Eduardo Mendieta | Penn State University (original) (raw)

Papers by Eduardo Mendieta

Research paper thumbnail of Up Against The Wall

Society and Space, 2014

This is a review essay on an amazing book that ought to be read fervertly today. This is one of t... more This is a review essay on an amazing book that ought to be read fervertly today. This is one of the texts I am most proud of.

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Research paper thumbnail of Israel and Athens, or to Whom Does Anamnestic Reason Belong?

Routledge eBooks, Jul 22, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Sobre a guerra, a paz e o papel da Europa. Entrevista con Jurgen Habermas

Impulso (Piracicaba), 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Becoming Citizens, Becoming Hispanics

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Research paper thumbnail of From Christendom to polycentric Oikonume: Modernity, postmodernity, and liberation theology

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Research paper thumbnail of Justification and Emancipation: The Political Philosophy of Rainer Forst

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Research paper thumbnail of La literarura del urbicidio: Friedrich, Nossack, Sebald y Vonnegut

Eikasia: revista de filosofía, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Land and Sea

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1 Introduction

Penn State University Press eBooks, Jun 12, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of In Praise of Heresy: Rorty's Radical Atheism

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2008

Rorty should be studied neither especially because of the faithfulness of his narratives of the h... more Rorty should be studied neither especially because of the faithfulness of his narratives of the historiography of philosophy, nor because of the correctness of his readings, but mainly because, as the great philosophers of Western philosophy, he offered us a grand meta-narrative. Rorty was a meta-philosopher for whom the most important meta-narrative of philosophy was the struggle against gods, fetishes and myths that subjugated and humiliated humans. At the same time, this meta-narrative has as a central column the centrality of the power of persuasion through the game of giving and receiving reasons, reasons that expand the circle of those that we should consider our dialogue partners. In the expansion of our circle of conversation the imagination has priority over reason.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Studies, Overview (Western)

Elsevier eBooks, 2008

This article surveys the different divisions of philosophy in general and moral philosophy in par... more This article surveys the different divisions of philosophy in general and moral philosophy in particular. It points out that while ethics and morality have one same common linguistic root, the two terms have come to stand for two different approaches to ethical theory. The moral philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are discussed. Kantian deontology and utilitarianism are also analyzed. The article concludes with a brief overview of three twentieth-century moral theories.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethics of (Not) Knowing: Take Care of Ethics and Knowledge Will Come of Its Own Accord

Fordham University Press eBooks, Nov 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Rationality: Essays on Reason, God and Modernity

This important new volume brings together Jürgen Habermas's key writings on religion and rel... more This important new volume brings together Jürgen Habermas's key writings on religion and religious belief. In these essays, Habermas explores the relations between Christian and Jewish thought, on one hand, and the Western philosophical tradition on the other. He often ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The intimacy of strangers: The difficulty of closeness and the ethics of distance

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Research paper thumbnail of Transcending the "gory cradle of humanity": War, loyalty, and civic action in royce and james

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Community in the age of empire

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Research paper thumbnail of The ‘Second Reconquista’, or Why should a ‘Hispanic’ become a philosopher?

Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2001

Jorge J. E. Gracia is without question one of the best known Latino/Hispanic philosophers in the ... more Jorge J. E. Gracia is without question one of the best known Latino/Hispanic philosophers in the United States and abroad. He was a founding member of the American Philosophical Association (APA) committee on Hispanics, and its first chair. There is something, however, unique, not to say peculiar, about this recent book by Prof. Gracia. He was trained as a medievalist. His areas of expertise are late Medieval philosophy, the problem of individuation, a central topic within ontology, or more broadly defined metaphysics. Scholars trained in such fields tend not to be concerned with contemporary matters, social reality, and the vagaries of ‘identity politics.’ Yet, Gracia has taken on a topic that prima facie could be construed as being antithetical to his own philosophical orientation. As he declares in the ‘preface’ he writes not as a leader, or prophet, or even ideologue of a movement. He writes as both a ‘Hispanic’ and an ‘American’ who is concerned with the fate of the nation and his people, and who happens to be a philosopher. And this is what makes this book refreshing and insightful. Gracia is not peddling some new intellectual fashion. Nor is he compromising his intellectual orientation in order to make it fit some political agenda. Gracia de-mystifies a lot of sacred cows, and is able to question many presuppositions taken for granted in the ‘movement.’ Again, not because he is pushing a particular agenda. There is a lot of honesty, clarity, in this book. And this is refreshing.1

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Research paper thumbnail of BOOK REVIEW: Mar�a P�a Lara. RETHINKING EVIL: CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES . Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001

Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The Political is Noch Nicht (not yet)!

