Projektfest People's Journal (original) (raw)

[31 Jul 2005|05:36pm]
[ **mood** | hopeful ] whoa i didn't know there was a projekt fest! will there be another one?
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[08 Mar 2005|04:30am]
Sorry if this isn't allowed, if not, please feel free to delete it.Theres a new community for the neo-Medieval dirge band Unto Ashes. Unto Ashes are primarily focused on the exploration of beauty and terror in the realms of shadow and loss. They utilize acoustic and synthetic instruments to produce a foreboding gloom-scape of trance and drone; many of their songs are hauntingly beautiful, a dark harvest of abandonment and failure.Check them out![](
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[08 Mar 2005|04:22am]
Sorry if this isn't allowed, if not, please feel free to delete it.Theres a new community for the neo-Medieval dirge band Unto Ashes. Unto Ashes are primarily focused on the exploration of beauty and terror in the realms of shadow and loss. They utilize acoustic and synthetic instruments to produce a foreboding gloom-scape of trance and drone; many of their songs are hauntingly beautiful, a dark harvest of abandonment and failure.Check them out![](
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I went.: [17 Jun 2002|06:45pm]
[ **mood** | lonely ] To be honest, it indeed has been a while since Projekt Fest formed, but it has completely brightened up my life since then. I had never had such a great night. The music was completely everything I could have hoped for, I met someone new there, the theatre was beautiful, and went with my brother, who, by far, is the best person I know.I think it is safe to say that Voltaire was everyone's favorite ... He certainly did get more people to stand and participate. Although, I only went there one night, and that was Saturday. But to be honest, I think it was the best night, according to everyone else I talked to who went...
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Soon! [22 May 2002|12:41am]
[ **mood** | anxious ] Hey everyone!Only 2 more days til ProjektFest! Weeee!!! We are staying at the designated hotel all weekend and attending the Dracula's Ball Sunday night so I hope to meet some of you!I hope everyone has a safe trip and hope to meet some of you! :)
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KARAOKE [17 May 2002|06:07am]
A few of us are gathering for karaoke on Saturday night of Pfest. Who's in?Oh yeah...we also need to find a place that has karaoke on Saturday night of Pfest. Anyone know where one of these exists in Philly?
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I'm a geek... [22 Apr 2002|02:31pm]
[ **mood** | excited ] I've begun to count down. - 31 days til I'm in the air and on my way.Maybe it's just the thoughts of travelling again, but I can't wait! :)
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*peeks out from behind curtain* [16 Apr 2002|11:53pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and say that this Projektfest coming up will be my first ever and I am traveling with 3 friends from here in Baltimore. I have always wanted to go to the previous ones in Chicago but just could'nt manage to get that planned out.Anyways, hello to all and I can't wait til Projektfest! Wwweeeeee!!!!
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roll call [07 Apr 2002|02:20pm]
[ mood** | chipper ] There is a Projektfest roll call page. There aren't too many people on there now, so please submit your info. That way, people can see that really cool people are going to Projektfest. ;)**If the direct link does not work, you can link in from the Projektfest home page.
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It's a reality [05 Apr 2002|09:13am]
[ **mood** | excited ] I just got approved for the Friday before Memorial day off. I'll be purchasing my airline tickets tonight. Most likely a re-eye out on Thursday night and coming back sometime in the evening on Monday.WOO HOO!!! *does a happy bounce*
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