Phobia - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
The story follows the life and mind of young, "Kat", a psychotic girl with a talent for killing and she has her aims set on her ultimate demon, the RABBIT. Having a Phobia of rabbits has led her down a path of malice and having surrendered...See moreThe story follows the life and mind of young, "Kat", a psychotic girl with a talent for killing and she has her aims set on her ultimate demon, the RABBIT. Having a Phobia of rabbits has led her down a path of malice and having surrendered to her fear for too long, she decides to take on her fear once and for all. But before she can confront her enemy and antagonist, she will have to work her way up to the task by donning the bunny costume, armed with a carrot as her weapon and embracing her demons; all the while killing innocent teens in the process. Whether she succeeds or fails in defeating her "bunny fear" remains to be seen, it's only 9:30pm and the party has just begun... Written by Marceline Maclemore See less