The Janitor's Flirtation - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
The janitor was very unpopular with the boys. He was a singularly neat and orderly sort of person and nothing jarred more forcibly on his methodical soul than the confusion and disorder arising from the consequences of youthful play. One ...See moreThe janitor was very unpopular with the boys. He was a singularly neat and orderly sort of person and nothing jarred more forcibly on his methodical soul than the confusion and disorder arising from the consequences of youthful play. One day, after he had been more than ordinarily unpleasant in his attempts to curb youth as represented by Jimmy Smith, Jimmy decided that something had to be done. Accordingly, in company with his friend, Squatty Hicks, he evolved a dark and desperate plan. Jimmy dressed himself in his sister's clothing; you may be sure Jimmy chose a time when his mother and sister were not at home, and stood on the front steps of the apartment house. Squatty Hicks rushed down to the cellar and informed the janitor that a lady wished to look at an apartment. The gallant janitor came up and courteously escorted the beautiful apparition on the steps to the apartment that happened to be vacant. The young lady expressed herself as highly satisfied with everything. Then to the janitor's pleased amazement, she started to flirt with him. Meanwhile the treacherous Squatty hastened below and informed the janitor's wife that her husband was flirting with a young lady in the vacant apartment. The irate wife ran upstairs in time to catch her perfidious husband in the act of chuckling the fair visitor under the chin. In the mix-up which followed. Jimmy's hat and wig were torn off and the entire state of affairs discovered. He made a wild dash for liberty. The janitor followed. His wife followed the janitor. They all reach the stairs at the same time. The janitor's wife was stout. She slipped on the first step and gathering Jimmy, her husband and several others in her ponderous descent, wedged them all securely in the narrow stairs. It took the combined forces of the police and fire departments to extricate them. What the janitor's wife said and did to her husband immediately thereafter may better be left to the imagination. It is enough to say that Jimmy was perfectly satisfied. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less