umi karomah yaumidin | LIPI (original) (raw)
Papers by umi karomah yaumidin
JDE (Journal of Developing Economies), Jun 4, 2024
The necessity for a reevaluation of international trade has become increasingly apparent, particu... more The necessity for a reevaluation of international trade has become increasingly apparent, particularly in Islamic countries. This study aims to estimate the economic development of selected Islamic countries, namely Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei Darussalam, and Kuwait, in terms of export performance. This study was conducted within the broader context of Islamic countries, with a specific focus on analyzing dynamic panel data from 2010 to 2019. The dependent variable included exports of goods and services, while the regressors included GDP growth, broad money, and inflation. An estimation based on the panel generalized method of moments revealed a significant effect of export (-1) on export, a significant and negative impact of broad money on export, and a significant and positive effect on inflation. In contrast, GDP growth was not found to be significant. These findings are consistent with the high number of global Muslim consumers and the growth of Islamic finance assets. Currently, Islamic countries are prioritizing product diversification for both the Muslim and global markets. These findings indicate the need for increased economic development to achieve the practical implications of sustainable economic growth in Islamic economies.
Journal of Ethnic Foods
Food is said to be ethnic, when it comes from diverse regions that have crossed international bor... more Food is said to be ethnic, when it comes from diverse regions that have crossed international borders. Ethnic food has the ability to contribute to the growth, promotion, and strengthening of intercultural connections. Recently, Indonesia has launched a gastrodiplomacy strategy, named ‘Indonesia Spice Up the World’ (ISUTW). ISUTW aims to increase spice exports to USD 2 billion by 2024 and present Indonesian ethnic foods toward the establishment of 4,000 Indonesian restaurants abroad. Australia as one of the closest neighbor countries is considered to be a strategic target nation. This study serves a dual purpose: first, to investigate the state of culinary traditions embraced by the Indonesian business owners working in culinary business in Australia and, second, to recognize the role of Indonesian diasporas, including students, who also partake in introducing distinctive Indonesian ethnic foods to both native Australians and fellow Indonesian residents in Australia. In this study, ...
Tujuan dari tulisan untuk memahami hubungan antara kewirausahaan social dengan tanggung jawab soc... more Tujuan dari tulisan untuk memahami hubungan antara kewirausahaan social dengan tanggung jawab social perusahaan dengan studi kasus Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Terdapat pergeseran paradigma dalam mengartikan kewirausahaan. Dewasa ini, penggunaan terminology kewirausahaan social tumbuh pesat tidak hanya dalam lingkaran dunia bisnis, tetapi hal ini telah menciptakan model efisiensi melalui kombinasi sumber-sumber kewirausahaan tradisional dengan misi untuk merubah kondisi social masyarakat. Di sisi lain,tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan menyediakan kesempatan untuk perusahaan beraksi layaknya seorang wirausahawan sosial daripada seorang wirausahawan komersial. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjelaskan kondisi ini, maka pembahasanya akan lebih bersifat kualitatif tetapi menyajikan bukti empiris atas praktik kewirausahaan social yang dikombinasikan dengan prinsip-prinsip tanggung jawab social perusahaan terutama dalam menjawab tantangan keterlibatan banyak pihak dan berdimensi luas.
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities, Dec 4, 2018
Buletin ekonomi moneter dan perbankan, May 23, 2007
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank Islam di kawasan Timur T... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank Islam di kawasan Timur Tengah dan Asia Tenggara. Hal ini didasari pada kegagalan perbankan yang mendorong terjadinya krisis keuangan domestik maupun international dalam dasawarsa terakhir. Efisiensi perbankan akhirnya menjadi perhatian penting tidak hanya di Asia setelah krisis di tahun 1997, namun juga di belahan dunia lainnya. Disisi lain perkembangan bank-bank Islam kiranya telah dianggap sebagai alternatif solusi untuk menuju perbankan yang sehat. Dengan demikian, studi tentang efisiensi bank-bank Islam menjadi kajian menarik, terutama perbandingan efisiensi antar kawasan. Dalam paper ini digunakan metode non parametrik Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) untuk mengukur efisiensi skor data panel yang mencakup empat puluh delapan bank Islam selama kurun waktu 2000 hingga 2004. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam paper ini adalah pendekatan intermediasi yang dianggap paling sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip sistem keuangan Islam. Secara keseluruhan, hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa bank-bank Islam di Asia Tenggara sedikit lebih effisien dibandingkan bank-bank Islam di Timur Tengah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah tragedi 9/11 di tahun 2001 dan perang Iraq yang berlangsung di tahun 2002. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa bank-bank Islam masih sangat tergantung pada sistem keuangan dan segala bentuk peraturan perbankan yang berlaku baik di tingkat nasional, regional maupun global, serta karakteristik perbedaan resiko yang berkonsekuensi pada perbedaan regulasi prudential sangat menentukan fluktuasi skor effisiensi.