City, 2013

I t is a good thing that we judge books neither by their covers nor by their titles. It is also a... more I t is a good thing that we judge books neither by their covers nor by their titles. It is also a good thing we also judge them neither by their prologues nor their forewords. Amin and Thrift’s latest joint book should not be judged on any of these accounts, except on the first sentences of their prologue, which reads: ‘This is a book about how the Left, particularly in the West, can move forward in the struggle to voice a politics of social equality and justice. But it does not provide a manifesto, a template, or even a plan’ (ix). Two gorgeous sentences, straightforward, but full of pathos and above all dignity. The first, declares, confesses and commands an ethical commitment. This is a book about what we can do to further the struggle against injustice and inequality. However, at the same time, it announces after it has declared its point of departure, its moral foothold, that it has no ‘manifesto, template, or even plan’ to provide. Should we be confused, disappointed, ‘turned off’? Should anyone on the side of justice and equality also not have a road map, or in our days should we not say an IP address, for how to get to a social arrangement in which we can decrease suffering and degradation, and tip the scales of justice on the side of integrity and dignity? Amin and Thrift do us the honor of treating us as enlightened and cosmopolitan citizens of a global society that can do without the pontificating of soothsayers, apocalypsists or Leninist prophets. Their stance should remind us of Kant and Rorty. The former urged us to ‘Sapere Aude!’ He dared us to depart from all self-incurred forms of mental tutelage. The latter reminded us that there are less useful and more useful ways to talk about our collective challenges. He dared us not to get things right, but to see them under the bright light of an utopia in which more and more of us could count part of our beloved ‘we’. Between Kant and Rorty there is a common meeting ground, and it goes by the name of Mündigkeit, or what I would call ‘cosmopolitan maturity’. This is also the ground from which Amin and Thrift address us. This book is about what the Left should be proud of, what it can do to recapture the imagination of peoples to energize them into social action, and what horizons lay ahead in terms of actionable strategies. I will quickly overview the contents, before I come to what I take to be the main reason why many of us interested in tipping the scales of justice on the side of integrity and dignity should be reading this wonderful and very useful book. The book is made up of seven compact, well-argued and well-annotated chapters. In the first, Amin and Thrift lay out their understanding of what they call ‘the grounds of the political’. The key argument in this chapter is that historically the Left has been known for

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Research paper thumbnail of Hugh J. Silverman (1945-2013)

Chiasmi International, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Up Against The Wall

Society and Space, 2014

This is a review essay on an amazing book that ought to be read fervertly today. This is one of t... more This is a review essay on an amazing book that ought to be read fervertly today. This is one of the texts I am most proud of.

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Research paper thumbnail of Israel and Athens, or to Whom Does Anamnestic Reason Belong?

Routledge eBooks, Jul 22, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Sobre a guerra, a paz e o papel da Europa. Entrevista con Jurgen Habermas

Impulso (Piracicaba), 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Becoming Citizens, Becoming Hispanics

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Research paper thumbnail of From Christendom to polycentric Oikonume: Modernity, postmodernity, and liberation theology

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Research paper thumbnail of Justification and Emancipation: The Political Philosophy of Rainer Forst

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Research paper thumbnail of La literarura del urbicidio: Friedrich, Nossack, Sebald y Vonnegut

Eikasia: revista de filosofía, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Land and Sea

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 1 Introduction

Penn State University Press eBooks, Jun 12, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of In Praise of Heresy: Rorty's Radical Atheism

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2008

Rorty should be studied neither especially because of the faithfulness of his narratives of the h... more Rorty should be studied neither especially because of the faithfulness of his narratives of the historiography of philosophy, nor because of the correctness of his readings, but mainly because, as the great philosophers of Western philosophy, he offered us a grand meta-narrative. Rorty was a meta-philosopher for whom the most important meta-narrative of philosophy was the struggle against gods, fetishes and myths that subjugated and humiliated humans. At the same time, this meta-narrative has as a central column the centrality of the power of persuasion through the game of giving and receiving reasons, reasons that expand the circle of those that we should consider our dialogue partners. In the expansion of our circle of conversation the imagination has priority over reason.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethical Studies, Overview (Western)

Elsevier eBooks, 2008

This article surveys the different divisions of philosophy in general and moral philosophy in par... more This article surveys the different divisions of philosophy in general and moral philosophy in particular. It points out that while ethics and morality have one same common linguistic root, the two terms have come to stand for two different approaches to ethical theory. The moral philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are discussed. Kantian deontology and utilitarianism are also analyzed. The article concludes with a brief overview of three twentieth-century moral theories.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethics of (Not) Knowing: Take Care of Ethics and Knowledge Will Come of Its Own Accord

Fordham University Press eBooks, Nov 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Religion and Rationality: Essays on Reason, God and Modernity

This important new volume brings together Jürgen Habermas's key writings on religion and rel... more This important new volume brings together Jürgen Habermas's key writings on religion and religious belief. In these essays, Habermas explores the relations between Christian and Jewish thought, on one hand, and the Western philosophical tradition on the other. He often ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The intimacy of strangers: The difficulty of closeness and the ethics of distance

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Research paper thumbnail of Transcending the "gory cradle of humanity": War, loyalty, and civic action in royce and james

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Community in the age of empire

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Research paper thumbnail of The ‘Second Reconquista’, or Why should a ‘Hispanic’ become a philosopher?

Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2001

Jorge J. E. Gracia is without question one of the best known Latino/Hispanic philosophers in the ... more Jorge J. E. Gracia is without question one of the best known Latino/Hispanic philosophers in the United States and abroad. He was a founding member of the American Philosophical Association (APA) committee on Hispanics, and its first chair. There is something, however, unique, not to say peculiar, about this recent book by Prof. Gracia. He was trained as a medievalist. His areas of expertise are late Medieval philosophy, the problem of individuation, a central topic within ontology, or more broadly defined metaphysics. Scholars trained in such fields tend not to be concerned with contemporary matters, social reality, and the vagaries of ‘identity politics.’ Yet, Gracia has taken on a topic that prima facie could be construed as being antithetical to his own philosophical orientation. As he declares in the ‘preface’ he writes not as a leader, or prophet, or even ideologue of a movement. He writes as both a ‘Hispanic’ and an ‘American’ who is concerned with the fate of the nation and his people, and who happens to be a philosopher. And this is what makes this book refreshing and insightful. Gracia is not peddling some new intellectual fashion. Nor is he compromising his intellectual orientation in order to make it fit some political agenda. Gracia de-mystifies a lot of sacred cows, and is able to question many presuppositions taken for granted in the ‘movement.’ Again, not because he is pushing a particular agenda. There is a lot of honesty, clarity, in this book. And this is refreshing.1

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Research paper thumbnail of BOOK REVIEW: Mar�a P�a Lara. RETHINKING EVIL: CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES . Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001

Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The Political is Noch Nicht (not yet)!

