Andrei Cusco | Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch (original) (raw)
Papers by Andrei Cusco
This paper discusses the interaction between the discourses of empire and nation as it emerged in... more This paper discusses the interaction between the discourses of empire and nation as it emerged in the debates about the proper object of research and the criteria for legitimacy of the newly founded discipline of ethnography in the Russian Empire in the last decades of the 18 th and throughout the 19 th century. A special emphasis will be laid upon the particular features of the appearance and evolution of ethnographic preoccupations in the Russian Empire starting with the second half of the 18 th century, when the first attempts at the synthesis and classification of ethnographic enquiries can be discerned, and spanning the first half of the 19 th century. In this context, the case of Bessarabia represents an illustrative example of the uneasy interaction between the specialized and supposedly "objective" knowledge of learned experts and the agendas of the central and local authorities and officials. My basic goal has been to uncover the relationship between the "imp...
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
The Convolutions of Historical Politics
Since the second half of the 19th century, Romania has asserted itself, along with other European... more Since the second half of the 19th century, Romania has asserted itself, along with other European states, as a “modern mobilizational state”1 which aimed to profoundly transform its population and the mass of its citizens through extensive mobilizing and social engineering projects. Public education has played a central role in this ambitious process of social transformation, being an essential tool of state formation and nation-building2. Shortly after the emergence of the modern Romanian state (1859/61), mass public education was decreed to be universal and compulsory (1865). A modern generalized, secular and centralized primary education system, with a standardized school curriculum and an “army” of professional teachers, was to replace, in a relatively short period, the rudimentary and incomplete, almost non-existent, educational model of the “ancien régime,” despite some notable attempts to create a stable institutionalized education during previous decades. Modern education wa...
The subject of this paper concerns the relations between the czarist authorities and the Romanian... more The subject of this paper concerns the relations between the czarist authorities and the Romanian population from Bessarabia, at the end of the 19th and the beginning and the 20th centuries. The author analyses the process of the “collective identity” formation in the ...
Book Review, Maria Bucur, Eroi și victime: România și memoria celor două războaie mondiale, Trad... more Book Review, Maria Bucur, Eroi și victime: România și memoria celor două războaie mondiale, Traducere de Roxana Cazan, Ioan Bucur și Dan Bălănescu, Iași, Polirom, 2019, 357 pp. done by Andrei Cușco
Euxeinos, 2014
The reintegration of three Southern Bessarabian districts into the Russian Empire in 1878 represe... more The reintegration of three Southern Bessarabian districts into the Russian Empire in 1878 represented not only a high point of the Russian-Romanian symbolic competition for Bessarabia, but also the creation of an 'administrative aberration' within the Russian Empire. The former Romanian territories, merged into the new Ismail uezd, preserved their institutional and legal peculiarities for almost 40 years. Thus, the modern structures of an emerging nation-state were transferred into the Russian imperial context. This article will discuss, first, the attitude of a number of Russian observers and officials towards the 1856 – 1878 Romanian administration, with a special emphasis on mutual perceptions and the foreign policy dimension. Second, the article will examine the polemics concerning the alternative strategies for integrating this region within the empire. The Russian bureaucracy was divided on the issue, oscillating between a centralizing approach and a more pragmatic att...
1878, Before and After: Romanian Nation-Building, Russian Imperial Policies, and Visions of Other... more 1878, Before and After: Romanian Nation-Building, Russian Imperial Policies, and Visions of Otherness in Southern Bessarabia
One of the important mechanisms of the oil weathering processes (OWP) is spreading of oil spills.... more One of the important mechanisms of the oil weathering processes (OWP) is spreading of oil spills. This mechanism is the horizontal expansion of the oil slick with inertia-gravity, gravity-viscosity, and viscous-surface tension. In the prediction of spreading, the surface of the slick can be considered as an ellipse where the major axis is in the direction of the wind. Ocean wave models, which account for the interaction between wind and waves, can be used to predict the state of the sea including wind direction in two dimensions where the wave spectrum is allowed to evolve freely with no constraints on the spectral shape. However, the wave model simulation for long duration is time-consuming. In this study, the technique of deep learning, a part of the machine learning method, is implemented to obtain a model used to get quick prediction of the wind direction. The technique uses outputs from an ocean wave model and applies the multivariate time series to obtain a linear relationship among multiple time series of wind prediction from the wave model. The wind forecast is taken as inputs to the deep learning model. Some of these inputs that are significant are selected by using the sigmoid function which is an activation function. The minimum error of prediction from the deep learning model is obtained by the gradient descent method. The numerical results of the prediction spreading of oil spill in the Gulf of Thailand based on the wind prediction by the deep learning technique are presented.
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 2019
European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 2009
... 1917. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001; Kohut, Zenon. ... 14. The... more ... 1917. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001; Kohut, Zenon. ... 14. The Ukrainian case is discussed in Kohut, The Ukrainian Elite in the Eighteenth Century and Its Integration into the Russian Nobility, here 69. View ...
