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Zhivotoopisanie's primary photo

Primary photo for Zhivotoopisanie

Short | 40 min |Documentary, Short

Alain and Marie are French followers of the religious teaching founded by Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Danov. In 1990 they cross semi-legal several borders and come to Bulgaria. Their daughter Noenne is born. The French family starts ...See moreAlain and Marie are French followers of the religious teaching founded by Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Danov. In 1990 they cross semi-legal several borders and come to Bulgaria. Their daughter Noenne is born. The French family starts living in the most primitive conditions, trying to follow the principles of the teaching. At first the local peasants treat them with sympathy, but the clash of different values is unavoidable. Written by Georgi Djulgerov georgidjul1943@gmail.com /georgidjul1943@gmail.com See less

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