Cogent Social Sciences, Oct 18, 2023
This paper examines farming household labour reallocation in responses to the unexpected weather ... more This paper examines farming household labour reallocation in responses to the unexpected weather variability, and explores the mechanisms that enable smallholders to engage in the labour market. Using panel data from 1997-2014, the study finds that farm households increase non-agricultural employment and agricultural working hours in response to weather events. Exploring the mechanisms supporting adaptation, the study finds that agricultural extension program and credit facilities all support farmers to remain in agricultural employment. At the household level, engaging in community programs is helpful, particularly for female farmers. The results suggest that these policies should seek to include both male and female farmers.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, Dec 24, 2021
Artikel ini membahas analisis biaya dan manfaat dari Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) untuk ekspo... more Artikel ini membahas analisis biaya dan manfaat dari Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) untuk ekspor udang putih (Litopenaeus vannamei) dan udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dari Indonesia. Penerapan MSC pada produk perikanan memang tidak wajib, tetapi dapat mempengaruhi kinerja eskpor Indonesia. Perhitungan analisa biaya dan manfaat untuk proyek MSC menggunakan beberapa pilihan yang dihitung ke dalam empat komponen analysis yang terpisah (Proyek, Privat, Efisiensi, dan kelompok penerima manfaat). Dengan menggunakan data tahun 2018 dan jangka waktu investasi selama 20 tahun, kajian ini membandingkan hasil investasi yang menerapkan standard MSC dengan hasil investasi yang tidak menerapkan standard MSC dengan mempertimbangkan hambatan dari biaya perdagangan internasional. Secara keselurahan, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa the Net Present Values (NPVs) and Internal Rate of Returns (IRRs) bersifat konsisten untuk semua pilihan analysis. Studi ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil dari analisis pasar, Amerika Serikat adalah pasar yang menjanjikan bagi produk udang Indonesia yang berlabelkan MSC. Pemerintah Indonesia akan menikmati 13% kenaikan pendapatan dari pajak keuntungan bisnis tersebut, meskipun proyek ini tidak memberikan dampak perubahan kepada tenaga kerja tidak terampil. Oleh karena itu, studi ini merekomendasikan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempromosikan program MSC untuk perikanan berkelanjutan, terutama bagi peningkatan kinerja eskpor udang Indonesia.
Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik terhadap artikel ilmiah yang terbit dalam kurun wakt... more Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik terhadap artikel ilmiah yang terbit dalam kurun waktu 2011-2020 terkait penelitian bio-sintesis nanopartikel perak (NP-Ag) di Indonesia. Analisi bibliometric dilakukan terhadap 55 artikel ilmiah yang diperoleh dari database Scopus. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penelitian bio-sintesis NP-Ag di Indonesia cukup mendapat banyak perhatian. Trend pertumbuhan artikel ilmiah terkait NP-Ag diperkirakan masih akan terus mengalami kenaikan untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Posisi pertama untuk peneliti dan institusi yang paling produktif dalam memublikasikan artikel ilmiah masing-masing ditempati oleh Handayani, W., dan Universitas Indonesia (UI). Handayani, W. juga diketahui merupakan peneliti yang mempunyai jaringan kolaborasi yang terbanyak, dan untuk kolaborasi tingkat insitusi, di tempati oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). Untuk jurnal sebagai sumber artikel ilmiah yang paling menonjol ditempati oleh "Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry". Lebih lanjut, hasil analisis konten mengisyaratkan bahwa penelitian bio-sintesis dimasa yang akan datang hendaknya melibatkan peneliti dari multidisiplin ilmu dengan hasil yang lebih inovatif, dengan arah dan skala pengembangan NP-Ag yang bersifat aplikatif, serta menuju arah industrilisasi. PENDAHULUAN Bio-sintesis NP perak (NP-Ag) telah menarik perhatian banyak kalangan karena penggunaan NP-Ag yang sangat luas dalam berbagai hal, seperti agen anti-mikroba, anti-jamur, anti-virus, anti-kanker, katalis dan material aktif dalam pengolahan air limbah [1]. Di Indonesia, penelitian terkait sintesis NP-Ag telah dimulai sejak lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu dan laporan publikasi menunjukkan angka yang cukup signifikan.
