen by Rogers, who on his approach had returned to the background. Maiden then returns to the reading room and assumes his former position. Darwin, in the meantime, has discovered his loss and returns to the club. In checking his coat, he appears nervous and Rogers questions him. Darwin tells him of his loss and Rogers tells him of Maiden's actions. Darwin to make sure, goes to the reading room and finds the case gone. He returns to Rogers and calls in the manager. He tells him of his suspicious and receives the manager's consent to search Maiden's coat. He does so, and besides discovering his case, also discovers several pawn tickets, one of which is for the Edwards silverware. Tracy (the manager), calls in Swift, the house detective. Tracy tells him of the case, shows him the tickets. Swift, knowing that Maiden will try to rid his person of the case as soon as possible, plans to get ahead of Maiden. Accompanied by Darwin, he leaves. Maiden comes down and is waited upon by Rogers. Maiden at the sight of Rogers is uneasy, but game. He calls Tracy, the manager, and accuses Rogers of being a crook. Here is another side of the story, Tracy, knowing nothing of Roger's past life, while Maiden, he has seen frequently around the club, always a gentleman and in good company. Tracy believes Maiden and fires Rogers. Maiden thanks Tracy and leaves. In the meantime, Swift and Darwin have arrived at the pawnshop. Swift stations Darwin across the street and enters the shop. Swift in the shop, places Solomon under arrest and commands him to remain in the backroom, until he is released by Swift. Swift then disguises himself as a Jew and awaits Maiden's coming. Maiden arrives and is surprised to find Solomon (the real broker), gone. He offers the case to Swift. Swift makes an offer. Maiden accepts and Swift proceeds to make out the ticket. In doing so be brings forth a pair of handcuffs. In handing Maiden his money, he conceals the cuffs by the bills. Maiden unsuspectingly puts out his hands to receive the money, when Swift slaps the cuffs on him, and Maiden's crooked career comes to an end. Swift then calls for Darwin to enter. He does so, accompanied by Rogers, who had followed Maiden. Later. Darwin returns to the Edwards home, bringing with him the stolen ware. He finds Rogers reinstated and Frances anxiously awaiting his coming. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less