Steven's Sweet Sisters - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Stephen was a bachelor and made his home with his three sisters. He really was proud of the girls, but he was extremely tired of their suitors, for each girl had a fiancé, but it seemed to the unhappy Stephen that they were around the ...See moreStephen was a bachelor and made his home with his three sisters. He really was proud of the girls, but he was extremely tired of their suitors, for each girl had a fiancé, but it seemed to the unhappy Stephen that they were around the house all the time. One morning Stephen received word that a relative had died, leaving 100,000undermostpeculiarconditions.IfStephenwasmarried,hegotallthemoney,otherwiseitwastobedividedamongthoseofhisthreesisterswhoweddedbeforehedid.Stephenrealizedthatifthegirlsknewwhatwasgoingon,theywouldhastentheirmarriages,anddohimoutofhisestate.Sobyatrickheluredthemintoaroomupstairs,aftercarefullyplacingbarsonthewindow,andlockedthemin,tellingthemhewasgoingtogetmarried,andafterthathewouldletthemout.Stephenhadneverbeenaladies′man,andtherewasnoparticulargirlinsight,buthewaswillingtotakealmostanykindofachancefor100,000 under most peculiar conditions. If Stephen was married, he got all the money, otherwise it was to be divided among those of his three sisters who wedded before he did. Stephen realized that if the girls knew what was going on, they would hasten their marriages, and do him out of his estate. So by a trick he lured them into a room upstairs, after carefully placing bars on the window, and locked them in, telling them he was going to get married, and after that he would let them out. Stephen had never been a ladies' man, and there was no particular girl in sight, but he was willing to take almost any kind of a chance for 100,000undermostpeculiarconditions.IfStephenwasmarried,hegotallthemoney,otherwiseitwastobedividedamongthoseofhisthreesisterswhoweddedbeforehedid.Stephenrealizedthatifthegirlsknewwhatwasgoingon,theywouldhastentheirmarriages,anddohimoutofhisestate.Sobyatrickheluredthemintoaroomupstairs,aftercarefullyplacingbarsonthewindow,andlockedthemin,tellingthemhewasgoingtogetmarried,andafterthathewouldletthemout.Stephenhadneverbeenaladies′man,andtherewasnoparticulargirlinsight,buthewaswillingtotakealmostanykindofachancefor100,000. He called on several damsels failed to meet several, and finally in despair, picked up a maiden lady of uncertain years, and led her off to the marriage license bureau. In the meantime the girls communicated to one of their suitors, who happened to be passing the house. He told another, who was the marriage license clerk, and the latter put an obstacle in the brother's path by giving him a revolver license instead of a matrimonial permit. Then the three suitors routed out the Justice of the Peace, and rushed around to the house to get married. They couldn't get inside to set the girls free, but they put a ladder up to the window, signed the marriage licenses, which the clerical suitor thoughtfully brought along, and were wedded, bridegrooms outside and brides in the house. In the meantime the brother had been hustling about, and unable to get a license in his home town, decided to cross the border to the next state. This probability had been foreseen, for another one of the suitors owned the only garage in town, and he instructed his man in charge to supply an auto if requested, but to keep the brother and his intended bride moving around in a circle, and make it impossible for them to be wedded anywhere. This was done, and when brother finally reached his own home, after a circular trip of the neighborhood, he was in time to receive three stalwart brothers-in-law. He saw he had been outwitted, and his anger turned to the woman he expected to marry. She could see no reason why the wedding should not be performed just the same, but he did. He helped her back into the auto and told the chauffeur to move on. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less