Day 11 - Production & Contact Info (original) (raw)

Name Known for
Samba Adama's primary photo Samba AdamaSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Mauritania) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Mauritania) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Ahmad Al-Shamy's primary photo Ahmad Al-ShamySelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Syria) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Syria) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Rumen Alabakov's primary photo Rumen AlabakovSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Bulgaria) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Bulgaria) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Anton Baraniak's primary photo Anton BaraniakSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Czechoslovakia) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Czechoslovakia) See fewer Moscow 1980: Games of the XXII Olympiad (1980)
Hubert Bindels's primary photo Hubert BindelsSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Belgium) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Belgium) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Doug Cox's primary photo Doug CoxSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Canada) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Canada) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Milan Cukovic's primary photo Milan CukovicSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Guam) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Guam) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Andrew Davies's primary photo Andrew DaviesSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Great Britain) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Great Britain) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Iraklis Deskoulidis's primary photo Iraklis DeskoulidisSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Greece) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Greece) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Zevegiin Düvchin's primary photo Zevegiin DüvchinSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Mongolia) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Mongolia) See fewer Moscow 1980: Games of the XXII Olympiad (1980)
Graeme English's primary photo Graeme EnglishSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Great Britain) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Great Britain) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Roberto Neves Filho's primary photo Roberto Neves FilhoSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Brazil) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Brazil) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Paul Foerster's primary photo Paul FoersterSelf - Sailor (United States) Self - Sailor (United States) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Sachiko Fujita's primary photo Sachiko FujitaSelf - Volleyball Player (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player (Japan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Moustapha Guèye's primary photo Moustapha GuèyeSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Senegal) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Senegal) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Ilias Hatzipavlis's primary photo Ilias HatzipavlisSelf - Sailor (Greece) Self - Sailor (Greece) See fewer Moscow 1980: Games of the XXII Olympiad (1980)
Norie Hiro's primary photo Norie HiroSelf - Volleyball Player (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player (Japan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Su Huijuan's primary photo Su HuijuanSelf - Volleyball Player (China) Self - Volleyball Player (China) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Christian Iloanusi's primary photo Christian IloanusiSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Nigeria) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Nigeria) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
József Jacsó's primary photo József JacsóSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Hungary) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Hungary) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Makharbek Khadartsev's primary photo Makharbek KhadartsevSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Soviet Union) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Soviet Union) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Taj Mohammad Khairi's primary photo Taj Mohammad KhairiSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Afghanistan) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Afghanistan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Tae-Woo Kim's primary photo Tae-Woo KimSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (South Korea) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (South Korea) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Walter Koenig's primary photo Walter KoenigSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Australia) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Australia) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Edwin Lins's primary photo Edwin LinsSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Austria) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Austria) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Greg Louganis's primary photo Greg LouganisSelf - Diver (United States) Self - Diver (United States) See fewer Battle of the Decades (2023)
Bodo Lukowski's primary photo Bodo LukowskiSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (West Germany) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (West Germany) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Stanislaw Malysa's primary photo Stanislaw MalysaSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Poland) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Poland) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Konstantinos Manthos's primary photo Konstantinos ManthosSelf - Sailor (Greece) Self - Sailor (Greece) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Abdul Majeed Maruwala's primary photo Abdul Majeed MaruwalaSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Pakistan) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Pakistan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Yumi Maruyama's primary photo Yumi MaruyamaSelf - Volleyball Player Team Captain (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player Team Captain (Japan) See fewer Bangkok 1978 Asian Games (1978)
Zheng Meizhu's primary photo Zheng MeizhuSelf - Volleyball Player (China) Self - Volleyball Player (China) See fewer 10th Asian Games Seoul 1986 (1986)
Jesús Mena's primary photo Jesús MenaSelf - Diver (Mexico) Self - Diver (Mexico) See fewer Mena