This paper reports a study of the testing of Okun's Law in the Indonesian economy: we test differ... more This paper reports a study of the testing of Okun's Law in the Indonesian economy: we test difference and gap models of Okun's thesis. For this we use annual data on GDP and unemployment rates for Indonesia from 1980 to 2013. The main conclusions are, first, that Indonesia still faces a continuing high unemployment rate according to the results of the output gap model and of the first difference model. Second, in the long term, demand in Indonesia's employment market is inelastic, especially during financial crises. Indonesia needs high economic growth to cause demand for labour to be more elastic to absorb many more into the labour force. Overall, our analyses found that interpretations of Okun's Law might not be applicable to Indonesia's economy.
Uncertain Supply Chain Management
Palm oil commodity in Indonesia is the cash crop for smallholder farmers especially in the dry la... more Palm oil commodity in Indonesia is the cash crop for smallholder farmers especially in the dry land area. This smallholder has contributed to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO) about more than 40 percent in the supply chain. This study is aimed to identify downstream and upstream in the line of CPO palm oil. Secondly, is to know the role of the actors in the CPO supply chain and its traceability. This study employed the traceability method of networking of CPO supply chain in Southeast Sulawesi. Indonesia. Two research sites were conducted as the implementation of survey, observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The respondents have chosen from the downstream to upstream of the CPO supply chain. Independent farmers, middlemen, delivery order, and Fruit Fresh Bunches (FFB) mills to produce CPO have been interviewed as the key informant of this research. Traceability study shows that the main source of FFB came from the core of PT. Damai Jaya Lestari both in the research si...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020
New development activity brings its various impacts for indigenous people often prompting their r... more New development activity brings its various impacts for indigenous people often prompting their relocation to a new area. The 1977’s relocation of indigenous people in Royal Belum, Perak State, Malaysia, as part of its rural spatial development, questions on their livelihood in a new resettlement area and their relationship with nature within the current context of development. Despite the provision of basic facilities and infrastructure and the introduction of mono-crop cultivation and agriculture for the indigenous people, they are still practicing the ‘slash and burn’ method and performing their nomadic forest-based lifestyle. This contributes to their living below the poverty line. This present study explains the coexistence of indigenous people in the context of physical development vis-à-vis conservation effort in the Royal Belum. As neglected issue of interactions and conflicts between indigenous peoples and biodiversity conservation, this study outlined the potential of indi...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Indonesian state and local community have been conducting forest co-management as part of a n... more The Indonesian state and local community have been conducting forest co-management as part of a new social forestry program initiative. This initiative is proposed to overcome environmental degradation as well as to enhance community well-being by increasing economic outcome of the forest. However, this program has the potential for conflict because of asymmetry between resources dedicated to approving social forestry permits versus capacity building, monitoring, and evaluating management outcomes. The social innovation approaches have been adopted as a potential solution to address complex social forestry program. This article aims to explore how social innovation and village governance in forest communities works. The research framework is designed by modifying the social innovation concept from the Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Foundations for Building Social Innovation in Europe (TEPSIE). Qualitative method is applied, by conducting in-depth interview and focus group discuss...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The first study on bibliometric network analysis of research on contamination of foods with mercu... more The first study on bibliometric network analysis of research on contamination of foods with mercury (Hg) mining is presented. The Hg mining has been reported as the primary source of toxic Hg contamination of foods. The living population’s exposure to Hg is highly associated with the consumption of Hg-contaminated foods and water. This study aims to explore the global scientific literature to gain insight into how the scientific literature addresses contamination of foods with Hg mining using bibliometric network analysis. The study was conducted on 319 documents from publications indexed in the Scopus database from 2011 to 2020. We collected reviewed documents using various techniques to analyze this issue, including general statistics, bibliometrics, and analytics. According to analysis results, several significant findings were found as follows. The co-authorship network demonstrates the relationship among authors and countries regarding contamination of foods with Hg mining. Co-...
