The Disillusionment of Jane - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Jim Norton, a good-looking, well-dressed young city crook, is espied in a burglary by the police and is forced to flee the city to avoid capture. He makes his exit via a freight train and awakens from a "side door Pullman" in the morning ...See moreJim Norton, a good-looking, well-dressed young city crook, is espied in a burglary by the police and is forced to flee the city to avoid capture. He makes his exit via a freight train and awakens from a "side door Pullman" in the morning at the rural village of Reedville, posing as a magazine writer from the city visiting the country to secure rural atmosphere for some short stories. He puts up at a village tavern and prepares to lie low until the chase blows over. A pal writes a letter to him to keep in seclusion as the police are still looking for him and tells him further that (he) the pal, has disposed of the loot stolen by Norton for 235,andthatthepalwillforwardthemoneyasneeded.JacobEllisandhisdaughter,Jane,cometothetowntodosometradingand,throughavillageacquaintance,Nortonisintroducedtoher.HetriestomakeanappointmentwithherandshetellshimthatshewillseehimatacountrydancethefollowingTuesdaynight.Nortonattendsthedance,whichisalsoattendedbyJane,hersweetheart,RichardBradley,ahandsome,well−to−doyoungfarmer,andothers.Norton,havingnootherwaytokilltime,makeslovetoJaneandshegrowstocareforhim.InlovewithNorton,sheinduceshimtoboardatherfather′sfarm.Norton,inanswertoapreviousletter,getsananswerfromhispalthat"Mother"Julia,anotoriouswomanoftheunderworld,willgiveNorton235, and that the pal will forward the money as needed. Jacob Ellis and his daughter, Jane, come to the town to do some trading and, through a village acquaintance, Norton is introduced to her. He tries to make an appointment with her and she tells him that she will see him at a country dance the following Tuesday night. Norton attends the dance, which is also attended by Jane, her sweetheart, Richard Bradley, a handsome, well-to-do young farmer, and others. Norton, having no other way to kill time, makes love to Jane and she grows to care for him. In love with Norton, she induces him to board at her father's farm. Norton, in answer to a previous letter, gets an answer from his pal that "Mother" Julia, a notorious woman of the underworld, will give Norton 235,andthatthepalwillforwardthemoneyasneeded.JacobEllisandhisdaughter,Jane,cometothetowntodosometradingand,throughavillageacquaintance,Nortonisintroducedtoher.HetriestomakeanappointmentwithherandshetellshimthatshewillseehimatacountrydancethefollowingTuesdaynight.Nortonattendsthedance,whichisalsoattendedbyJane,hersweetheart,RichardBradley,ahandsome,well−to−doyoungfarmer,andothers.Norton,havingnootherwaytokilltime,makeslovetoJaneandshegrowstocareforhim.InlovewithNorton,sheinduceshimtoboardatherfather′sfarm.Norton,inanswertoapreviousletter,getsananswerfromhispalthat"Mother"Julia,anotoriouswomanoftheunderworld,willgiveNorton500 if he will succeed in luring Jane to the city and into a life of white slavery. Pretending love for Jane, Norton courts her successfully. Ellis and his wife block the plan by refusing to give their consent to the marriage and lock Jane in her room nights. Distrusting banks, Ellis keeps his money hidden in the well. Norton accidentally discovers the hiding place of the money. He persuades Jane to elope with him that night. He steals the Ellis wallet and elopes with Jane in a horse and buggy. On the way to the village where they intend taking the night train to the city, the horse becomes frightened at a piece of drifting paper and bolts, wrecking the buggy and throws them both out and into a deep ravine. Norton is killed in the wreck and Jane is knocked unconscious, but is not seriously hurt. Bradley, driving home from town, sees the runaway horse and investigates and finds Norton dead and Jane unconscious. He revives her and she finds the stolen wallet lying where it had fallen from Norton's pocket. They search Norton and find the incriminating letter and she realizes with horror what she has escaped. She makes up her quarrel with Bradley and he takes her home and restores the wallet to its hiding place. She gains her room unheard by her parents, who slumber on in ignorance of what has taken place. Her idol shattered, Jane tears up Norton's photo and kneels by her bed in a prayer of thanksgiving. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less