Jeff Michels's primary photo Jeff MichelsSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (United States) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (United States) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Kumi Nakada's primary photo Kumi NakadaSelf - Volleyball Player (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player (Japan) See fewer 2018 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Championship (2018)
Xiong Ni's primary photo Xiong NiSelf - Diver (China) Self - Diver (China) See fewer Sydney 2000: Games of the XXVII Olympiad (2000)
Jerzy Niec's primary photo Jerzy NiecSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Poland) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Poland) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Rickard Nilsson's primary photo Rickard NilssonSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Sweden) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Sweden) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Norberto Oberburger's primary photo Norberto OberburgerSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Italy) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Italy) See fewer Moscow 1980: Games of the XXII Olympiad (1980)
Pius Ochieng's primary photo Pius OchiengSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Kenya) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Kenya) See fewer World's Strongest Man (1977)
Eduard Ohlinger's primary photo Eduard OhlingerSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (West Germany) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (West Germany) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Akira Ota's primary photo Akira OtaSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Japan) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Japan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Aleksandr Popov's primary photo Aleksandr PopovSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Soviet Union) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Soviet Union) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Bakary Sanneh's primary photo Bakary SannehSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Gambia) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Gambia) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Liane Sato's primary photo Liane SatoSelf - Volleyball Player (United States) Self - Volleyball Player (United States) See fewer Barcelona 1992: Games of the XXV Olympiad (1992)
Jim Scherr's primary photo Jim ScherrSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (United States) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (United States) See fewer Team Foxcatcher (2016)
Michael Schubert's primary photo Michael SchubertSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (East Germany) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (East Germany) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Rich Schutz's primary photo Rich SchutzSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (United States) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (United States) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Frank Seipelt's primary photo Frank SeipeltSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (West Germany) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (West Germany) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Frank Juul Strømbo's primary photo Frank Juul StrømboSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Denmark) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Denmark) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Kayoko Sugiyama's primary photo Kayoko SugiyamaSelf - Volleyball Player (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player (Japan) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Yukiko Takahashi's primary photo Yukiko TakahashiSelf - Volleyball Player (Japan) Self - Volleyball Player (Japan) See fewer Bangkok 1998 Asian Games (1998)
Mark Thomas's primary photo Mark ThomasSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Great Britain) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Great Britain) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Tauama Timoti's primary photo Tauama TimotiSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (American Samoa) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (American Samoa) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Reuben Tucker's primary photo Reuben TuckerSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Guam) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Guam) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Mohammad Reza Tupchi's primary photo Mohammad Reza TupchiSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Iran) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Iran) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Gábor Tóth's primary photo Gábor TóthSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Hungary) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Hungary) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Mehmet Türkkaya's primary photo Mehmet TürkkayaSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Turkey) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Turkey) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Fernanda Venturini's primary photo Fernanda VenturiniSelf - Volleyball Player (Brazil) Self - Volleyball Player (Brazil) See fewer Ouro, Suor e Lágrimas (2015)
Subhash Verma's primary photo Subhash VermaSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (India) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (India) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Ronny Weller's primary photo Ronny WellerSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (East Germany) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (East Germany) See fewer Flutlicht (1984)
Yang Xiaojun's primary photo Yang XiaojunSelf - Volleyball Player (China) Self - Volleyball Player (China) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Yang Xilan's primary photo Yang XilanSelf - Volleyball Player (China) Self - Volleyball Player (China) See fewer 10th Asian Games Seoul 1986 (1986)
Jiang Ying's primary photo Jiang YingSelf - Volleyball Player (China) (as Ying Jiang) Self - Volleyball Player (China) (as Ying Jiang) See fewer 10th Asian Games Seoul 1986 (1986)
Jean-Baptiste Youmbi's primary photo Jean-Baptiste YoumbiSelf - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Cameroon) Self - Freestyle Wrestler Men's 90 kg (Cameroon) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)
Omar Yousfi's primary photo Omar YousfiSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Algeria) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Algeria) See fewer Moscow 1980: Games of the XXII Olympiad (1980)
Hou Yuzhu's primary photo Hou YuzhuSelf - Volleyball Player (China) Self - Volleyball Player (China) See fewer 10th Asian Games Seoul 1986 (1986)
Yuriy Zakharevich's primary photo Yuriy ZakharevichSelf - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Soviet Union) Self - Weightlifter Men's 110 kg (Soviet Union) See fewer Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad (1988)