The Crimson Trail - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Antoinette Halvey, called "Toni," is a reckless and sensual woman, who runs a gambling house in one of the large cities of Northwest Canada. She has as her favored lover Dick Hallam, a captain of the Royal Mounted Police. Hallam comes to ...See moreAntoinette Halvey, called "Toni," is a reckless and sensual woman, who runs a gambling house in one of the large cities of Northwest Canada. She has as her favored lover Dick Hallam, a captain of the Royal Mounted Police. Hallam comes to her resort to break off the affair, announcing his intended marriage to another. Toni's jealousy is aroused and she tells Dick that she will break up his home and regain him for herself. Toni learns that Dick is slated at headquarters to be sent out into the wilds upon the next big case. A man, who turns out later to be her deserted half-breed husband, has sought refuge in her resort, where he is hiding from the mounted police. Toni sees an opportunity to rid herself of the half-breed and to separate the newly-married Dick and Hilda. Having advised the police that Baptiste will be found in hiding in a distant frontier camp on a specified day, she decoys him thither and waits for Dick to arrive in pursuit. Hallam arrives, having lost his horse on the way, but still guarding two carrier pigeons which Hilda has given him as a parting gift, that he might send back messages to her from the wilderness. While he is in the act of arresting the outlaw, Toni discovers the birds and releases one with the message to Hilda that her husband is reunited with his former mistress. The bird reaches home and the shock is almost fatal to the bride. During a night spent in the cabin the prisoner breaks his bonds and is in the act of revenging himself by murder upon the worthless woman who has sold him when Dick discovers him. A fight ensues, in which the outlaw is killed. Toni finds herself at last victorious at every point. She is alone with Dick. But a change has taken place in her own heart that night in the cabin when her life was saved from the murderer's knife. Her one urgent wish now is to repair the evil she has done. They are without horses and have only scant provisions. After severe hardships they finally reach the Athabasca River, which flows down to the nearest station, Fort McMurray. At one time Dick is reduced to the necessity of killing the remaining pigeon for food, but Toni prevents him. She makes him write at her dictation a message to Hilda: "I love you. Meet me at Fort McMurray. Dick." When he has released the bird she confesses that she had sent the mate back with a wicked lie. They build a rough raft and trust to the current to bring them to safety. At last one night they find their food supply all but gone. Dick tries to force the greater share on her, and to humor him she seems to assent. She knows that if he can be kept alive for two days longer he will reach the fort and Hilda's arms. During the night, as he is sleeping, she opens her wrist with her knife, and softly kissing him, swoons across his knees. Hilda, in response to the second message, arrives at the fort. The following morning the raft is seen sweeping past on the stream and a boat it put off to tow it ashore. Dick and Hilda are reunited. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less