Pisma ot Tutrakan - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

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Pisma ot Tutrakan's primary photo

Primary photo for Pisma ot Tutrakan

Short | 20 min |Documentary, Short

This film is an attempt to show the unique moral strength of the Bulgarians in the fierce Bulgarian-Romanian battle for the town Tutrakan at the river Danube during WWI. More than 8000 Bulgarian solders were killed but the battle sank into...See moreThis film is an attempt to show the unique moral strength of the Bulgarians in the fierce Bulgarian-Romanian battle for the town Tutrakan at the river Danube during WWI. More than 8000 Bulgarian solders were killed but the battle sank into oblivion during the communist regime because Bulgarians, side by side with Germans and Turks, fought against the Russians in it. Written by Georgi Djulgerov georgidjul1943@gmail.com /georgidjul1943@gmail.com See less

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