Love Boat Angels - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

With Sabrina having left the employ of the agency to enter into wedded bliss, Charlie hires Tiffany Welles, a recent Boston Police Academy graduate and the daughter of a very old friend, as Sabrina's replacement. The first case on which ...See moreWith Sabrina having left the employ of the agency to enter into wedded bliss, Charlie hires Tiffany Welles, a recent Boston Police Academy graduate and the daughter of a very old friend, as Sabrina's replacement. The first case on which Tiffany will be working as an Angel is for Eastern International Insurance represented by their chief investigator, Mr. Avery, to solve the brazen hijacking of one of Wellington Museum's transport vans en route from Los Angeles Harbor to the museum in Los Angeles, 5millionworthofgoldandbronzestatuarystolenintheprocess.AveryknowsthatthemastermindbehindthetheftisPaulHollisterandhisassociateWesAnderson,whometinVietnamwhentheywererespectivelyaUSNavyfighterpilotturnedwarphotojournalistandpeacecorpsworker.AveryalsoknowsthatthemerchandisewillbefencedbyEleanorCase,oncearespectedarthistorian.ThecasetakesAveryandtheAngelsaboardthePacificPrincesscruisingfromLosAngelestoSt.Thomas,theUSVirginIslands,thecruisewhereHollisterandAndersonarepassengers,whileBosleyremainsinLosAngelestomonitorthemovementsofCase.Theagency′staskisnotsomuchtoarrestHollisterbutfindwherethemerchandiseistosavetheinsurancecompany5 million worth of gold and bronze statuary stolen in the process. Avery knows that the mastermind behind the theft is Paul Hollister and his associate Wes Anderson, who met in Vietnam when they were respectively a US Navy fighter pilot turned war photojournalist and peace corps worker. Avery also knows that the merchandise will be fenced by Eleanor Case, once a respected art historian. The case takes Avery and the Angels aboard the Pacific Princess cruising from Los Angeles to St. Thomas, the US Virgin Islands, the cruise where Hollister and Anderson are passengers, while Bosley remains in Los Angeles to monitor the movements of Case. The agency's task is not so much to arrest Hollister but find where the merchandise is to save the insurance company 5millionworthofgoldandbronzestatuarystolenintheprocess.AveryknowsthatthemastermindbehindthetheftisPaulHollisterandhisassociateWesAnderson,whometinVietnamwhentheywererespectivelyaUSNavyfighterpilotturnedwarphotojournalistandpeacecorpsworker.AveryalsoknowsthatthemerchandisewillbefencedbyEleanorCase,oncearespectedarthistorian.ThecasetakesAveryandtheAngelsaboardthePacificPrincesscruisingfromLosAngelestoSt.Thomas,theUSVirginIslands,thecruisewhereHollisterandAndersonarepassengers,whileBosleyremainsinLosAngelestomonitorthemovementsofCase.Theagency′staskisnotsomuchtoarrestHollisterbutfindwherethemerchandiseistosavetheinsurancecompany5 million on Wellington's insurance claim. One of the Angels has to get to know Hollister, that decision, made by Hollister himself, being Kris. Beyond the known dangers of the case, other issues arise which complicate matters: the Angels have to figure out who the three men on board the ship are, they who are making Hollister nervous; they needing to deal with a less than easy going Avery, who is quick to point blame to the Angels whenever things don't go according to plan; and Kris' strong and growing attraction to Hollister. That attraction includes knowing that he did humanitarian work before turning to a life of crime. Written by Huggo See less