Blind Fury - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

An old recluse tells the story of an experience in the west, to account for his frequent spells of madness. Jack Kelly makes a rich strike and goes to town to celebrate. A young tenderfoot, Jim Fulton, strikes town at the same time. Buck ...See moreAn old recluse tells the story of an experience in the west, to account for his frequent spells of madness. Jack Kelly makes a rich strike and goes to town to celebrate. A young tenderfoot, Jim Fulton, strikes town at the same time. Buck Logan, local "bad man," is out on a tear, and meeting him, compels him to dance for his amusement. Jack enters the street. Buck's attention is distracted for an instant and Jim, taking advantage, jumps and gets his gun. He then proceeds to administer a sound and scientific threshing to the "bad man." Later Jim goes broke in a poker game and Jack generously offers to take him in as a partner. The next day at the mine Jim learns of the rich strike and suspects that Jack knew of it all the time. Jack silences his protests, saying: "Of course, you'll share it; you're my partner, aren't you?" Jim begins to learn what partner means to Jack. They both meet and fall in love with Alice Butler, but Jack, believing that she loves Jim, hides his love and keeps away. Alice is not quite sure of her love for Jim, but yields to his pleadings and wears his ring. One day Jim goes to look for his horse, which has strayed. Alice, who has begun to realize that she cares for Jack, is out riding. She longs for a sight of Jack, so rides by the cabin. He comes out to meet her. In dismounting her foot catches and she is thrown into his arms. Jim, upon a hilltop, looking through glasses, sees them at this distance. Insane with jealousy, Jim rides back toward the cabin. Suddenly Jack remembers that he is not being square with his partner, and gently releases himself. He tells Alice that he must be a traitor to his partner, but the girl does not fully appreciate and share his point of honor and rides off somewhat angry. Jim arrives, and gun in hand, demands that Jack defend himself with his gun. Jack puts his hand into his pocket and Jim, thinking that his opponent is about to whip his gun out quickly fires. Jack falls. When Jim investigates he sees that Jack was only taking out his handkerchief. Alice has heard the shot and hurried back. She kneels beside Jack and then turns upon Jim, telling him that Jack has just refused her love out of loyalty to him. Jim is ready to kill himself, but Alice discovers that Jack is still breathing, and Jim rides for the doctor. The doctor announces that Jack is still alive. Alice kneels beside the bed in joy and thankfulness. Jim looks at them sadly, then returns and walks slowly away. The scene fades back to the old recluse as he says, "In my jealousy and anger I forgot that he was my partner, but I have been remembering it ever since." Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less