The Royal Wishbone - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Walking down one of Constantinople's quiet streets, Sandy Whipple, sailor, etc., chanced to spy a pretty maid out for an airing. He was attracted by the girl because he caught her eye just at a time when she smiled, so he followed in her ...See moreWalking down one of Constantinople's quiet streets, Sandy Whipple, sailor, etc., chanced to spy a pretty maid out for an airing. He was attracted by the girl because he caught her eye just at a time when she smiled, so he followed in her wake. Her path led directly to the palace of the Sultan. Perceiving his presence, Zuleika, queen of the royal harem, desired a further acquaintance, for she cleverly eluded her chaperone and motioned Sandy to a secluded corner in the garden where she soon joined him. Sandy was told to wait for her signal, then she would show him the palace. Sandy obeyed instructions and was rewarded by a visit to the palace. Unconsciously, he was standing in the "Wishing Grotto of the Enchanted Bird," and was so lost in amazement at the sight that he did not hear his fair companion's cry of fear. Then he was bundled into an old casket and told to remain quiet. Sandy used his eyes to good advantage and took in the entire strange ceremony through a crack in one of the panels. First came the Sultan, attended by his royal body-guard, fan bearers and dancing girls. Then more girls appeared attended by the Grand Vizier and a detachment of soldiery. They grouped themselves around an oddly fashioned throne, and there he saw, perched on a jeweled pedestal a turkey to whom the royal party made obeisance. By simply bowing to the enchanted bird every wish of the Sultan's was gratified. He wished for gold and fat wives, and, at a nod from the turkey they all appeared. After that they all filed out and left Sandy in possession. Quick to realize the value of the wishing bird our hero lost no time in clutching him and making off with him to the nearest ship. There he hid the turkey under a tarpaulin and also concealed himself until the vessel was well under way. Jerry Jones had his weather eye on the proceeding and he managed to remove the royal plunder and transfer it to the ship's steward. Sandy was put to work and later invited to the mess room for a feast. Roast turkey was on the ship's menu and Sandy was presented with the wish-bone for his portion. "He ate the meat and saved the bone," as the saying goes, but was thunderstruck to find, later on, his valued bird missing. His rage knew no bounds. Sandy could fight when riled and here he proved it. Port was reached at last and Sandy wandered off to the nearest rum-shop to drown his sorrow and disappointment. Thirty years after, we find him in a room in "The Sailor's Rest," raking over the past. From his dunnage he drew a bleached and shiny wish-bone and unconsciously wished for a wife and children, when lo! He actually beheld the gratification of his wish in the shape of a buxom woman of fifty and several dirty-faced kids of various ages. Then hunger came and he decided to try his luck on the food proposition. But he made a mistake by wishing himself in the main dining room of the Hotel Plaza for the guests disapprove of his presence and succeed in having him thrown out. Outside the hotel Sandy betook himself to Central Park and there seated himself on a bench to think it over. Unconsciously his hand closed on the wishbone in his pocket as he longed for a cool place. In an instant he was knee deep in snow, with a crowd of boys throwing snowballs at him. Back to the Orient was his next wish. Around him he sees familiar Oriental faces, among them his beloved queen. Summoning the royal flower girls, the Sultan orders them to scatter roses about the sailor-turkey; Zuleika and her handmaidens gather round and fold him in their warm embrace and Sandy is the happiest man-bird in all Mohammed's realm. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less