City, 2013

I t is a good thing that we judge books neither by their covers nor by their titles. It is also a... more I t is a good thing that we judge books neither by their covers nor by their titles. It is also a good thing we also judge them neither by their prologues nor their forewords. Amin and Thrift’s latest joint book should not be judged on any of these accounts, except on the first sentences of their prologue, which reads: ‘This is a book about how the Left, particularly in the West, can move forward in the struggle to voice a politics of social equality and justice. But it does not provide a manifesto, a template, or even a plan’ (ix). Two gorgeous sentences, straightforward, but full of pathos and above all dignity. The first, declares, confesses and commands an ethical commitment. This is a book about what we can do to further the struggle against injustice and inequality. However, at the same time, it announces after it has declared its point of departure, its moral foothold, that it has no ‘manifesto, template, or even plan’ to provide. Should we be confused, disappointed, ‘turned off’? Should anyone on the side of justice and equality also not have a road map, or in our days should we not say an IP address, for how to get to a social arrangement in which we can decrease suffering and degradation, and tip the scales of justice on the side of integrity and dignity? Amin and Thrift do us the honor of treating us as enlightened and cosmopolitan citizens of a global society that can do without the pontificating of soothsayers, apocalypsists or Leninist prophets. Their stance should remind us of Kant and Rorty. The former urged us to ‘Sapere Aude!’ He dared us to depart from all self-incurred forms of mental tutelage. The latter reminded us that there are less useful and more useful ways to talk about our collective challenges. He dared us not to get things right, but to see them under the bright light of an utopia in which more and more of us could count part of our beloved ‘we’. Between Kant and Rorty there is a common meeting ground, and it goes by the name of Mündigkeit, or what I would call ‘cosmopolitan maturity’. This is also the ground from which Amin and Thrift address us. This book is about what the Left should be proud of, what it can do to recapture the imagination of peoples to energize them into social action, and what horizons lay ahead in terms of actionable strategies. I will quickly overview the contents, before I come to what I take to be the main reason why many of us interested in tipping the scales of justice on the side of integrity and dignity should be reading this wonderful and very useful book. The book is made up of seven compact, well-argued and well-annotated chapters. In the first, Amin and Thrift lay out their understanding of what they call ‘the grounds of the political’. The key argument in this chapter is that historically the Left has been known for

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Research paper thumbnail of Hugh J. Silverman (1945-2013)

Chiasmi International, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Trump’s Lying About COVID Amounts to Treason, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Ser etico es dar tu tiempo es lo unico que tienes

This is an interview with Victor-M Amela, a journalist with the Barcelona based daily, the Vangua... more This is an interview with Victor-M Amela, a journalist with the Barcelona based daily, the Vanguardia. Victor interviewed me for two hours, and he distilled our conversation into a wonderful interview. The day before I had delivered a lecture at the European Humanities School, at the stunning Palau Macaya, on "On the Ages of Nature: Abysmal Tectonic Temporalities, Anthropocenic Archechronotopes, or Geothanotologies" ---The text of my lecture will appear in La Maleta, a Harper's of Spain.

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Research paper thumbnail of INTERVIEWS Interview with Eduardo Mendieta

This is an interview with Abraham Monteros, from the University of Texas, El Paso. It is an inter... more This is an interview with Abraham Monteros, from the University of Texas, El Paso. It is an interview about the status of Latin American and Latino/a philosophy in the US. I reflect on about 30 to 40 years of work on what I call the matriarchs and patriarchs of Latin American philosophy, and the demographic challenge that the profession faces. I also make specific recommendations for Latino/as interested in pursuing work in philosophy

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Research paper thumbnail of Interview with Angela Y. Davis: Law and resistance in the prisons of empire

Peace Review, 2004

A longer version of this interview subsequently appeared as the fourth and final interview of Ang... more A longer version of this interview subsequently appeared as the fourth and final interview of Angela Davis, “Resistance, Language, and Law,” in Angela Y. Davis, Abolition Democracy: Beyond Prisons, Torture, Empire (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2005), 105-132.

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Research paper thumbnail of How I got to know my son, and learned to be thankful for my surrogate father