Review of Indonesian Economic and Business Studies (RIEBS), 2015
JDE (Journal of Developing Economies), Jun 4, 2024
The necessity for a reevaluation of international trade has become increasingly apparent, particu... more The necessity for a reevaluation of international trade has become increasingly apparent, particularly in Islamic countries. This study aims to estimate the economic development of selected Islamic countries, namely Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei Darussalam, and Kuwait, in terms of export performance. This study was conducted within the broader context of Islamic countries, with a specific focus on analyzing dynamic panel data from 2010 to 2019. The dependent variable included exports of goods and services, while the regressors included GDP growth, broad money, and inflation. An estimation based on the panel generalized method of moments revealed a significant effect of export (-1) on export, a significant and negative impact of broad money on export, and a significant and positive effect on inflation. In contrast, GDP growth was not found to be significant. These findings are consistent with the high number of global Muslim consumers and the growth of Islamic finance assets. Currently, Islamic countries are prioritizing product diversification for both the Muslim and global markets. These findings indicate the need for increased economic development to achieve the practical implications of sustainable economic growth in Islamic economies.
Journal of Ethnic Foods
Food is said to be ethnic, when it comes from diverse regions that have crossed international bor... more Food is said to be ethnic, when it comes from diverse regions that have crossed international borders. Ethnic food has the ability to contribute to the growth, promotion, and strengthening of intercultural connections. Recently, Indonesia has launched a gastrodiplomacy strategy, named ‘Indonesia Spice Up the World’ (ISUTW). ISUTW aims to increase spice exports to USD 2 billion by 2024 and present Indonesian ethnic foods toward the establishment of 4,000 Indonesian restaurants abroad. Australia as one of the closest neighbor countries is considered to be a strategic target nation. This study serves a dual purpose: first, to investigate the state of culinary traditions embraced by the Indonesian business owners working in culinary business in Australia and, second, to recognize the role of Indonesian diasporas, including students, who also partake in introducing distinctive Indonesian ethnic foods to both native Australians and fellow Indonesian residents in Australia. In this study, ...
Tujuan dari tulisan untuk memahami hubungan antara kewirausahaan social dengan tanggung jawab soc... more Tujuan dari tulisan untuk memahami hubungan antara kewirausahaan social dengan tanggung jawab social perusahaan dengan studi kasus Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Terdapat pergeseran paradigma dalam mengartikan kewirausahaan. Dewasa ini, penggunaan terminology kewirausahaan social tumbuh pesat tidak hanya dalam lingkaran dunia bisnis, tetapi hal ini telah menciptakan model efisiensi melalui kombinasi sumber-sumber kewirausahaan tradisional dengan misi untuk merubah kondisi social masyarakat. Di sisi lain,tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan menyediakan kesempatan untuk perusahaan beraksi layaknya seorang wirausahawan sosial daripada seorang wirausahawan komersial. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjelaskan kondisi ini, maka pembahasanya akan lebih bersifat kualitatif tetapi menyajikan bukti empiris atas praktik kewirausahaan social yang dikombinasikan dengan prinsip-prinsip tanggung jawab social perusahaan terutama dalam menjawab tantangan keterlibatan banyak pihak dan berdimensi luas.
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities, Dec 4, 2018
Buletin ekonomi moneter dan perbankan, May 23, 2007
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank Islam di kawasan Timur T... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank Islam di kawasan Timur Tengah dan Asia Tenggara. Hal ini didasari pada kegagalan perbankan yang mendorong terjadinya krisis keuangan domestik maupun international dalam dasawarsa terakhir. Efisiensi perbankan akhirnya menjadi perhatian penting tidak hanya di Asia setelah krisis di tahun 1997, namun juga di belahan dunia lainnya. Disisi lain perkembangan bank-bank Islam kiranya telah dianggap sebagai alternatif solusi untuk menuju perbankan yang sehat. Dengan demikian, studi tentang efisiensi bank-bank Islam menjadi kajian menarik, terutama perbandingan efisiensi antar kawasan. Dalam paper ini digunakan metode non parametrik Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) untuk mengukur efisiensi skor data panel yang mencakup empat puluh delapan bank Islam selama kurun waktu 2000 hingga 2004. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam paper ini adalah pendekatan intermediasi yang dianggap paling sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip sistem keuangan Islam. Secara keseluruhan, hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa bank-bank Islam di Asia Tenggara sedikit lebih effisien dibandingkan bank-bank Islam di Timur Tengah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah tragedi 9/11 di tahun 2001 dan perang Iraq yang berlangsung di tahun 2002. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa bank-bank Islam masih sangat tergantung pada sistem keuangan dan segala bentuk peraturan perbankan yang berlaku baik di tingkat nasional, regional maupun global, serta karakteristik perbedaan resiko yang berkonsekuensi pada perbedaan regulasi prudential sangat menentukan fluktuasi skor effisiensi.
