The Professor's Peculiar Precautions - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Peter's collection of minerals was regarded as remarkable, and he took great pains to see that it remained in his possession. His house was most carefully guarded against thieves and fire. By opening a certain window the police were ...See morePeter's collection of minerals was regarded as remarkable, and he took great pains to see that it remained in his possession. His house was most carefully guarded against thieves and fire. By opening a certain window the police were automatically told that burglars were on the premises, any extra heat in the room (even the heat of a lighted cigar, as Peter found out) being enough to send an alarm to the fire department, while an ingenious attachment to the safe, held fast any intruder who might try to open it without first turning off a catch. While the intruder was held helpless, a signal flashed in a Burglar Protective Agency, and the scheme was that a sleuth would at once be sent around to lead the criminal to a cell. Within a very short time Peter had turned in so many false alarms, "testing" the apparatus, that no one paid any attention to him. In fact, the matter became such a joke that the newspapers printed an article about it. This item fell under the eye of a collector who had sold Peter a famous uncut diamond and held Peter's note for 2,000,balancestilldue.Itstruckthismanthathecouldeasilygetthegem,andhecalledatmidnightoneeveningforthatpurpose.Whenhearrivedtwoprofessionalburglarswereonthejob.TheyhadboundPeterinhischairandweretryingtoblowupthesafe.Theymiscalculated,somehow,andusedtoomuchexplosive.Theresultwasthattheentirepartywereblownthroughtheroof,landinginapolicestation,wheretheastutePetercollectedarewardof2,000, balance still due. It struck this man that he could easily get the gem, and he called at midnight one evening for that purpose. When he arrived two professional burglars were on the job. They had bound Peter in his chair and were trying to blow up the safe. They miscalculated, somehow, and used too much explosive. The result was that the entire party were blown through the roof, landing in a police station, where the astute Peter collected a reward of 2,000,balancestilldue.Itstruckthismanthathecouldeasilygetthegem,andhecalledatmidnightoneeveningforthatpurpose.Whenhearrivedtwoprofessionalburglarswereonthejob.TheyhadboundPeterinhischairandweretryingtoblowupthesafe.Theymiscalculated,somehow,andusedtoomuchexplosive.Theresultwasthattheentirepartywereblownthroughtheroof,landinginapolicestation,wheretheastutePetercollectedarewardof3,000 for the delivery of three burglars. Then he added insult to injury by paying up his note out of the reward money, explaining to his unhappy fellow collector that ''perhaps your lawyer may need the cash." From that time on Peter always defended his system of "testing" fire and burglar apparatus, claiming most justly that he had made $3,000 out of it, and the investment was worth it. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less