Peter van Egmond | Protestant Theological University, The Netherlands (original) (raw)
Papers by Peter van Egmond
Marturia, 2015
Opnieuw gepubliceerd in: 'Zorg ervoor dat mensen zichzelf kunnen helpen.' Ambrosius van Milaan o... more Opnieuw gepubliceerd in:
'Zorg ervoor dat mensen zichzelf kunnen helpen.' Ambrosius van Milaan over christelijke barmhartigheid, in: N. Witkamp, M.A. van Willigen (red.), Door Christus aangesproken. Een ontmoeting met de vroege kerk, Heerenveen: Groen (2019), pp. 139-154;
en in:
De Kovel. Monastiek tijdschrift voor Vlaanderen en Nederland 69 (2021), pp. 58-70
Aankondiging/samenvatting van
Barmhartigheid, solidariteit en naastenliefde - niemand zal betwisten dat dat kernwaarden zijn van het christelijk geloof. Ook al is de praktijk soms akelig weerbarstig, de opdracht is duidelijk: “God heeft de blijmoedige gever lief.” Niet voor niets verwijzen christelijke stemmen in het publieke debat vaak naar deze kernwaarden, bijvoorbeeld als het om sociale zekerheid gaat of ontwikkelingssamenwerking.
Maar hoever moeten we hierin gaan? Heeft bijvoorbeeld de Vroege Kerk altijd geleerd dat we zonder bedenkingen ons geld en goed moeten uitdelen? Of klonken er ook andere geluiden?
(Zie verder )
Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 2018
Full reference: Egmond, Peter van, “Adamites”, in: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Onlin... more Full reference:
Egmond, Peter van, “Adamites”, in: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, General Editor David G. Hunter, Paul J.J. van Geest, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte.
First published online: 2018
H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, 'Inzicht in drijfveren als vertrekpunt voor ver... more H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, 'Inzicht in drijfveren als vertrekpunt voor vernieuwing', in id. (eds.), Inzicht in drijfveren II (special issue), Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014), 3-13.
Door veranderingen in de sociaal-maatschappelijke omgeving of technologische ontwikkelingen kunnen zich in een bedrijf management- en organisatievragen aandienen die de opmaat vormen tot verandering en vernieuwing. Of deze innovatie succesvol zal zijn, hangt van een aantal factoren af. De inzichten en kwaliteiten van de leider zijn bijvoorbeeld van groot belang. Als leiders voeling hebben met alle geledingen in hun organisaties, kennis hebben van de vragen vanuit de samenleving, hieruit waarschuwingssignalen opvangen en bovendien uitstekend weten te communiceren, dan is de kans groot dat zij de sociale innovatie tot stand kunnen brengen die de basis vormt voor technologische innovatie en uiteindelijk voor omzetvergroting. Investeringen in saamhorigheid zijn hier dus een essentieel onderdeel van. De interactie is dus bepalend voor het succes van een innovatie. De kwaliteit van de menselijke interactie hangt evenwel weer af van hun drijfveren: de beweegredenen waarom zij denken zoals zij denken en handelen zoals zij handelen. Innerlijke drijfveren zijn minstens zo bepalend voor het welslagen van een onderneming als de menselijke interactie. In dit themanummer staan de drijfveren centraal.
Published in: Emanuela Colombi (ed.), Traditio Patrum I: Scriptores Hispaniae (Corpus Christiano... more Published in:
Emanuela Colombi (ed.), Traditio Patrum I: Scriptores Hispaniae (Corpus Christianorum, Claves - Subsidia 4), Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, pp. 223-258.
Late Antique History and Religion, 2016
Published in: P.J.J. van Geest (ed.), Seeing through the Eyes of Faith. New Approaches to the Mys... more Published in:
P.J.J. van Geest (ed.), Seeing through the Eyes of Faith. New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers, Late Antique History and Religion 11, Leuven: Peeters, 2016, pp. 203-225.
Studia Patristica, 2013
Published in: M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXX, Leuven 2013, pp. 631-647. The controversy ... more Published in: M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXX, Leuven 2013, pp. 631-647.