Cogent Social Sciences, Oct 18, 2023
This paper examines farming household labour reallocation in responses to the unexpected weather ... more This paper examines farming household labour reallocation in responses to the unexpected weather variability, and explores the mechanisms that enable smallholders to engage in the labour market. Using panel data from 1997-2014, the study finds that farm households increase non-agricultural employment and agricultural working hours in response to weather events. Exploring the mechanisms supporting adaptation, the study finds that agricultural extension program and credit facilities all support farmers to remain in agricultural employment. At the household level, engaging in community programs is helpful, particularly for female farmers. The results suggest that these policies should seek to include both male and female farmers.
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, Dec 24, 2021
Artikel ini membahas analisis biaya dan manfaat dari Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) untuk ekspo... more Artikel ini membahas analisis biaya dan manfaat dari Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) untuk ekspor udang putih (Litopenaeus vannamei) dan udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dari Indonesia. Penerapan MSC pada produk perikanan memang tidak wajib, tetapi dapat mempengaruhi kinerja eskpor Indonesia. Perhitungan analisa biaya dan manfaat untuk proyek MSC menggunakan beberapa pilihan yang dihitung ke dalam empat komponen analysis yang terpisah (Proyek, Privat, Efisiensi, dan kelompok penerima manfaat). Dengan menggunakan data tahun 2018 dan jangka waktu investasi selama 20 tahun, kajian ini membandingkan hasil investasi yang menerapkan standard MSC dengan hasil investasi yang tidak menerapkan standard MSC dengan mempertimbangkan hambatan dari biaya perdagangan internasional. Secara keselurahan, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa the Net Present Values (NPVs) and Internal Rate of Returns (IRRs) bersifat konsisten untuk semua pilihan analysis. Studi ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil dari analisis pasar, Amerika Serikat adalah pasar yang menjanjikan bagi produk udang Indonesia yang berlabelkan MSC. Pemerintah Indonesia akan menikmati 13% kenaikan pendapatan dari pajak keuntungan bisnis tersebut, meskipun proyek ini tidak memberikan dampak perubahan kepada tenaga kerja tidak terampil. Oleh karena itu, studi ini merekomendasikan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempromosikan program MSC untuk perikanan berkelanjutan, terutama bagi peningkatan kinerja eskpor udang Indonesia.
Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik terhadap artikel ilmiah yang terbit dalam kurun wakt... more Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis bibliometrik terhadap artikel ilmiah yang terbit dalam kurun waktu 2011-2020 terkait penelitian bio-sintesis nanopartikel perak (NP-Ag) di Indonesia. Analisi bibliometric dilakukan terhadap 55 artikel ilmiah yang diperoleh dari database Scopus. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penelitian bio-sintesis NP-Ag di Indonesia cukup mendapat banyak perhatian. Trend pertumbuhan artikel ilmiah terkait NP-Ag diperkirakan masih akan terus mengalami kenaikan untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Posisi pertama untuk peneliti dan institusi yang paling produktif dalam memublikasikan artikel ilmiah masing-masing ditempati oleh Handayani, W., dan Universitas Indonesia (UI). Handayani, W. juga diketahui merupakan peneliti yang mempunyai jaringan kolaborasi yang terbanyak, dan untuk kolaborasi tingkat insitusi, di tempati oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). Untuk jurnal sebagai sumber artikel ilmiah yang paling menonjol ditempati oleh "Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry". Lebih lanjut, hasil analisis konten mengisyaratkan bahwa penelitian bio-sintesis dimasa yang akan datang hendaknya melibatkan peneliti dari multidisiplin ilmu dengan hasil yang lebih inovatif, dengan arah dan skala pengembangan NP-Ag yang bersifat aplikatif, serta menuju arah industrilisasi. PENDAHULUAN Bio-sintesis NP perak (NP-Ag) telah menarik perhatian banyak kalangan karena penggunaan NP-Ag yang sangat luas dalam berbagai hal, seperti agen anti-mikroba, anti-jamur, anti-virus, anti-kanker, katalis dan material aktif dalam pengolahan air limbah [1]. Di Indonesia, penelitian terkait sintesis NP-Ag telah dimulai sejak lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu dan laporan publikasi menunjukkan angka yang cukup signifikan.