How I got to know my son, 2020

Over the last two months, like many people across the world, I have been living in lock down mode... more Over the last two months, like many people across the world, I have been living in lock down mode, staying home, practicing physical distancing, working from home. But, unlike many, I have been most fortunate to have been doing so with my son. I was scheduled to be away for the spring and most of the summer traveling abroad, doing research and giving lectures and seminars. My son had agreed to move into my house and take care of it while I was away. All of those plans went out the window when the pandemic unleashed its deadly vector on the world. I returned to the States, and my son, who studies at the University where I teach, was also quarantined. He was laid off from his job, and he could not go anywhere else, not New York, where he grew up and most of his friends live, which was turning into the epicenter of the pandemic in the US. So, over the last months, we have spent a lot of time together, alternating cooking dinners, going for walks, hanging out and talking. He tried to teach me a card game, and I helped him put together a computer from scratch. All the time we have had to spend has been some of the best time I have had in my adult life. I have unexpectedly felt good about being a father, notwithstanding the terrible times. I knew my son was a gentle, generous, funny person. But, I did not know the depths of his goodness. He is a left democrat, of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders persuasion. He is funny, in the Colbert type of humor, but also is quick to express his outrage at the injustice of our society, in the John Oliver school of political humor. He is very explicit about his anti-racism and critical of how we have stepped back from the vision and passion of the civil rights. Parents are expected to like their children and to express their approval of them, even if only perfunctorily. But over the last couple of months, I come to realize that my son is a genuinely wonderful person, a person that I would want to be friends with and that I would want in my life, regardless of whether they were or not family. Getting to know my son, has forced me to think a lot about myself as a father. One of the big question that has guided this self-inspection has been: how did I managed to father of such a wonderful human being? That has been the rather unusual, and generally unasked, question that I have been asking myself as I gotten to know my son. Unusual, for in fact I did not, originally, want to be a father. I had had bad experiences with my biological father and a step-dad, my mother's second husband. I grew up fatherless, and for the most part moving from one aunt to another, until I was able to reunited with my mother, who had come to the United States to forge a path and create a life for herself and her children. I remember indelibly my father beating my mother, and I as a small child trying to shield her. But I also repressed a lot, as I found out recently. My father, in fact, disappeared from our lives, until he reappeared a couple of days before he died of a heart attack and stroke. He came to visit us, my brother and I, and I remember spending some afternoons, and visiting him in the hospital. He must have sensed he was dying. I remember his big, hirsute body. He seemed to always have a five a clock shadow. He smoked, incessantly. I remember the smell of his cigarettes, but also of what later I came to recognize as the smell of alcohol. But, I don't remember his voice, or any particular phrase, or anything he may have said to me. Over the last couple of years I have been interviewing my mother about her childhood, and about our lives before she left. My mother is the historian of my apocryphal childhood; the teller of a story she only can tell. I have asked her about how he met my father, what happened between them, and why my father disappeared from our lives, and why she remarried a man who

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Research paper thumbnail of Aristotle's Mastiff

This is a philosophical poem, part of a series on fictional dogs of famous philosophers. I have p... more This is a philosophical poem, part of a series on fictional dogs of famous philosophers. I have poems on Kant, Habermas, Adorno's dogs. There are others but I forget. I want to write one on Plato's dog, but I am not sure what dog to give him. Happy New Year.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hegel's Pit Bull

This is the latest of my poems of philosophers' dogs, real and fictitious. I am still trying to f... more This is the latest of my poems of philosophers' dogs, real and fictitious. I am still trying to figure out what kind of dog Walter Benjamin should have had, or could have had.

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Research paper thumbnail of Habermass Hunds

This is a playful poem on Habermas, who was/is my teacher, mentor, and friend. One of the most po... more This is a playful poem on Habermas, who was/is my teacher, mentor, and friend. One of the most powerful minds of the last 100 years. Many things in this poem are made up, but some are factual. I have been for a long time engaging his work from the the angle of the "animal question"--as I have other critical theorists. This playful poem was written before the one on Adorno's Chihuahua. I think I posted the one on Kant's dog.

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Research paper thumbnail of Adorno's Chihuahua

This a playful poem, part of a series of Critical Theorists and their [real or fictional] dogs. I... more This a playful poem, part of a series of Critical Theorists and their [real or fictional] dogs. I have fun imagining what relationship Adorno, Benjamin, Habermas, Kant had with their imaginal dogs. There are already similar poems on Kant and Habermas's dogs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mendieta-The Castoff Children of Cain: De La Malinche a DACA

This is a paper from a conference held at Boston College in November of 2017. The theme of the co... more This is a paper from a conference held at Boston College in November of 2017. The theme of the conference was Educating for Modern Democracy. I think the organizers had planned to do something with the papers from the conference, but nothing happened. At the core of the paper is the project of linking race, religion, the social imaginary and the need to create expiatory goats, sacrificial victims. In this case, I focus on Mexican Americans, Mexican and Latino/as in general.

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Research paper thumbnail of Detail for Collage

Inspired by Guillermo Gomez-Pena and Enrique Chagoya, who in turn are inspired by Aztec codixes, ... more Inspired by Guillermo Gomez-Pena and Enrique Chagoya, who in turn are inspired by Aztec codixes, I began working on a set of images to flank my collage. Eventually, this set of images will be one of the borders. But, I am working on a set of images that will be trying to follow Chagoya and Gomez-Pena to reflect on our police violence crisis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Take on A Classic

This is a detail of my collage in the making. Rockwell is one of my favorite illustrators. I love... more This is a detail of my collage in the making. Rockwell is one of my favorite illustrators. I love this image, but under the weight of our police brutality against Black Lives and Brown Lives, it has come to acquire a different symbolism. I can't look at Rockwell's image thinking that we are are seeing something monstrous.

