The Lover's Guide - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

A Lovesick Youth: "Cholly" has arrived at the time of life when every girl seems a divinity. Uncertain of his powers, he buys and alleged "Lover's Guide," and works overtime to master its rules. Invitation to the Picnic: Anxious to try his...See moreA Lovesick Youth: "Cholly" has arrived at the time of life when every girl seems a divinity. Uncertain of his powers, he buys and alleged "Lover's Guide," and works overtime to master its rules. Invitation to the Picnic: Anxious to try his knowledge, "Cholly" arranges a select party, including himself and lady friends. Girls are "delighted" and eager to go. "They're Off:" "Cholly" burns midnight oil to finish his education. The happy day arrives, "Cholly" gallant, but nervous. Girls ready. Give "Cholly" a few things to carry not mentioned in the "Guide." In the Country: "Cholly" does his best to manage a bevy of frisky girls and a wagonload of "traps." "Cholly" rides in the rear. The Worst to Come: Rocky roads and hilly. "Cholly" takes a tumble. Gets tangled in the hammock. Girls, intent on a "talkfest," do not miss him. But horses have to rest and "Cholly" catches up. "Such a Lovely Dinner:" Girls allow "Cholly" to "set the table," make the fire, carry water, and wash the dishes. He is happy, nervous, and dirty, "falls all over himself." The girls have fun with him. "Cholly Has His Inning:" The girls seek shady nooks to rest or read. "Cholly" gets busy. Makes love to each girl in succession. He works hard, but, guidebook in hand, he approaches Nellie. The mosquitoes rout them. Margie is up a tree. "Cholly" tries elevated love-making. The branch breaks; his ardor cools. Under a haystack he spies Dottie. The girls "butt in" and they flee. A Damp Gallant: A rickety footbridge o'er a stream. "Cholly" carries Mabel on his back. Not far, but such a ducking! "Cholly" retires in disgrace. Homeward Bound:-"Cholly" packs up. Girls impatient, drive off and leave "Cholly." A mad rush to catch up. Arrives in lime to see girls leave on the train with a handsome drummer. "Cholly" a wiser hut sadder man. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less