The controversy surrounding Pelagius’ theology is mostly related to subjects like free will, grace, original sin, and infant baptism. This underlines how strong the influence of Augustine’s perspective on the debate was en still is. Pelagius, however, had been living in Palestine for seven years by the time he was condemned, where he was confronted with other opponents, among whom Jerome of Stridon was the most influential. An analysis of the anti-Origenist statements in his Libellus fidei shows how important the Eastern context was to Pelagius, and how he related his own position to the positions taken by John of Jerusalem and Jerome during the Origenist controversy in Palestine twenty years earlier. Comparison of their respective statements shows that Pelagius tactically incorporated much of Jerome’s criticism of John, while taking some distance from his patron. The Origenist issues were mainly important to Pelagius because of Jerome’s allegations, but at the same time they illustrate how important the Palestinian context was to him by that time.
IN: K. van der Kooi, P.-B. Smit, L. Westra (eds.), Vele gaven, één Geest. Meedenken met Martien Parmentier op het gebied van oecumenica, patristiek en theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing, Houten, 2012
E. de Boer, B. van Egmond, P.J. van Egmond, A. Habets, M. Parmentier, and L. Westra, ‘Een bekeerd... more E. de Boer, B. van Egmond, P.J. van Egmond, A. Habets, M. Parmentier, and L. Westra, ‘Een bekeerde manicheeër? De geloofsverklaring CPL 174, overgeleverd op naam van Ambrosius’, in: K. van der Kooi, P.-B. Smit, L. Westra (eds.), Vele gaven, één Geest. Meedenken met Martien Parmentier op het gebied van oecumenica, patristiek en theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing, Houten 2012, 13-38.
Sacris Erudiri, 2011
In this contribution the validity of Jean Garnier’s reconstruction of Caelestius’ confession of f... more In this contribution the validity of Jean Garnier’s reconstruction of Caelestius’ confession of faith (or Libellus fidei) is examined. In an overview of its influence, it is pointed out that earlier criticisms of this reconstruction have fallen into oblivion, with significant risks and consequences for current research on the Pelagian controversy. Next, Garnier’s method of reconstrucing the text is shown to be wanting, and the result should be rejected : he combines into one two essentially different texts from two different authors. As a consequence, the larger part of his edition consists not of Caelestius’ but Pelagius’ words. The article closes with a new and improved edition of the remaining fragments of Caelestius’ confession (CPL 768).
Published in: Augustiniana 57 (2007), pp. 345-385. (NB the pdf is a pre-print version with incorr... more Published in: Augustiniana 57 (2007), pp. 345-385.
(NB the pdf is a pre-print version with incorrect pagenumbers.)
This paper is a preliminary exploration of the manuscript tradition of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus fidei"), written as preparation for my dissertation research.
Paper in Dutch. Complete reference: S. Stoppels en P. van Egmond, 'De Pax Christi-kerk in Den Haa... more Paper in Dutch. Complete reference:
S. Stoppels en P. van Egmond, 'De Pax Christi-kerk in Den Haag. Een dubbel spoor', Praktische Theologie 34.2 (2007), 213-219.
Books by Peter van Egmond
PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam). (The pdf contains: prefac... more PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam).
(The pdf contains: preface, table of contents, bibliography, summaries [ENG, NL]).
A study of some fundamental aspects of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus fidei", written 417 CE): context, background and immediate cause; text (critical edition); sources; analysis of and commentary on the paragraphs directly related to the controversy.
Augustine had labelled the confession as misleading and ambiguous, pope Zosimus on the other hand accepted it as both honest ("without pretence") and orthodox. Augustine's view is repeated and confirmed up to the present day.
The analysis offered suggests that Augustine mistook Pelagius' confession for an answer to African accusations and questions. Pelagius, however, seems to have taken Jerome's writings as point of departure rather than Augustine's. This throws new light on his supposed ambiguity.
The thesis also includes editions of some text not yet critically edited or reconstructed before: the confessions of Caelestius and Julian of Aeclanum/a group of Aquileian bishops, Ambrose "of Chalcedon", et al.
(Commercial publication, in two separate volumes, is in preparation.)
Edited volumes by Peter van Egmond
Late Antique History and Religion, vol. 18; Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2018
This book is the second in a series on the mystagogy of the Church Fathers produced by the Nether... more This book is the second in a series on the mystagogy of the Church Fathers produced by the Netherlands Centre for Patristic Research. The first volume, Seeing through the Eyes of Faith: New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers (LAHR, 11), initiated the study of the Church Fathers as mystagogues, since this approach does more justice to the Fathers' own intention in writing a work or a sermon than does regarding them as theologians avant la lettre. Early Christian writers did not primarily seek to offer rational reflection on the faith as an objective in its own right, but their works were rather aimed at an existential transformation in their audience.