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Research paper thumbnail of Collage on police

Inspired by the German artist John Heartfield and Mexican Jose Posada I set out to do my own Guer... more Inspired by the German artist John Heartfield and Mexican Jose Posada I set out to do my own Guernica like poster --for a cover of a book that I am co-editing. I am not finished.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trump's Presidential Library: A Purge

This is part of an archive that I have discovered. Apparently there are more of this manuscripts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trump's Presidential Library: A Purge

Evidently this historic document has not being published. Nonetheless I want to share my prelimin... more Evidently this historic document has not being published. Nonetheless I want to share my preliminary investigations into the disappearance of Mendieta. I am now working on another revealing manuscript I have found in the mangled and faded, badly water damaged, and rat eaten, manuscripts archive of Mendieta's Macondo writings. It has to do with the tragic pandemic of 2020. It has been a titanic effort to decipher his archaic Colombian Spanish, but fortunately we now have the great monolingual world wide web. Enjoy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Religion's Enlightenment: Review of Habermas's Also a History of Philosophy

Critical Research on Religion , 2020

This is a review essay of Habermas's two volume work Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophy. Band 1:... more This is a review essay of Habermas's two volume work Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophy. Band 1: Die okzidentale Konstellation von Glauben and Wissen; Band 2: Vernünfitge Freiheit: Spuren des Diskurses über Glauben and Wissen. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kants Hund-2.docx

This is a poem about Kant and his dog, my hypothetical dog for Kant. Enjoy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Decolonizing Ethics Program

Here is the Program for the Decolonizing Ethics: Enrique Dussel's Ethics of Liberation Internatio... more Here is the Program for the Decolonizing Ethics: Enrique Dussel's Ethics of Liberation International Symposium.

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Research paper thumbnail of Interrupted Subjectivity: An Investigation Into the Meaning of Racialized Embodiment

The invention, production, and operation of race is entangled with the processes of subject forma... more The invention, production, and operation of race is entangled with the processes of subject formation. One of its most evident effects is the degradation of the subjectivity of those who are submitted to its conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Android Psychoanalysis.pdf

This is the draft of talk I gave at Penn State University. The theme was "selfhood" and I chose t... more This is the draft of talk I gave at Penn State University. The theme was "selfhood" and I chose to take up this philosopheme from the perspective of our mechanical and artificial doppelgängers: androids, robots, and cyborgs. Just as the bestiary was a means for anthropological ventriloquism, I think that the zoo of robots allows us to reflect on what we take self-hood, agency, subjectivity and interiority to be or not to be, as the case may be.

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Research paper thumbnail of How to See in the Age of Color-Blindness after the Fist Black President (in the United States, that is

In this paper I am trying to think about what it means that Obama's two term presidency is coming... more In this paper I am trying to think about what it means that Obama's two term presidency is coming to an end. I canvassed for Obama. It was a historic election, but history thwarts our hopes, as I am sure Obama's were. King and X were killed...Obama was not...Is that progress? Perhaps. But he/we paved the way for Hilary. But iconicity is not change that matters to us brown folk, some way say. This essay is about trying to see beyond color blindness.

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Research paper thumbnail of DECOLONIZING ETHICS: ENRIQUE DUSSEL'S ETHICS OF LIBERATION An International Symposium The Upsurge of the Living: Critical Ethics and the Materiality of the Community

This is the program for the conference on Decolonizing Ethics: Enrique Dussel's Ethics of Liberation

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Research paper thumbnail of DECOLONIZING ETHICS: ENRIQUE DUSSEL'S ETHICS OF LIBERATION -AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - "Discourse Ethics & the Ethics of Liberation: A North-South Dialogue"

This publication is available in alternative media on request. Penn State encourages qualified pe... more This publication is available in alternative media on request. Penn State encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please consult Emily Slimak (814-863-5852) in advance of your participation or visit. Penn State is an equal opportunity, afirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected vetern status. U.Ed.LBS18-319

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Research paper thumbnail of Decolonizing Philosophy San Antonio.pdf

This conference aims to discuss the pertinence of decolonizing philosophy in the Americas and the... more This conference aims to discuss the pertinence of decolonizing philosophy in the Americas and the different tasks involved in making it possible, specifically from a Latin American and Latinx perspective.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophical Animal State University of New York Press

The Philosophical Animal: On Zoopoetics and Interspecies Cosmopolitanism, 2024

This is the cover and the announcement of my forthcoming book: The Philosophical Animal: On Zoopo... more This is the cover and the announcement of my forthcoming book: The Philosophical Animal: On Zoopoetics and Interspecies Cosmopolitanism. The book is being published by SUNY Press. I love the cover.

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Research paper thumbnail of Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics

Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics, 2022

This is the cover of our latest book on Wendy Brown. The chapters, plus Wendy Brown's two chapter... more This is the cover of our latest book on Wendy Brown. The chapters, plus Wendy Brown's two chapters are outstanding

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Research paper thumbnail of Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics

Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics: The Critical Theory of Wendy Brown, 2022

This is the cover of our latest book in the series in Penn State Series in Critical Theory. Here ... more This is the cover of our latest book in the series in Penn State Series in Critical Theory. Here is the link:

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethics of Policing: New Perspectives on Law Enforcement Flyer

The Ethics of Policing: New Perspectives on Law Enforcement, 2021

This is an edited collection of paper on the ethics of policing that Ben Jones and I edited. The ... more This is an edited collection of paper on the ethics of policing that Ben Jones and I edited. The volume came out of a conference we organized at Penn State University. The contributions are stellar and should be useful in helping us move the conversation on "law enforcement" in the US.

