Lottery Ticket - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Possessors of a lottery ticket, and hearing a newspaper boy on the street calling out the results, hubby and his wife leave their meal unfinished and run downstairs to secure the official report. They read over every number nervously until...See morePossessors of a lottery ticket, and hearing a newspaper boy on the street calling out the results, hubby and his wife leave their meal unfinished and run downstairs to secure the official report. They read over every number nervously until they come to their own cipher. Oh joy! They have won the first prize. They rejoice over their good fortune, but are a little too exuberant over their luck, for a burglar, concealed in the room, hears of the big amount of money to be collected and makes up his mind to steal the tickets. As the husband departs for the banking house he shows his wife that for security sake he is putting the valuable papers in his hat. The burglar notices this and decides upon a clever scheme. He follows his victim downstairs and tells the door porter, who has seen his tenant rush by, that he is crazy, and they both go chasing after him. The burglar, meeting on his way a boy with a bicycle, promises the lad a few pennies if he will catch up to the man that is running away and knock him down with his machine. The urchin consents, and both man and boy start their chase afresh. They at last come upon the tired, pursued citizen, and the boy knocking him down as arranged, the thief deftly exchanges his hat for the fallen one of his victim. So intent on his purpose of getting the money is our man, however, that he fails to notice the crowd following him and the change that has taken place in the headgears, and arrives exhausted at the ticket office. He takes off his hat but alas! the tickets have gone. Frantic with rage and regret, he is trying to explain his misfortune to the counter clerk when in marches the thief, holding the stolen hat containing the tickets. At the sight of his property, the unfortunate dupe tries to snatch the tickets from the other's hands. A fight ensues, and the police arriving on the scene, march the honest man to the police station and. the burglar is seen departing with the collected money, unmolested and envied by the whole ticket office. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less