Ab Imperio, 2015
This article discusses the celebration of the centenary of Bessarabia’s annexation to the Russian... more This article discusses the celebration of the centenary of Bessarabia’s annexation to the Russian Empire in May 1912 and its significance for the conflicting rival Russian and Romanian discourses over this region in the early twentieth century. The authors argue that this event marked a defining moment in the consolidation of Bessarabia’s status as a contested borderland and had a powerful influence on the mutual Russian and Romanian claims to the province’s “symbolic inclusion.” On the one hand, it represented the high point of the attempts of the imperial authorities and the Russian public sphere to construct a coherent image of the province and to forge a representation of Bessarabia as an organic part of the imperial polity. On the other hand, it stimulated a “symbolic competition” between the Russian and Romanian visions of Bessarabia and its population, adding further complexity to Russian–Romanian relations both in the political and symbolic spheres. The Bessarabian case is a...
This paper discusses the interaction between the discourses of empire and nation as it emerged in... more This paper discusses the interaction between the discourses of empire and nation as it emerged in the debates about the proper object of research and the criteria for legitimacy of the newly founded discipline of ethnography in the Russian Empire in the last decades of the 18 th and throughout the 19 th century. A special emphasis will be laid upon the particular features of the appearance and evolution of ethnographic preoccupations in the Russian Empire starting with the second half of the 18 th century, when the first attempts at the synthesis and classification of ethnographic enquiries can be discerned, and spanning the first half of the 19 th century. In this context, the case of Bessarabia represents an illustrative example of the uneasy interaction between the specialized and supposedly "objective" knowledge of learned experts and the agendas of the central and local authorities and officials. My basic goal has been to uncover the relationship between the "imp...
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
The Convolutions of Historical Politics
Since the second half of the 19th century, Romania has asserted itself, along with other European... more Since the second half of the 19th century, Romania has asserted itself, along with other European states, as a “modern mobilizational state”1 which aimed to profoundly transform its population and the mass of its citizens through extensive mobilizing and social engineering projects. Public education has played a central role in this ambitious process of social transformation, being an essential tool of state formation and nation-building2. Shortly after the emergence of the modern Romanian state (1859/61), mass public education was decreed to be universal and compulsory (1865). A modern generalized, secular and centralized primary education system, with a standardized school curriculum and an “army” of professional teachers, was to replace, in a relatively short period, the rudimentary and incomplete, almost non-existent, educational model of the “ancien régime,” despite some notable attempts to create a stable institutionalized education during previous decades. Modern education wa...
The subject of this paper concerns the relations between the czarist authorities and the Romanian... more The subject of this paper concerns the relations between the czarist authorities and the Romanian population from Bessarabia, at the end of the 19th and the beginning and the 20th centuries. The author analyses the process of the “collective identity” formation in the ...
Book Review, Maria Bucur, Eroi și victime: România și memoria celor două războaie mondiale, Trad... more Book Review, Maria Bucur, Eroi și victime: România și memoria celor două războaie mondiale, Traducere de Roxana Cazan, Ioan Bucur și Dan Bălănescu, Iași, Polirom, 2019, 357 pp. done by Andrei Cușco
Euxeinos, 2014
The reintegration of three Southern Bessarabian districts into the Russian Empire in 1878 represe... more The reintegration of three Southern Bessarabian districts into the Russian Empire in 1878 represented not only a high point of the Russian-Romanian symbolic competition for Bessarabia, but also the creation of an 'administrative aberration' within the Russian Empire. The former Romanian territories, merged into the new Ismail uezd, preserved their institutional and legal peculiarities for almost 40 years. Thus, the modern structures of an emerging nation-state were transferred into the Russian imperial context. This article will discuss, first, the attitude of a number of Russian observers and officials towards the 1856 – 1878 Romanian administration, with a special emphasis on mutual perceptions and the foreign policy dimension. Second, the article will examine the polemics concerning the alternative strategies for integrating this region within the empire. The Russian bureaucracy was divided on the issue, oscillating between a centralizing approach and a more pragmatic att...
1878, Before and After: Romanian Nation-Building, Russian Imperial Policies, and Visions of Other... more 1878, Before and After: Romanian Nation-Building, Russian Imperial Policies, and Visions of Otherness in Southern Bessarabia
One of the important mechanisms of the oil weathering processes (OWP) is spreading of oil spills.... more One of the important mechanisms of the oil weathering processes (OWP) is spreading of oil spills. This mechanism is the horizontal expansion of the oil slick with inertia-gravity, gravity-viscosity, and viscous-surface tension. In the prediction of spreading, the surface of the slick can be considered as an ellipse where the major axis is in the direction of the wind. Ocean wave models, which account for the interaction between wind and waves, can be used to predict the state of the sea including wind direction in two dimensions where the wave spectrum is allowed to evolve freely with no constraints on the spectral shape. However, the wave model simulation for long duration is time-consuming. In this study, the technique of deep learning, a part of the machine learning method, is implemented to obtain a model used to get quick prediction of the wind direction. The technique uses outputs from an ocean wave model and applies the multivariate time series to obtain a linear relationship among multiple time series of wind prediction from the wave model. The wind forecast is taken as inputs to the deep learning model. Some of these inputs that are significant are selected by using the sigmoid function which is an activation function. The minimum error of prediction from the deep learning model is obtained by the gradient descent method. The numerical results of the prediction spreading of oil spill in the Gulf of Thailand based on the wind prediction by the deep learning technique are presented.
