Project Icon (original) (raw)
07 January 2007 @ 01:36 pm
I am a horrible person for posting this so late (rusalkatrix was totally on time, just so you all know), but I wanted to do this final round justice in my critiques and I've been crazy busy. But my tardiness seems to have brought all our voters out of the woodwork, so I'm happy for that. ^.~
Congratulations to the first winners of project_icon! Everyone who participated did a truly wonderful job, and it's been a lot of fun for us to see how you all respond to the challenges and help each other. A round of applause to everyone!
Winners were chosen for this final round on the strength of their entries as a set, as well as individual icons.
Banners and prizes will be posted within the next week or so. If the overall winners have a preference for their prize-icons, let us know here. Otherwise, we'll pick from your interests lists.
04 January 2007 @ 10:29 pm
We haven't forgotten you all, but gunshou is having a severely rough week in terms of internet access. I'll have the results of the final round posted tomorrow afternoon, EST.
29 December 2006 @ 07:30 pm
Round One - Challenge Eight - "Themed Set"
It's time for all members to vote on the People's Choice! Voting will work a little differently this week, due to the nature of the challenge & the number of participants.
Please read the rules carefully. We will not only discard votes, but disqualify members who break the rules.
[x] You must be a member of the community to vote. Votes from non-members will be discarded.
[x] Vote for each track separately.
[x] Do not vote for yourself, or gather friends to vote for you.
[x] Strategic voting is stupid, especially in a small community like this. Don't do it.
[x] Icon number is located above the icon.
Voting will end SUNDAY 8 AM EST.
Vote for your favorite icon in each set.
Your screened comment should look like this:
Advanced: Set 1 = icon#, Set 2 = icon#, Set 3 = icon#
Enthusiast: Set 4 = icon#, Set 5 = icon#
You're welcome to leave comments for the participants, if you feel inspired to do so. ^^
The restrictions for the set were as follows (one icon per restriction):
- hush (no text whatsoever)
- black and white
- a real person
- an animated/CGI/manga/comic person
- an object or animal
Good luck, everyone!
As always, if you have questions, please contact the mods or leave them as comments in this post.
28 December 2006 @ 09:55 pm
Round One - Challenge Eight - Themed Set
Due to the complexity of the theme and my old age aches and pains, feel free to continue to tweak your sets until 8 AM EST tomorrow (December 29).
Still needing icons from:
26 December 2006 @ 07:05 pm
Round One - Challenge Eight - Themed Set
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice holiday. ^^
The first round of project_icon is drawing to a close--you're all working hard on your icon sets, right? ^.~ You have a couple more days to complete them.
Members who still need to submit by Thursday, December 28th at 9pm EST.:
We want to see your shinies! ^.^
12 December 2006 @ 10:05 pm
Hello everyone!!
By now you are probably thinking, "How am I going to finish a 5 icon set by Monday, December 18th?! Are the mods crazy??"
We may have been overly ambitious. ^^;
So we've decided to extend the deadline for the Final Challenge!
You now have until Thursday, December 28th at 9pm EST. That gives you 10 extra days. I hope that's enough, because due to RL obligations, it's unlikely we'll be able to extend beyond that date.
You are welcome to submit early, of course. ^^
Good luck!! XD
08 December 2006 @ 10:51 pm
Round One - Challenge Eight - Final Rounds
Congratulations to everyone who's made it to the final round; you've overcome some stiff competition to get here! Dig deep into those wells of creativity, and get ready for this week's challenge.
For the final rounds, you'll each make five icons along a common theme. Your theme may be stylistic (e.g., all collage-style), subject (e.g., female characters), color (e.g., blue), or whatever else you can think of that would link the five icons together. Don't use the same image for all five icons - this isn't 10variations - and don't make a single icon and just swap out bases (as seen in this example by rusalkatrix.
There are some restrictions, or perhaps a little help if you get stuck. Each icon in the set should conform to one of the following:
- hush (no text whatsoever)
- black and white (you may use selective color here if color is what ties your theme together)
- a real person
- an animated/CGI/manga/comic person
- an object or animal
In other words, you'll be making one hush icon, one black and white icon, one real person icon, and so on.
You'll have some extra time, since it's more than one icon. As we go into holidays and finals, we know it may be difficult to complete the challenge. Please be sure to contact the mods if real life intrudes; we want you to get the important things done, and we can try to work something out.
[x] You must be a member of the community AND signed up for the round to submit.
[x] Your icons must conform to LJ standards: 100x100 px or fewer, >=40KB filesize, and .png/.gif/.jpg.
[x] You must remain in one track until the end of the round.
[x] There are no byes; you are committed to submit until the end of the round.
[x] If you decide you're dissatisfied with your submission, you may resubmit before the deadline.
Please submit five icons to this unscreened post by Thursday, December 28th at 9pm EST. Please have mercy on our feeble brains and submit them all together.
Thank you, and have fun!
Feel free to use the comments section of this post to talk to each other, ask questions, etc. If you'd like to track the comments (to keep up), click on the "Track comments" box (it looks like a push-pin; shown below), and you'll be notified each time someone makes a new comment.
08 December 2006 @ 12:50 pm
This was one of our most complex challenges (well, it would have been for rusalkatrix ^.~), so a special congratulations to you all! And congrats on making it this far! Even if your track has proceeded without eliminations, your endurance, and constant creativity, is commendable. ♥
05 December 2006 @ 10:53 pm
Round One - Challenge Seven - "Edibles"
It's time for all members to vote on the People's Choice!
Please read the rules carefully. We will not only discard votes, but disqualify members who break the rules.
[x] You must be a member of the community to vote. Votes from non-members will be discarded.
[x] Vote for each track separately.
[x] Do not vote for yourself, or gather friends to vote for you.
[x] Strategic voting is stupid, especially in a small community like this. Don't do it.
[x] Icon number is located above the icon.
Voting will end THURSDAY 5 PM EST - this slight delay due to the extension.
Vote for your two favorite icons in each track.
Your screened comment should look like this:
Advanced: 1st, 2nd
Enthusiast: 1st, 2nd
Good luck, everyone!
As always, if you have questions, please contact the mods or leave them as comments in this post.
05 December 2006 @ 11:10 am
Round One - Challenge Seven - Edibles
This challenge will be extended until Tuesday, December 5th at 9pm EST.
If you have already entered & would like to alter your submission, you are welcome to do so. Otherwise, sit back & relax. ^^