The First Law - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)
Toward the close of the same day whose noon witnessed the affair of the mine, a solitary motorist may be observed slowly approaching the mountain village of Mesquite in a motorcar drawn by two horses. The solitary motorist is none other ...See moreToward the close of the same day whose noon witnessed the affair of the mine, a solitary motorist may be observed slowly approaching the mountain village of Mesquite in a motorcar drawn by two horses. The solitary motorist is none other than Seneca Trine. Repairing to the Mountain house, Mr. Trine finds there his two aides, Marrophat and Jimmy. Seneca's gloom is changed to joy when he is informed of Marrophat's brilliant coup of the abandoned mine. Trine has them make him comfortable for the night. In the act of bidding him goodnight. Marrophat, feeling in his pocket for a match, brings forth a Trey o' Hearts. He laughingly displays it and carelessly sails it out of the open window. In the course of the night, Judith, Rose, Alan and Barcus are to be seen camping by the trail-side. Peace has been patched up between the sisters, though Rose is still suspicious and watchful of Judith's attitude in respect of Alan. Judith, divining this, suspicions by starting up a flirtation with Barcus. Waking at an early hour, the party sets out for Mesquite, reaching that village while the shadows are still long. As they approach the hotel, Rose utters a cry of terror, and points down to the trey o' hearts. With this warning, Alan calls Barcus and Judith back from the entrance to the hotel, and the discovery of the stalled motorcar waiting round in some conspicuous place confirms their apprehensions. They promptly set about finding some expeditious way out of town. Barcus unearths two motorcycles. The party sets out. The noise of the motors wakens Seneca Trine. He wheels his chair to the window in time to see Alan and Rose tearing off in a cloud of dust. Marrophat and Jimmy stagger sleepily into Trine's presence. His information drives them out quickly enough, in search of some conveyance in which to pursue. They find nothing until, after sometime, a gentleman of the countryside drives into town in his 80-horsepower racer. This machine, Marrophat proceeds to purchase. Jimmy, meantime, purchases a rifle. In spite of the long lead Alan et al. have gained the racing car is quickly at their heels. After something like an hour of furious racing, Barcus' motorcycle develops trouble and comes to a full stop. This happens when he was perhaps hundred-yard lead of Alan and Rose. To avoid running Barcus and Judith down, Alan steers his cycle too close to the outer edge of the road. It shoots over the edge and down the 90 foot declivity. They roll to the bottom and escape unhurt. Jimmy takes an ineffective shot at Barcus in passing. Judith replies by whipping out her revolver. Barcus, when he has joined Rose and Alan with Judith at the bottom of the declivity, points out that the accident has occurred at the mouth of a canyon, which may afford them a way of escape. They accordingly strike out afoot. Suspecting that they have been tricked, Marrophat and Jimmy halt the racing car until chance favors them with a glimpse of their landscape. They find a side trail which enables them to overcome in a great measure the lead of the fugitives before rough going compel them to abandon the car and continue the pursuit afoot. The discovery that they are closely pursued comes to the fugitives simultaneously with the discovery that the canyon ends abruptly in a steep, sheer rocky cliff. Alan finds two lengths of rope. Barcus and Rose are hitched together with one of these and start the ascent. Alan and Judith follow tied to one another. Jimmy's magazine rifle runs out of ammunition. He has no more. His revolver and Marrophat's as usual fail to do any damage. Finding the prospect of the climb little to their taste, they turn back, regain the racing car, and seek another way of overtaking the fugitives. Barcus and Rose mount without mishap. When Alan is near the top however Judith, below him, loses her foot hold and plunges out over the abyss. Her full weight coming suddenly on the rope, pulls his feet from under him. He falls sprawling and his legs are well out over the ledge, while he grasps in vain for a handhold. Judith appreciating his peril, ships a knife and deliberately severs the rope. She falls about fifty feet and lands on a shelving bank of shale. Alan relieved of her weight, crawls back on the ledge. For a time he lies there, sick with the vision he has of Judith dashed to death. Rose and Barcus witness the accident from the top. Barcus discovers a hydraulic mining outfit at some distance. There is a man in charge of it. He offers Barcus rope and tackle wherewith to rescue Judith. They return to the cliff. When Alan recovers, he looks down and sees Judith safe. He effects the rescue, is drawn to safety with Judith in his arms. As the two gain the top of the cliff, Rose catches sight of Marrophat's car toiling upward. Thus warned, the party runs for the hydraulic mining outfit. The miner swings the hydraulic nozzle directly on the machine. The stream hits the car like a cannon ball, carries it back several feet, and over the edge of the cliff. Exit Marrophat and Jimmy for good. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less