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Research paper thumbnail of Decolonizing Ethics The Critical Theory of Enrique Dussel Penn State Series in Critical Theory PE NN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Decolonizing Ethics: The Critical Theory of Enrique Dussel, 2021

Enrique Dussel is Latin America' s foremost philosopher, renowned for his contributions to ethics... more Enrique Dussel is Latin America' s foremost philosopher, renowned for his contributions to ethics, political philosophy, and liberation theology. Designed for classroom use, this collection of essays engages with Dussel' s encyclopedic work, making his valuable contributions accessible to En-glish-speaking students. In addition to being one of the most original, prolific, and widely known members of the Latin American Philosophy of Liberation movement, Dus-sel has also made important contributions to world philosophy, the history of philosophy, the history of the Catholic Church in Latin America, and the understanding of Karl Marx. Dussel famously engaged in a decade-long debate with Karl-Otto Apel on the relationship between material and formal ethics-that is, between an ethics of the community of life and an ethics of the community of discourse-and he has produced novel interpretations and analyses of the concepts of alterity, exteriority, the other, and the world history of ethical systems. Most recently, Dussel extended his work on an ethics of liberation into a politics of liberation, developed over the course of three published volumes. In this book, scholars from around the world assess Dussel' s work in ways that are both appreciative and critical. Two essays by Dussel bookend the volume: the collection opens with a consideration of the (im)possibility of multiple modernities and ends with an autobiographical trajectory of the philosopher' s thinking. In addition to Dussel and the editors, the contributors to this volume include

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Research paper thumbnail of Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism

Pragmatism as Anti-Authoritarianism , 2021

This book is based on a series of lecture Rorty gave in 1996 in Girona as part of the Ferrater Mo... more This book is based on a series of lecture Rorty gave in 1996 in Girona as part of the Ferrater Mora Chair. It is Rorty's most comprehensive articulation of his take on pragmatism. The book was published in Spanish and Catalan, but Rorty did not publish it in English, although he clearly meant it as a coherent presentation of his version of pragmatism. It has a powerful forward by Robert Brandom. I wrote an epilogue that provides the bibliographical apparatus and attempts to explain why Rorty let this book go, so to say.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ethics of Policing: New Perspectives on Law Enforcement (NYU Press)

New York University Press, 2021

From George Floyd to Breonna Taylor, the brutal deaths of Black citizens at the hands of law enfo... more From George Floyd to Breonna Taylor, the brutal deaths of Black citizens at the hands of law enforcement have brought race and policing to the forefront of national debate in the United States. In The Ethics of Policing, Ben Jones and Eduardo Mendieta bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars across the social sciences and humanities to reevaluate the role of the police and the ethical principles that guide their work. With contributors such as Tracey Meares, Michael Walzer, and Franklin Zimring, this volume covers timely topics including race and policing, the use of aggressive tactics and deadly force, police abolitionism, and the use of new technologies like drones, body cameras, and predictive analytics, providing different perspectives on the past, present, and future of policing, with particular attention to discriminatory practices that have historically targeted Black and Brown communities. This volume offers cutting-edge insight into the ethical challenges facing the police and the institutions that oversee them. As high-profile cases of police brutality spark protests around the country, The Ethics of Policing raises questions about the proper role of law enforcement in a democratic society.

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Research paper thumbnail of E D I T E D B Y A M Y A L L E N A N D E D U A R D O M E N D I E T A Decolonizing Ethics The Critical Theory of Enrique Dussel

Decolonizing Ethics: Enrique Dussel's Critical Theory, 2021

This is the cover of our next volume in the Penn State Series in Critical Theory. It dedicated to... more This is the cover of our next volume in the Penn State Series in Critical Theory. It dedicated to Enrique Dussel's critical theory, with a focus on his ethics, aesthetics and philosophy of history.

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Research paper thumbnail of Justification and Emancipation The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst

Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst, 2019

This is a flyer promoting the book Amy Allen and I edited on Rainer Forst's work. The book came o... more This is a flyer promoting the book Amy Allen and I edited on Rainer Forst's work. The book came out from a symposium we organized at Penn State. If you are interested in Frankfurt School Theory, and its latest developments, you want to read this wonderful collection. With this flyer, you get a 30 % off.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Justification and Emancipation

Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst, 2019

This is the introduction to the volume Amy Allen and I edited on Rainer's Forst work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, eds. Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst

Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst, 2019

This is the cover of the volume Prof. Allen and I edited on the work of Rainer Forst. The book ju... more This is the cover of the volume Prof. Allen and I edited on the work of Rainer Forst. The book just came out. It has essays by Rainer Forst, Amy Allen, John Chirstman, Mattias Iser, Catherine Lu, John P. McCormick, Melissa Yates. Sarah Clark Miller, and a response to the critical essays by Rainer

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Research paper thumbnail of Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta, eds. Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst

Justification and Emancipation: The Critical Theory of Rainer Forst, 2019

This is the cover for the next volume in our Penn State Series on Critical Theory. This is a foll... more This is the cover for the next volume in our Penn State Series on Critical Theory. This is a follow up volume to the one on Rahel Jaeggi. The next one will be on Enrique Dussel, to be followed by one on Wendy Brown.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon flyer

Cambridge Habermas Lexicon Discount Flyer, 2019

For more information, and to order, visit: and enter the code ALL... more For more information, and to order, visit: and enter the code ALLEN19 at the checkout The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon Over a career spanning nearly seven decades, Jürgen Habermas-one of the most important European philosophers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries-has produced a prodigious and influential body of work. In this Lexicon, authored by an international team of scholars, over 200 entries define and explain the key concepts, categories, philosophemes, themes, debates, and names associated with the entire constellation of Habermas's thought. The entries explore the historical, philosophical and social-theoretic roots of these terms and concepts, as well as their intellectual and disciplinary contexts, to build a broad but detailed picture of the development and trajectory of Habermas as a thinker. The volume will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Habermas, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, political science, sociology, international relations, cultural studies, and law. on this title 3 March 2020 Expires

