The Winning Number - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Hester Chase, a young woman, is made sole heiress of her uncle's fortune, on condition that she marries before arriving at the age of twenty-one. This creates consternation in the Chase family, since she has never yet seen the man whom she...See moreHester Chase, a young woman, is made sole heiress of her uncle's fortune, on condition that she marries before arriving at the age of twenty-one. This creates consternation in the Chase family, since she has never yet seen the man whom she would care to marry, except the young lawyer Jack Bowen, but he is already engaged to Tilly Druce, a young woman who seems to feel that her engagement to one young man should not interfere with her flirtations with another. Prominent among the others is one, Charley Stone, whose attentions are most persistent. The announcement in the newspapers of the strange provisions of Uncle Chase's will brings Hester many offers, all of which she turns down, thereby plunging her parents into despair, since her twenty-first birthday is only six weeks distant. One day Hester and Jack Bowen chance to meet at a photograph gallery and they exchange photographs. Tilly becomes jealous at seeing the photograph, for in spite of her flirtation with Charley Stone, she intends to marry Jack on account of his social position. Hester's parents at their wits ends conceive the plan of facing her with her several suitors and compel her to make a choice. Accordingly her father repairs to his club where he gathers the suitors and marches them to the Chase home loaded with gifts of flowers Hester, however, is adamant, and when one of the young men suggests that the suitors shall shake the dice to determine who is to be the successful one, she indignantly dismisses them all. But the gambling suggestion makes an impression upon Hester and at a bazaar in aid of the White Cross Fund, she agrees to raffle herself among the desirable young patrons, reserving to herself thee right to whom she shall sell the l,000chances.DuringthebazaarCharleyStoneinducesTillytoelopewithhim,shereturnsJack′sengagementring,andJackhurriestotheraffleboothonlytofindthatthelastchancehasbeensold.Thewinningnumber2313isheldbyMontagueJones,themostundesirableofallofHester′ssuitors,anditisagreedthatthemarriagebetweenthemshallbeannouncedonthemorrow,inpursuanceoftheraffleagreement.ButhurryingtotheclubthenextdayJackmeetsJones,findshimimpecunious,offershiml,000 chances. During the bazaar Charley Stone induces Tilly to elope with him, she returns Jack's engagement ring, and Jack hurries to the raffle booth only to find that the last chance has been sold. The winning number 2313 is held by Montague Jones, the most undesirable of all of Hester's suitors, and it is agreed that the marriage between them shall be announced on the morrow, in pursuance of the raffle agreement. But hurrying to the club the next day Jack meets Jones, finds him impecunious, offers him l,000chances.DuringthebazaarCharleyStoneinducesTillytoelopewithhim,shereturnsJacksengagementring,andJackhurriestotheraffleboothonlytofindthatthelastchancehasbeensold.Thewinningnumber2313isheldbyMontagueJones,themostundesirableofallofHesterssuitors,anditisagreedthatthemarriagebetweenthemshallbeannouncedonthemorrow,inpursuanceoftheraffleagreement.ButhurryingtotheclubthenextdayJackmeetsJones,findshimimpecunious,offershim5,000 for his declination to carry out the results of his victory, and soon Hester is in the arms of the one man she has ever met whom she would marry from choice. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less