The Ingrate; or, The Veil of the Past - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Robert Sartan found himself "down and out." Having heard of the generosity of Verdier, a banker, he caught at the idea as a last strait, and was fortunate enough to secure an interview. Mr. Verdier gave of sympathy and money freely to aid ...See moreRobert Sartan found himself "down and out." Having heard of the generosity of Verdier, a banker, he caught at the idea as a last strait, and was fortunate enough to secure an interview. Mr. Verdier gave of sympathy and money freely to aid the unfortunate, Sartan was introduced into the Verdier home, and met Helen, the young daughter, who was, however, betrothed. Sartan pondered. His extravagant tastes required money constantly. As Helen and her dower were out of the question, he proceeded to commit a theft of valuables from Verdier's private safe. The safe was guarded. As he opened an inner receptacle, iron hands seized his, macerating them cruelly. His cries brought the horrified Verdier, who, always good at heart, bound up the ingrate's wounds. Sartan pleaded so feelingly for another chance that Verdier gave it, first exacting Sartan's signature to a confession of attempted theft. Sartan could no longer work. He thought only and always of that paper incriminating him. Having observed the mechanism of the safe, he again sought its recesses to recover the paper, and succeeded. Also, he found an unbelievable document accusing Verdier of having committed a theft and served sentence for it twenty years before. With this in his possession, Sartan turned the tables easily, and demanded Helen in marriage, on pain of making public Verdier's past. Seeing no way out of his difficulty the banker resigned himself to the sacrifice of his daughter, who he knew disliked and distrusted Sartan. The thought goaded him constantly. Josette, an actress whom he had befriended and now came to repay her debt, forced him to confess his dilemma. Then she begged the privilege of a trusted friend to attempt to settle the matter her own way. Being unable to help himself, Verdier gladly clutched at this frail hope. Accordingly, Josette contrived to fascinate Sartan while both were dining in a public restaurant. In the course of a few days, matters had progressed so well that they were dining privately. During the dinner, she created a diversion, and returned with cigars containing a narcotic. Sartan smoked one, and slept. Josette had him transported into a chamber of the hotel which was draped in black. A score of masked, powerful-looking men greeted the bewildered ingrate's eye when he revived. At the sight of a noose, he gladly gave up the Verdier document and again signed a confession of his guilt. Then, again in a stupor, he was carried back to the dining room. On reviving, he apologized to Josette for having dozed in her presence, and explained that he had had a fearful nightmare. Josette did not enlighten him. Needless to say, Verdier was overjoyed at Josette's good work. Sartan, on the eighth day, found the tables re-turned, and vanished in short order, to take up again his precarious life as a soldier of fortune. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less