This paper reports a study of the testing of Okun's Law in the Indonesian economy: we test differ... more This paper reports a study of the testing of Okun's Law in the Indonesian economy: we test difference and gap models of Okun's thesis. For this we use annual data on GDP and unemployment rates for Indonesia from 1980 to 2013. The main conclusions are, first, that Indonesia still faces a continuing high unemployment rate according to the results of the output gap model and of the first difference model. Second, in the long term, demand in Indonesia's employment market is inelastic, especially during financial crises. Indonesia needs high economic growth to cause demand for labour to be more elastic to absorb many more into the labour force. Overall, our analyses found that interpretations of Okun's Law might not be applicable to Indonesia's economy.
Uncertain Supply Chain Management
Palm oil commodity in Indonesia is the cash crop for smallholder farmers especially in the dry la... more Palm oil commodity in Indonesia is the cash crop for smallholder farmers especially in the dry land area. This smallholder has contributed to produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO) about more than 40 percent in the supply chain. This study is aimed to identify downstream and upstream in the line of CPO palm oil. Secondly, is to know the role of the actors in the CPO supply chain and its traceability. This study employed the traceability method of networking of CPO supply chain in Southeast Sulawesi. Indonesia. Two research sites were conducted as the implementation of survey, observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The respondents have chosen from the downstream to upstream of the CPO supply chain. Independent farmers, middlemen, delivery order, and Fruit Fresh Bunches (FFB) mills to produce CPO have been interviewed as the key informant of this research. Traceability study shows that the main source of FFB came from the core of PT. Damai Jaya Lestari both in the research si...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020
New development activity brings its various impacts for indigenous people often prompting their r... more New development activity brings its various impacts for indigenous people often prompting their relocation to a new area. The 1977’s relocation of indigenous people in Royal Belum, Perak State, Malaysia, as part of its rural spatial development, questions on their livelihood in a new resettlement area and their relationship with nature within the current context of development. Despite the provision of basic facilities and infrastructure and the introduction of mono-crop cultivation and agriculture for the indigenous people, they are still practicing the ‘slash and burn’ method and performing their nomadic forest-based lifestyle. This contributes to their living below the poverty line. This present study explains the coexistence of indigenous people in the context of physical development vis-à-vis conservation effort in the Royal Belum. As neglected issue of interactions and conflicts between indigenous peoples and biodiversity conservation, this study outlined the potential of indi...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Indonesian state and local community have been conducting forest co-management as part of a n... more The Indonesian state and local community have been conducting forest co-management as part of a new social forestry program initiative. This initiative is proposed to overcome environmental degradation as well as to enhance community well-being by increasing economic outcome of the forest. However, this program has the potential for conflict because of asymmetry between resources dedicated to approving social forestry permits versus capacity building, monitoring, and evaluating management outcomes. The social innovation approaches have been adopted as a potential solution to address complex social forestry program. This article aims to explore how social innovation and village governance in forest communities works. The research framework is designed by modifying the social innovation concept from the Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Foundations for Building Social Innovation in Europe (TEPSIE). Qualitative method is applied, by conducting in-depth interview and focus group discuss...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The first study on bibliometric network analysis of research on contamination of foods with mercu... more The first study on bibliometric network analysis of research on contamination of foods with mercury (Hg) mining is presented. The Hg mining has been reported as the primary source of toxic Hg contamination of foods. The living population’s exposure to Hg is highly associated with the consumption of Hg-contaminated foods and water. This study aims to explore the global scientific literature to gain insight into how the scientific literature addresses contamination of foods with Hg mining using bibliometric network analysis. The study was conducted on 319 documents from publications indexed in the Scopus database from 2011 to 2020. We collected reviewed documents using various techniques to analyze this issue, including general statistics, bibliometrics, and analytics. According to analysis results, several significant findings were found as follows. The co-authorship network demonstrates the relationship among authors and countries regarding contamination of foods with Hg mining. Co-...
