Roped and Tied - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Why father preferred Victor Jackson, just because he had money, to a fine chap like Ned Harvey, for his sister's future husband, Dick Lyons, was totally at a loss to understand. Money wasn't everything, and he didn't intend to have Millie ...See moreWhy father preferred Victor Jackson, just because he had money, to a fine chap like Ned Harvey, for his sister's future husband, Dick Lyons, was totally at a loss to understand. Money wasn't everything, and he didn't intend to have Millie made miserable for life, not if he could help it. Accordingly when Ned, after proposing for the girl's hand, had been literally kicked off of the place by Daniel Lyons, Dick gallantly came to the fore by offering to act as messenger for the lovers. The boy's first attempt, however, met with but sorry success; his father not only demanded the note from him, but, likewise, planned with Jackson to surprise Ned at his trysting place, and give him a sound beating. Fortunately, Dick had overheard their plans, so by notifying his friend, who quickly secured Long Bill to take his place, the tables were neatly turned, and both old man Lyons and Jackson were only too glad to reach home. But so enraged was the father at this outrage to his dignity, that he declared Millie should marry the man of his choice, on the following day. So determined to take no chances, he promptly locked the young lady in her room. No sooner bad his footsteps died away, however, than Millie sat down and wrote a note; then, watching out of the window until Dick passed by, she cautiously attracted his attention, and bade him take the note to her sweetheart, with all possible speed. At first, Ned was at a loss which way to proceed, but as he gazed at the brother, and noted their striking resemblance, a plan quickly formed in his mind. In a few moments, Dick had galloped back to the ranch, and on the tape which Millie had let down, tied Ned's answer, telling her to throw out some of her clothes, a hat and veil, and leave the rest to him. Quickly the boy snatched them up, and hurried back of the barn, where with the aid of sister's "Sunday hair," he was soon transformed into what Tenbrook declared was "some squab." Quietly the three stole up to Millie's window, then, after Dick had mounted his horse, and a ladder had been placed conveniently near, Tenbrook was sent in to notify old man Lyons and his friend, Jackson, who had just arrived with the minister, that Millie was at that moment making her escape. Waiting until he heard the two men almost behind him, Dick dashed out of the yard, and although the others quickly ran for their horses, it was some time before the truant was captured, and even then, his veil protected him from detection. In the meanwhile, the ladder had been used to such good effect, that Parson Jenkins had already given Mr. and Mrs. Harvey his blessing, and they had slipped into the next room to watch the fun, when Daniel Lyons, with his runaway "daughter," and her future husband arrived. Reading by the old minister's astonished face that all had gone well with his friend, Dick calmly lifted his veil; an amusing scene followed, in which Jackson angrily insisted that Lyons had been playing a joke on him, and but for Ned's timely interference, the father would certainly have received a good beating. Happily, the other's outburst of temper had brought the old man to his senses, so that when Millie informed him of her marriage, he not only gave the young people his blessing, but a substantial wedding present, as well. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less