The present volume focuses on how the Church Fathers conceived prayer as an aspect of such a process of progressive transformation, and as a means to achieve an awareness of God as Mystery, with whom one could, paradoxically, communicate in prayer. In the essays collected here many aspects and dimensions of the mystagogy of early Christian prayer are examined: different kinds of prayer, their antecedents and their development over time; their historical, theoretical, and ritual contexts and meanings; and their noetic, imaginative, and physical strategies.
Prayer and the Transformation of the Self in Early Christian Mystagogy
Edited by Hans van Loon, Giselle de Nie, Michiel Op de Coul, and Peter van Egmond
Foreword by Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony
Late Antique History and Religion, 18
Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2018
ISBN: 978-90-429-3611-9
Pages: XXVIII-482 p.
See also:
H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014); s... more H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014); special issue: "Inzicht in drijfveren II"
Conference Presentations by Peter van Egmond
XLII Incontro di studiosi dell'Antichità Cristiana: Povertà e ricchezza nel Cristianesimo Antico ... more XLII Incontro di studiosi dell'Antichità Cristiana: Povertà e ricchezza nel Cristianesimo Antico (I-V sec.), Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome, May 9, 2014.
International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Program Unit: Early Christianity and... more International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Program Unit: Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy, St. Andrews, Schotland, July 9, 2013.
Scarcity is an acknowledged fundamental concept in modern economics. Because there is scarcity, goods need to be divided and distributed, which is essentially what economic systems do. In its extremer forms, scarcity takes the shape of famine, poverty, and similar crises. Economic reflection on the concept in a stricter sense is, of course, a relatively recent phenomenon. However, as a problem of shortage, of lack of necessary goods, it belongs to all ages. This paper explores the way the church fathers, in their time, reflected on the issue of scarcity. Special attention is given to two leading theologians of the early church, one from the East (John Chrysostom) and one from the West (Augustine). As bishops of areas with probing social inequality and economic problems, they were forced to formulate their position on scarcity in a meaningful, almost practical way. They did so, not in weighty theological tractates, but in sermons held before audiences of people who were confronted by these issues in everyday life. How did Chrysostom and Augustine deal with the questions raised by inequality, scarcity, famine, and poverty? What answers did they formulate, and in what respect did their answers differ – and why? And is there, despite the gap between then and now, some connection between their thinking on scarcity and ours today?
All lectures (in Dutch) held at the first ERGO Symposium (Economics, Religion, Governance & Organ... more All lectures (in Dutch) held at the first ERGO Symposium (Economics, Religion, Governance & Organisation), Clipper Stad Amsterdam, June 25-26, 2013.
[1] Tekort als kans. Johannes Chrysostomos (ca. 349-407) over God en gebrek
[2] Ruil, werk en menselijke waardigheid. Ambrosius van Milaan (ca. 335-397) over de grenzen van vrijgevigheid
[3] Wie bent u op de markt? Aurelius Augustinus over menselijke drijfveren.
[4] Kwijtschelding als waardevermeerdering? Anselmus van Canterbury (1033-1109) en Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) over schuld en vergeving.
(Short communication) Kuyper Seminar, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, January 8, 2013.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 12, 201... more Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 12, 2011; as part of the workshop: "The Pelagian Debate in the East" wich was organized with Walter Dunphy (Nanzan University) and Hans van Loon (Tilburg University).
First International CPO-conference: "The Mystagogy of the Church Fathers", Utrecht, May 20, 2011.
Reviews by Peter van Egmond
Augustiniana 66, 3-4, 2016
Review of: Di Berardino, Angelo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, InterVarsity Press, ... more Review of:
Di Berardino, Angelo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity,
InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove (Il.) 2014, ISBN 978-08-308-
2943, ISBN 978-08-308-2940-8, ISBN 978-08-308-2941-5,
ISBN 978-08-308-2942-2, I: xxxviii + 937 pp., II: xxxiv +
1020 pp., III: xxxiv + 994 pp. (Translation and revision of the
Nuovo dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane, Casa Editrice
Marietti, Genova-Milano 2006-2008.)