Review of Indonesian Economic and Business Studies (RIEBS), 2015
Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation, 2017
The new concept of Islamic finance in Indonesia is focused on the engagement of the poor into the... more The new concept of Islamic finance in Indonesia is focused on the engagement of the poor into the economic productive activities. Most of the zakah (social safety nets) beneficiaries are the poor and the vulnerable people in terms of the economics. Today, the zakah management has transformed into a microfinance enterprise in order to drive the poor's engagement in the economic activities. Empirically, Moslem women are more in favor to utilize the program. Therefore, this study attempts to evaluate the impact of the Islamic microfinance institution toward the women empowerment. We surveyed approximately two hundred and forty women who had been involved in the microfinance of the Misykat program in the Dompet Peduli Umat of Daarut Tauhid and BAZNAS in Bandung. The Primary data collection was held in two sessions, starting from June to December 2014. In the meantime, the causal effect of the credit on empowerment was identified using quasi experimental setting with proxy controls for latent heterogeneity between the control and the treatment groups. We have come to the assumption that the women involvement in the microfinance will improve their position within the household through i) access to independent income; ii) control over savings and credit use; iii) ability to bring productive asset to household economy. In addition, using the matching propensity score and the instrumental variable methods help us address the bias selection in a cross sectional setting.
Belajar dari Jepang: Transformasi Pengetahuan Alumni Kenshuusei Pertanian Indonesia, 2018
Petani hortikultura merupakan kelompok petani pendatang baru 1 yang mencoba kesuksesannya berbeda... more Petani hortikultura merupakan kelompok petani pendatang baru 1 yang mencoba kesuksesannya berbeda dari perspektif petani tradisional. Meskipun sektor ini tumbuh dan memberikan kontribusi pada penyerapan tenaga kerja, namun masih minim inovasi dan penggunaan teknologi modern. Sehingga pada gilirannya produk hortikultura kurang mampu bersaing dengan pesaing dari manca negara. Di sisi lain, kaum muda sebagai agen perubahan diharapkan mampu melakukan transfer pengetahuan dan teknologi pertanian khususnya di sektor hortikultura. Kemampuan mereka dalam menciptakan inovasi produk yang berdaya saing tinggi merupakan upaya untuk mencapai pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Dalam mendukung upaya ini, pemerintah menggalakan program pemagangan petani muda ke Jepang. Jenis usaha utama yang menjadi topik pembelajaran bagi calon-calon petani muda yang bertalenta tentunya produk tanaman padi, namun mereka juga harus mempelajari teknik-teknik pertanian lainnya. Terutama teknik-teknik pertanian yang nantinya dapat diadopsi dan dikembangkan di Indonesia. Data dari Kementan menunjukkan bahwa produk hortikultura lebih banyak ditekuni oleh para petani alumni magang Jepang pada periode 1984-2014. Alasan mendasar mengapa produk buah dan sayuran (hortikultura) lebih diminati dibandingkan produk non-tanaman pangan lainnya bukan hanya karena alasan kesehatan namun juga alasan ekonomi. Produk hortikultura merupakan salah satu produk pangan yang mencakup hajat hidup orang banyak. Beberapa produk buah-buahan bahkan sudah pada tahap "krisis" sehingga pemerintah perlu memproteksi produk tersebut guna menjamin ketahanan pangan penduduknya. 1 Petani pendatang baru dapat dikategorikan sebagai seseorang yang memiliki bakat dan baru memulai untuk menekuni dunia pertanian. Cara bertani di sektor hortikultura memang sedikit berbeda dibandingkan dengan cara bertani konvesional (tanaman pangan seperti padi). Situasi yang dihadapi oleh pemain baru sektor pertanian adalah kesulitan mereka untuk mendapatkan bimbingan dari senior, akibat dari penuaan populasi petani, Absennya petani sukses, dan hambatan-hambatan ekonomi baik dari sisi kebijakan maupun strukturnya. Dengan kata lain, petani new entrants ini diharapkan mampu memberikan inovasi yang mengatasi tentang beragam permasalahan yang dihadapi di sektor pertanian. Produk hortikultura dengan rantai nilai bisnis dan siklus hidup produknya yang cukup panjang merupakan lahan yang baik bagi petani untuk mencoba mencari peruntungan yang lebih baik.