Live Finale - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
As those that fell below the yellow line in the penultimate weigh-in, Jackson and Joe find out which of the two the American public has voted for to join Danni and Jeff as one of the final three contestants. Bob, Jillian, and Dolvett ...See moreAs those that fell below the yellow line in the penultimate weigh-in, Jackson and Joe find out which of the two the American public has voted for to join Danni and Jeff as one of the final three contestants. Bob, Jillian, and Dolvett provide their thoughts about this season and their interactions with the contestants and with each other. Interspersed with other segments is the story of each of the three childhood obesity ambassadors, each who has a special outcome from their journey thus far. The at-home contestants are introduced and Alison describes a little of their journey on the show and after leaving the ranch before they each weigh-in for the final time to determine the winner of the 100,000at−homeprize.AlisonintroducesasegmentontheChallengeAmericaprogram,forwhicheachtrainerintroducesamemberoftheAmericanpublicwhohasgonethroughtheirownweightlossjourneyathome.Alisonalsointroduces[JaredFogle](,whoannouncesoneofthetwoBiggestLosercontestantswhowillstarinaSubwaycommercialwithhim.DanniandJeffarethenintroducedandweigh−inwiththethirdfinalisttoseewhoisthewinnerofthe100,000 at-home prize. Alison introduces a segment on the Challenge America program, for which each trainer introduces a member of the American public who has gone through their own weight loss journey at home. Alison also introduces Jared Fogle, who announces one of the two Biggest Loser contestants who will star in a Subway commercial with him. Danni and Jeff are then introduced and weigh-in with the third finalist to see who is the winner of the 100,000at−homeprize.AlisonintroducesasegmentontheChallengeAmericaprogram,forwhicheachtrainerintroducesamemberoftheAmericanpublicwhohasgonethroughtheirownweightlossjourneyathome.Alisonalsointroduces[JaredFogle](,whoannouncesoneofthetwoBiggestLosercontestantswhowillstarinaSubwaycommercialwithhim.DanniandJeffarethenintroducedandweigh−inwiththethirdfinalisttoseewhoisthewinnerofthe250,000 and the title of the Biggest Loser Season 14. Written by Huggo See less