A Secret of the Sea - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Burton, a private banker, is heavily involved; financial ruin stares him in the face. Capt. Corri has been easy prey in the hands of the wily banker, who led him into losing stock speculations. The captain has planned to sail on what ...See moreBurton, a private banker, is heavily involved; financial ruin stares him in the face. Capt. Corri has been easy prey in the hands of the wily banker, who led him into losing stock speculations. The captain has planned to sail on what promises to be a profitable trip at an early date, only waiting for necessary funds to provision his ship. Tired of the delay he upbraids Burton, who calmly informs him of the situation and that his bank will not open the following day. But fate intervenes in behalf of the banker and the captain. Burton has won for his promised bride, Flora Domey. It is Flora who saves her fiancé from impending ruin. She calls at the banker's office interrupting the wordy interview between Burton and the Captain. Flora has great news, she has induced Baron Mauntant, the millionaire husband of her old school chum, to deposit a large amount with Burton's bank, and the banker is to meet the millionaire and his family that evening with Flora. The meeting takes place and Burton easily influences the millionaire to deposit the major portion of his funds and securities in his care. The Baron, who is shortly to leave Paris for a lengthy stay abroad, by a strange coincidence takes passage with Capt. Corri, of which fact Burton is informed. Burton, elated at the possibility of regaining his losses now that he has the millionaire's funds to speculate with, conceives a means to forever gain possession of this fortune. He does not hesitate to take Capt. Corri into his confidence and propose that the Baron must meet with a fatal accident while aboard ship. The captain refuses to be a party to the conspiracy, but Burton points out it must be done or ruin will only be temporarily deferred until the Baron returns. Corri eventually realizes there is no other alternative and reluctantly consents to carry out the plot. The vessel sails and the captain and the Baron are much in each other's company but the captain cannot bring himself to deliberately put this man out of the way. Sighting a group of rocky islands during the trip the captain has an idea. He, unobserved, disables the engines of the vessel which necessitates anchoring off the island until repairs are made. During the wait he induces the Baron to visit the island and Captain Corri returns alone, reporting to the vessel's crew that the Baron accidentally fell down a bottomless ravine. Reaching port the captain wires the news to Burton who consoles the sorrowing widow and her daughter. Burton has applied the Baron's funds to his own use and even though the millionaire is dead, his widow will someday ask for an accounting. He cultivates her friendship, neglects Flora and at the end of a year proposes marriage. The widow is evasive, promises to consider his proposal realizing that he has some ulterior motive and consults her friend Flora. Capt. Corri returns from his trip and hastens to Burton to obtain his share of the spoils but meets with disappointment as the arch villain points out that it cannot be done until after he has married the widow. The conspirators are not to meet with the success they anticipate, the sea gave up its secret. Baron Mauntant did not fall down the ravine; he was deserted by Capt. Corri and marooned upon the island. Corri was too cowardly to personally put his victim out of the way, so left him to die a lingering death. The crew of a fishing smack picked up a bottle at sea in which was found the story of the Baron's misfortune, dated over a year ago. The authorities were quickly notified of the message and attended to the punishment of Barton and his tool in short order. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less