29 September 2003: Part 1 - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
It's the day after yesterday and Dave puts more pressure on Rodney, even making illegal acts like threatening and broking some of his antiques. Howard comes by Rodney's house since they made an agreement of settling the deal this morning ...See moreIt's the day after yesterday and Dave puts more pressure on Rodney, even making illegal acts like threatening and broking some of his antiques. Howard comes by Rodney's house since they made an agreement of settling the deal this morning but Rodney stalls for more time, putting it up until later the same day. Mr. Bevan is understandably annoyed. Gloria forces Eric to choose between his (and Steph's) business scam or their marriage. Eric succumbs and gives Rodney the planning permission but is his chance to sell it off to Howard Bevan gone? Robert drives himself and Elaine home from a picnic but gets into a car crash on Robblesfield Road when the former doesn't pay enough attention on his driving. Elaine isn't wakening up after the accident but Robert seems to have come out if it pretty much unharmed. He sees to it that an ambulance is sent for but while he waits, in a bid to save his own skin, he makes the life changing decision to move her to the driver's seat, which increases the chance of her dying. Andy finds out what he did but his brother begs him to keep quiet. When the paramedics arrive, Robert starts spinning a web of lies. Also, Ollie's farewell party starts. Written by Anonymous See less