Desperados - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Kyle warns Jason he's better off without a lush like Tanya. Paige brings badly beaten-up Lane to Dr. Adrian Keeper, who patches him up and calls the police, but dealer David 'Mook' Stafford blackmails officer Koch to betray Lane's position...See moreKyle warns Jason he's better off without a lush like Tanya. Paige brings badly beaten-up Lane to Dr. Adrian Keeper, who patches him up and calls the police, but dealer David 'Mook' Stafford blackmails officer Koch to betray Lane's position and later to strand him, so all his efforts to keep 10,000behindtofleatoLondonwithTanyaareinvain.Paige,whotoldJasonshebrokeupwithAdrian,enlistsJason′shelpfirsttobringLanetoErin′s,latertobringthe10,000 behind to flea to London with Tanya are in vain. Paige, who told Jason she broke up with Adrian, enlists Jason's help first to bring Lane to Erin's, later to bring the 10,000behindtofleatoLondonwithTanyaareinvain.Paige,whotoldJasonshebrokeupwithAdrian,enlistsJasonshelpfirsttobringLanetoErins,latertobringthe30,000 from Lane's locker to Mook, who got Lane again after Jason forced him to talk to the police, alas ignoring Koch's double part. In the end Mook and Lane get a legal surprise... Meanwhile Trevor, who was sacked as CEO, arrive back home, hoping a trip down memory lane could rekindle his marriage, but Ginny just won't reconsider calling off the divorce. Written by KGF Vissers See less