PSM - Tekyu (original) (raw)

Final Fantasy III Friend Code [Jan. 2nd, 2007|11:46 pm]PSM - Tekyu
I know... not a playstation game, but there's nothing else going on so I'm just throwing it out there.I've been muddling around FF3 for awhile and it's damn spiffy. I have recently started sending letters to Darrell via the mognet thingy and initially, I thought "why else would I use it besides getting the Onion Knight job?" Since getting Onion Knight I reconsidered it's use, as opposed to the Onion Knights themselves which look f-ing ridiculous, but in their defense level up quite effectively, can equip every weapon/armor, wield unique class-exclusive legendary weapons and use all magic. Er, anyway, the mail system itself is quite interesting. Fun, even. So... here I am, putting it out there. Touch me, World. Or at least touch my DS through the vastness of der interweb.For those interested, my friend code is:0 3 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 9 2 3If you wish for me to add you then please respond with your own so that we may exchange ff3 mail and I can assist ya'll in your hunt for the Onion Knight and other such mail-requiring tasks. If you are having difficulty getting with either the system itself or its vast, sticky secrets I would be happy to help.
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(no subject) [Nov. 4th, 2004|10:30 am]PSM - Tekyu
Tekyu...did you know ASU has a Anime & Manga class next semester?Yep. ARS 394: Anime & Manga, MW 4:40p - 5:55p (Main Campus)I'm *so* there."I can't spend time with you tonight honey, I've got half-naked huge breasted anime chicks to watch...ITS HOMEWORK!"
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(no subject) [Sep. 18th, 2004|05:17 pm]PSM - Tekyu
yooo tekdunno if you know or notbut psm forums has been alive and kickin for a lil while nowthe editors are back and posting, and they are revamping, not only the forums but the main site as
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Ah, what the hell... [Aug. 29th, 2004|12:36 am]PSM - Tekyu
Thought I'd throw this out too. Young Wang is neat.
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As promised... [Aug. 29th, 2004|12:10 am]PSM - Tekyu
Here's a nifty Kasumi gif I mentioned. I've got more images I'll be posting. :) Huzzah.As Mike just demonstrated, your reviews and throught are most welcome. If you've got rants or reviews then post 'em! Your loving lord and moderator ^_^
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The Suffering Review [Aug. 28th, 2004|03:19 am]PSM - Tekyu
( REVIEWSCollapse )<_< but the enemies..are varied and interesting...each kind having its own story the bosses...are easy for the most part... then again i played this on medium..out of 4 difficulty settings controls were fine camera...sometimes got a lil too close but no real complaints the ai was i guess not designed to be very strategic...its mainly a throw a shit load of monsters at the player and see if he survives kinda deal i do like how the types of monsters get progressively harder and at some points....ESPECIALLY when manning the turrets....i love how like a shit load of 50 or so guys fly outa the ground and i get to mow em all down...mmmmmmm fun visusals for the most part were good not spectactular..but good the sound was great, setting a verrrrrrrrry morose tone the harder music kicks in when fighting... the sound effects were great....being able to hear your breathing and even heart beat there were things in this game that i hadnt seen throughout the entire screen flashes visions...of just...weird and sometimes horrid you know, freak you out and as you progress you have flash backs of the killing of your family when you beat the game...aside from the ending you get, and the archive file youve also get a prelude which you arrive at the island and are able to transform into the monster...that you will transform into throughout the game...and kill your first batch of victims also, check out the cheats....if you want theres an interesting one called the GONZO gun... if you remember..gonzo...the muppet....he had a favorite..toy...a rubber chicken.... the gonzo gun is basically holding a chicken backwards..and shooting eggs out its ass.. but hey, one hit kills on all monsters cept bosses overall the game was fun, and is def something people should check out rent it first...if you really like it then spend those bux and buy i give it an 8.5/10
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Silent Hill 4: The Room [Aug. 26th, 2004|10:29 pm]PSM - Tekyu
[mood** |ecstaticecstatic] [music** "You're Not Here" SH3 soundtrack]All I know about the game is that it's about a man trapped in his cursed apartment. The website is really nifty. An interactive flash map of the apartment's interior. Complete with a visitor at the door and creepy sound effects. Here's the site. Unfortunately it's all in Japanese.'m very positive about how the game will be in the end because of the wealth of video clips on the web. Screenshots and other media can also be found. I'm hoping the game makes it's release date of 9/7/04.
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