Nichts ist besser als gar nichts - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

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Nichts ist besser als gar nichts's primary photo

Primary photo for Nichts ist besser als gar nichts

89 min |Documentary, Biography, News

When Jan Peters' girlfriend accidentally takes his wallet on a trip to foreign climes, she leaves the filmmaker standing in Frankfurt Airport without a penny to his name. The only capital he possesses is a group ticket for the public ...See moreWhen Jan Peters' girlfriend accidentally takes his wallet on a trip to foreign climes, she leaves the filmmaker standing in Frankfurt Airport without a penny to his name. The only capital he possesses is a group ticket for the public transport system. After hearing about people who supplement their inadequate incomes by 'escorting' groups of tourists across the city, Mr Peters decides to apply the same method to his own situation. The filmmaker starts a business as an 'independent travel escort' and enters an obscure world of supplementary jobs and adventurous business models. Written by Anonymous See less

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