Nezhnoto chudovishte - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

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Nezhnoto chudovishte's primary photo

Primary photo for Nezhnoto chudovishte

Short | 28 min |Documentary, Short

The octopus - a being older than humankind - is the hero of this film: 'tender monster'. It has a life and secrets of its own, into which human civilization so rudely intrudes. The underwater camera shows young Dari and Monica's meeting ...See moreThe octopus - a being older than humankind - is the hero of this film: 'tender monster'. It has a life and secrets of its own, into which human civilization so rudely intrudes. The underwater camera shows young Dari and Monica's meeting with the octopus, their admiration at this extraordinary being and at the whole sub aquatic world. The lovemaking and reproduction of the octopus have been 'drawn' in the characters' imagination by means of animation. Written by Georgi Djulgerov / See less

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