An Honest Young Man - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Two magnates of Wall Street who had bad many dealings with each other, met at a summer resort. One was accompanied by his daughter, and the other by his son, and each parent boasted of the good qualities of his offspring. One man told of ...See moreTwo magnates of Wall Street who had bad many dealings with each other, met at a summer resort. One was accompanied by his daughter, and the other by his son, and each parent boasted of the good qualities of his offspring. One man told of his boy's business ability, the other of his girl's beauty and accomplishments. Day by day they increased their boasts until finally the statement was made that the son "was so honest he wouldn't rob a blind man." For the first time a statement was questioned, for the father of the girl, blasé after so many years on the stock exchange, could not conceive that such a man existed. The boy's father was confident of his heir's fidelity and willingly agreed that the matter should be tested. The father disguised himself as a blind man, mutely appealing for charity with a tin cup, and in that cup he displayed a 500billwhichwastotesttheyouth′shonesty.Theotherbrokergavewarningwhenthesonapproachedandfromaplaceofhidingwatchedtoseehowtheexperimentturnedout.Amomentlaterthefather′sheadwasbowedinshame,forhissontookthebill.Theotherbrokerjibedandjeeredattheunhappyparent,butconsentedtodelayjudgmentuntiltheyoungmanreturned,theboy′sfatherbeingconvincedhewouldpurgehimselfofevil.Itturnedoutashehadexpected.Somehourslatertheyouthcamerushingback,tremblingwithemotion,restoredthe500 bill which was to test the youth's honesty. The other broker gave warning when the son approached and from a place of hiding watched to see how the experiment turned out. A moment later the father's head was bowed in shame, for his son took the bill. The other broker jibed and jeered at the unhappy parent, but consented to delay judgment until the young man returned, the boy's father being convinced he would purge himself of evil. It turned out as he had expected. Some hours later the youth came rushing back, trembling with emotion, restored the 500billwhichwastotesttheyouthshonesty.Theotherbrokergavewarningwhenthesonapproachedandfromaplaceofhidingwatchedtoseehowtheexperimentturnedout.Amomentlaterthefathersheadwasbowedinshame,forhissontookthebill.Theotherbrokerjibedandjeeredattheunhappyparent,butconsentedtodelayjudgmentuntiltheyoungmanreturned,theboysfatherbeingconvincedhewouldpurgehimselfofevil.Itturnedoutashehadexpected.Somehourslatertheyouthcamerushingback,tremblingwithemotion,restoredthe500 bill and in addition poured into the cup his own money and jewels. "It was conscience." said the happy father. "I can't understand it," mused the other broker, but convinced against his will, he brought his daughter forward to give her the pleasure of meeting an honest man, one who had learned the ways of virtue in Wall Street. There was another story, but the young man never told it. It involved a series of astonishing misfortunes and when he saw that his hoodoo was working overtime he tried to appease it and did. For, as said before, he was an honest young man from Wall Street. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less