The Golden Girls - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
In 1985, Susan Harris, creator of the hit sitcoms "Soap" and "Benson," turned her attention to an unusual premise: four women over the age of fifty living together and still remaining active and vital in their "golden" years. The resulting...See moreIn 1985, Susan Harris, creator of the hit sitcoms "Soap" and "Benson," turned her attention to an unusual premise: four women over the age of fifty living together and still remaining active and vital in their "golden" years. The resulting series, "The Golden Girls," became an internationally acclaimed smash hit, winning 11 Emmy awards and running for seven highly-rated seasons on NBC. Cast and crew members discuss its origin, its production history, its end, and its ill-fated 1992 sequel series on CBS, "Golden Palace." Written by Attmay See less