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Research paper thumbnail of CHL front matter

Cambridge Habermas Lexicon , 2019

This is the front matter to the massive Cambridge Habermas Lexicon that Amy Allen and I edited. T... more This is the front matter to the massive Cambridge Habermas Lexicon that Amy Allen and I edited. The book will be available in April. This is now the go to bibliographical resource on Habermas expansive work. The entries are truly comprehensive, and some are rightly critical, but also informative. Hope you enjoy it.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Alienation to Forms of Life The Critical Theory of Rahel Jaeggi Penn State Series in Critical Theory PE NN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS

The wide-ranging work of Rahel Jaeggi, a leading voice of the new generation of critical theorist... more The wide-ranging work of Rahel Jaeggi, a leading voice of the new generation of critical theorists, demonstrates how core concepts and methodological approaches in the tradition of the Frankfurt School can be updated, stripped of their dubious metaphysical baggage, and made fruitful for critical theory in the twenty-first century. In this thorough introduction to Jaeggi' s work for English-speaking audiences, scholars assess and critique her efforts to revitalize critical theory. Jaeggi' s innovative work reclaims key concepts of Hegelian-Marxist social philosophy and reads them through the lens of such thinkers as Adorno, Heidegger, and Dewey, while simultaneously putting them into dialogue with contemporary analytic philosophy. Structured for classroom use, this critical introduction to Rahel Jaeggi is an insightful and generative confrontation with the most recent transformation of Frankfurt School–inspired social and philosophical critical theory. This volume features an essay by Jaeggi on moral progress and social change, essays by leading scholars engaging with her conceptual analysis of alienation and the critique of forms of life, and a Q&A between Jaeggi and volume coeditor Amy Allen. For scholars and students wishing to engage in the debate with key contemporary thinkers over the past, present, and future(s) of critical theory, this volume will be transformative.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity

This is a flyer for a book that Justin Beaumont, from the Netherlands, edited on the theme of Pos... more This is a flyer for a book that Justin Beaumont, from the Netherlands, edited on the theme of Postsecularity. I have an entry on postsecularity and postmetaphysical thinking in the work of Habermas. Justin and I co-authored the Afterword, which discusses research agendas suggested by the stellar contributions to this timely volume. I hope you will ask your library to get a copy

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Research paper thumbnail of Cambridge Habermas Lexicon Cover

" It is hard to overestimate the value of this volume for anyone approaching Habermas's thought. ... more " It is hard to overestimate the value of this volume for anyone approaching Habermas's thought. Allen and Mendieta have gathered an outstanding group of contributors, and the choice of concepts and topics is superb. No other living philosopher's work has more half-baked and completely unbaked opinions circulating around it. is volume should help ameliorate that problem and make the writings of this famously di cult thinker a good deal easier to engage. It is a real gem of scholarship. " STEPHEN K. W HITE John Hart Professor of Politics, University of Virginia Over a career spanning nearly seven decades, Jürgen Habermas – one of the most important European philosophers of the twentieth and twenty -rst centuries – has produced a prodigious and in uential body of work. In this Lexicon, authored by an international team of scholars, over 200 entries de ne and explain the key concepts, categories, philos-ophemes, themes, debates, and names associated with the entire constellation of Habermas's thought. e entries explore the historical, philosophical and social-theoretic roots of these terms and concepts, as well as their intellectual and disciplinary contexts, to build a broad but detailed picture of the development and trajectory of Habermas as a thinker. e volume will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Habermas, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, political science, sociology, international relations, cultural studies, and law.

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Research paper thumbnail of Borders and Debordering: Topologies, Praxes, Hospitableness, ed. by  Tomaž Grušovnik, Eduardo Mendieta and Lenart Škof

Rowman & Littlefield, 2018

Borders / Debordering: Topologies, Praxes, Hospitableness engages from interdisciplinary and tran... more Borders / Debordering: Topologies, Praxes, Hospitableness engages from interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives some of the most important issues of the present, which lay at the intersection of physical, epistemological, spiritual, and existential borders. The book addresses a variety of topics connected with the role of the body at the threshold between subjective identities and intersubjective spaces that are drawn in ontology, epistemology and ethics, as well as with borders inscribed in intersubjective, social, and political spaces (such as gender/sexuality/race, human/animal/nature/technology divisions).
The book is divided in three sections, covering various phenomena of borders and their possible debordering. The first section offers insights into bordering topologies, from reflections on the U.S. border to the development of the concept of the “border” in ancient China. The second section is dedicated to practices as well as intellectual ontologies with practical implications bound up with borders in different cultural and social spheres – from Buddhist nationalism in Sri Lanka and Myanmar to contemporary photography with its implications for political systems and reflections on human/animal border. The third section covers reflections on hospitality that relate to migration issues, emerging material ethics, and aerial hospitableness.