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 2019
European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, 2009
... 1917. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001; Kohut, Zenon. ... 14. The... more ... 1917. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001; Kohut, Zenon. ... 14. The Ukrainian case is discussed in Kohut, The Ukrainian Elite in the Eighteenth Century and Its Integration into the Russian Nobility, here 69. View ...
Ab Imperio, 2015
This article discusses the celebration of the centenary of Bessarabia’s annexation to the Russian... more This article discusses the celebration of the centenary of Bessarabia’s annexation to the Russian Empire in May 1912 and its significance for the conflicting rival Russian and Romanian discourses over this region in the early twentieth century. The authors argue that this event marked a defining moment in the consolidation of Bessarabia’s status as a contested borderland and had a powerful influence on the mutual Russian and Romanian claims to the province’s “symbolic inclusion.” On the one hand, it represented the high point of the attempts of the imperial authorities and the Russian public sphere to construct a coherent image of the province and to forge a representation of Bessarabia as an organic part of the imperial polity. On the other hand, it stimulated a “symbolic competition” between the Russian and Romanian visions of Bessarabia and its population, adding further complexity to Russian–Romanian relations both in the political and symbolic spheres. The Bessarabian case is a...
Al Doilea Război Mondial și, în speţă, războiul sovieto-german continuă să formeze obiectul unor ... more Al Doilea Război Mondial și, în speţă, războiul sovieto-german
continuă să formeze obiectul unor neîncetate și virulente conflicte
ale memoriei, care reflectă clivajele contemporane din societatea
moldoveană, dar și din întreaga regiune a Europei de Est. Volumul
de faţă a căutat să îmbine perspectiva locală asupra proceselor legate
de practicile politice represive și violente ale regimurilor concurente,
care își disputau teritoriul basarabean din punct de vedere militar,
politic și identitar, cu o largă analiză comparată a diverselor strategii
de (co)memorare a războiului elaborate după 1945 atât în Occident,
cât și în spaţiul (post)sovietic. Un scop implicit al volumului a vizat și
abordarea specificităţii regionale a multiplelor versiuni ale memoriei
războiului structurate de experienţele diferite ale celor două părţi ale
continentului în timpul și după a doua conflagraţie mondială. (Andrei Cuşco)
Prefaţă ....................................................................................................................... 7
Partea I. Propagandă, politici represive, reprezentări
colective, 1941–1945
Anton MIOARA. Dincolo de Nistru. Politică etnică și
reconstrucţie identitară ............................................................................ 25
Diana DUMITRU. Vecini în vremuri de restriște: Atitudini
față de evrei în Basarabia și Transnistria în 1941–1944 ..................... 44
Tatiana SÂRBU. Deportarea în Transnistria în cifre: cazul
ţiganilor din Basarabia ............................................................................. 75
Petru NEGURĂ. „Războiul pentru Apărarea Patriei” în viaţa și
opera scriitorilor moldoveni: eveniment de
cotitură și mit fondator ............................................................................ 89
Igor CAȘU. Începuturile resovietizării Basarabiei și starea de
spirit a populaţiei (martie-septembrie 1944) ..................................... 121
Partea a II - a. Experienţa războiului prin prisma istoriei orale
Irina REBROVA. Istoria orală în Rusia contemporană: analiza
proiectelor privind Marele Război pentru
Apărarea Patriei ...................................................................................... 141
Ghelinada GRINCENKO. Specificităţile autoprezentării în
istoriile orale ale ostarbeiterilor ucraineni ......................................... 170
Sanda ȘAROV, Igor ȘAROV. Deportările elitei rurale din RSSM
în anii celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial și în perioada
postbelică: istorie și memorie ............................................................... 191
Partea a III - a. Politici și locuri ale memoriei în Estul și
Vestul Europei
Mark SANDLE. Victoria uitată? Ziua Victoriei Europene și
comemorarea ei în Marea Britanie începând cu 1945 ...................... 226
Ludmila COADĂ. Istorie și memorie: reflecții asupra
reprezentării celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial în
muzeele din Republica Moldova .......................................................... 252
Tatiana JURJENKO. O victorie a tuturor sau războiul altora:
naţionalizarea memoriei despre cel de al Doilea Război
Mondial pe teritoriul ruso-ucrainean ................................................. 275
Jutta SCHERRER. Germania și Franţa: depășirea trecutului ....... 303
Lista autorilor ....................................................................................... 331