Tomaž Grušovnik, Eduardo Mendieta, Lenart Škof
Part I: Bordering Topologies
Chapter 1: Edward S. Casey
Moving Over the Edge: Borders, Boundaries, and Bodies
Chapter 2: Mary Watkins
From Hospitality to Mutual Accompaniment: Addressing Soul Loss in the Citizen-Neighbor
Chapter 3: Eduardo Mendieta
Lethal Borders and Mobile Panopticons: Thanatological Dispositifs
Chapter 4: Helena Motoh
Borders in Between—The Concept of Border(ing) in Early Chinese History
Part II: Debordering Praxes
Chapter 5: Victor Forte
Buddhist Nationalism and Marginalizing Rhetoric in a Dependently Originated World
Chapter 6: Mary Leonard
Borders and Debordering in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Photography: Icon, Mosaic, and Flow
Chapter 7: Reingard Spannring
The Chicken and the Educator: Debordering Critical Pedagogy in the Anthropocene
Chapter 8: Tomaž Grušovnik
Debordering Ethics: Acknowledging Animal Morality
Part III: Worlding Hospitableness
Chapter 9: Klaus-Gerd Giesen
Debordering Academia: From the Philosophy of Hospitality to the Practice of Hospitableness
Chapter 10: Petri BerndtsonCultivating a Respiratory and Aerial Culture of Hospitality
Chapter 11: Lenart Škof
Lamentation for a Child: On Migration, Vulnerability, and Ethics of Hospitality
Chapter 12: Shé Hawke
Graft versus Host: Waters that Convey and Harbors that Reject Liminal Subjects—Towards a New Ethics of Hospitality

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Research paper thumbnail of Mendieta Liberation Philosophies Lecture 8 30 95

I have to move, again, so I am packing my files, library, kitchen ware, and my small collection o... more I have to move, again, so I am packing my files, library, kitchen ware, and my small collection of funky, but cheap, watches. In the process I found this lecture notes from 1995 from a course on "Liberation Philosophies" --which was an undergraduate course I introduced in the curriculum at the University of San Francisco. It was a course to introduce students to "world philosophies." It is so fascinating to hear your youthful voice full of enthusiasm and hope. On the other hand, it is affirming to discover how little I deviated from my philosophical commitments over the last two and half decades. I still subscribe to the spirit of what I was lecturing back in the mid nineties. Many philosophers are like old horses ---we can't learn a lot of new tricks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandemics as a politics of death in the Anthropocene: Is a virus as a dispositif?

Unraveling the Anthropocene Podcast, 2021

Episode Description: In this episode, LAC members Müge Gedik and Camila Gutiérrez interview Dr. E... more Episode Description: In this episode, LAC members Müge Gedik and Camila Gutiérrez interview Dr. Eduardo Mendieta (Penn State, UP) about his project on the anthropocentric COVID-19 virus in terms of an apparatus of pandemic governmentality in the Anthropocene as well as the role of colonialisms and slavery in the production of the Anthropocene, including European colonialism that initiated a process of extraction of resources and bodies that lead to the destruction of indigenous peoples and ecosystems. Topics include how globalization, mega urbanization, mass transportation and tourism, vectors of contagion enable the global spread of viruses in the epoch of the Anthropocene today, in which globalized humans become the facilitator of a global pandemic such as that of COVID-19. We discuss how neoliberal politics of extraction change the metabolism of the earth through changes in the seas, the atmosphere, and on the land; and the detrimental consequences of climate crisis and the following politics of death on black, indigenous, latinx, and people of color. The discussion continues on how the politics of death that follow European colonialism and modernity emerge out of the genocide of indigenous peoples, native American peoples, and the slave trade. We explore the relationship of causality between colonization, globalization, and the exchange of viruses and bacteria that occurred in this process, and the correlation between microparasites (virus, bacteria) and macro parasites (kings, autocratic governors).

The link to the podcast is here:

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Research paper thumbnail of On The Axial Age, Habermas and Postsecularism

This is an interview with Camelia Raghinaru for her podcast Theory to No End. I discuss Jaspers, ... more This is an interview with Camelia Raghinaru for her podcast Theory to No End. I discuss Jaspers, Habermas, the Axial Age, and Postsecularism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mendieta-The Race of Modernity and the Modernity of Race

This is a paper I wrote for the 2000 meeting of the Society for Phenomenological and Existential ... more This is a paper I wrote for the 2000 meeting of the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy that took place at Penn State University. In this paper I reconstruct Foucault's College de France Lectures from 1975-76, Society Must Be Defended, which had appeared in French three years earlier, but not yet in English. I therefore reconstruct the argument in the lectures for an English-speaking audience. In my paper, however, I offer an argument for why Foucault did not pursue the themes in the lecture further. I also layout four critical remarks about the lectures and the line of research Foucault developed in the course.

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Research paper thumbnail of La vida ante el Covid-19

Filosofía de la liberación. Descolonización y transmodernidad, 2021

Autores: Franz Hinkelammert, Eduardo Mendieta, J. Zúñiga, Mario Ruíz, Carlos Juan Núñez, Joel Roj... more Autores: Franz Hinkelammert, Eduardo Mendieta, J. Zúñiga, Mario Ruíz, Carlos Juan Núñez, Joel Rojas Huaynates.


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Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Police Ethics (NYU Press w/ Eduardo Mendieta)

NYU Press Blog From the Square, 2021

The Ethics of Policing takes a more expansive approach to examining the normative expectations fo... more The Ethics of Policing takes a more expansive approach to examining the normative expectations for police in a democratic society. It features essays from an interdisciplinary group of leading scholars, including Sally Hadden, Joy James, Tracey Meares, Vesla Weaver, Michael Walzer, and Franklin Zimring. Some essays in the volume are on traditional topics in police ethics like use of force, while other essays push the boundaries of the field by examining policing’s links to slave patrols and the testimonies of Black and Brown Americans in communities subject to over-policing.

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