Marturia, 2015
Opnieuw gepubliceerd in: 'Zorg ervoor dat mensen zichzelf kunnen helpen.' Ambrosius van Milaan o... more Opnieuw gepubliceerd in:
'Zorg ervoor dat mensen zichzelf kunnen helpen.' Ambrosius van Milaan over christelijke barmhartigheid, in: N. Witkamp, M.A. van Willigen (red.), Door Christus aangesproken. Een ontmoeting met de vroege kerk, Heerenveen: Groen (2019), pp. 139-154;
en in:
De Kovel. Monastiek tijdschrift voor Vlaanderen en Nederland 69 (2021), pp. 58-70
Aankondiging/samenvatting van
Barmhartigheid, solidariteit en naastenliefde - niemand zal betwisten dat dat kernwaarden zijn van het christelijk geloof. Ook al is de praktijk soms akelig weerbarstig, de opdracht is duidelijk: “God heeft de blijmoedige gever lief.” Niet voor niets verwijzen christelijke stemmen in het publieke debat vaak naar deze kernwaarden, bijvoorbeeld als het om sociale zekerheid gaat of ontwikkelingssamenwerking.
Maar hoever moeten we hierin gaan? Heeft bijvoorbeeld de Vroege Kerk altijd geleerd dat we zonder bedenkingen ons geld en goed moeten uitdelen? Of klonken er ook andere geluiden?
(Zie verder )
Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 2018
Full reference: Egmond, Peter van, “Adamites”, in: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Onlin... more Full reference:
Egmond, Peter van, “Adamites”, in: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online, General Editor David G. Hunter, Paul J.J. van Geest, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte.
First published online: 2018
H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, 'Inzicht in drijfveren als vertrekpunt voor ver... more H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, 'Inzicht in drijfveren als vertrekpunt voor vernieuwing', in id. (eds.), Inzicht in drijfveren II (special issue), Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014), 3-13.
Door veranderingen in de sociaal-maatschappelijke omgeving of technologische ontwikkelingen kunnen zich in een bedrijf management- en organisatievragen aandienen die de opmaat vormen tot verandering en vernieuwing. Of deze innovatie succesvol zal zijn, hangt van een aantal factoren af. De inzichten en kwaliteiten van de leider zijn bijvoorbeeld van groot belang. Als leiders voeling hebben met alle geledingen in hun organisaties, kennis hebben van de vragen vanuit de samenleving, hieruit waarschuwingssignalen opvangen en bovendien uitstekend weten te communiceren, dan is de kans groot dat zij de sociale innovatie tot stand kunnen brengen die de basis vormt voor technologische innovatie en uiteindelijk voor omzetvergroting. Investeringen in saamhorigheid zijn hier dus een essentieel onderdeel van. De interactie is dus bepalend voor het succes van een innovatie. De kwaliteit van de menselijke interactie hangt evenwel weer af van hun drijfveren: de beweegredenen waarom zij denken zoals zij denken en handelen zoals zij handelen. Innerlijke drijfveren zijn minstens zo bepalend voor het welslagen van een onderneming als de menselijke interactie. In dit themanummer staan de drijfveren centraal.
Published in: Emanuela Colombi (ed.), Traditio Patrum I: Scriptores Hispaniae (Corpus Christiano... more Published in:
Emanuela Colombi (ed.), Traditio Patrum I: Scriptores Hispaniae (Corpus Christianorum, Claves - Subsidia 4), Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, pp. 223-258.
Late Antique History and Religion, 2016
Published in: P.J.J. van Geest (ed.), Seeing through the Eyes of Faith. New Approaches to the Mys... more Published in:
P.J.J. van Geest (ed.), Seeing through the Eyes of Faith. New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers, Late Antique History and Religion 11, Leuven: Peeters, 2016, pp. 203-225.
Studia Patristica, 2013
Published in: M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXX, Leuven 2013, pp. 631-647. The controversy ... more Published in: M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXX, Leuven 2013, pp. 631-647.
The controversy surrounding Pelagius’ theology is mostly related to subjects like free will, grace, original sin, and infant baptism. This underlines how strong the influence of Augustine’s perspective on the debate was en still is. Pelagius, however, had been living in Palestine for seven years by the time he was condemned, where he was confronted with other opponents, among whom Jerome of Stridon was the most influential. An analysis of the anti-Origenist statements in his Libellus fidei shows how important the Eastern context was to Pelagius, and how he related his own position to the positions taken by John of Jerusalem and Jerome during the Origenist controversy in Palestine twenty years earlier. Comparison of their respective statements shows that Pelagius tactically incorporated much of Jerome’s criticism of John, while taking some distance from his patron. The Origenist issues were mainly important to Pelagius because of Jerome’s allegations, but at the same time they illustrate how important the Palestinian context was to him by that time.
IN: K. van der Kooi, P.-B. Smit, L. Westra (eds.), Vele gaven, één Geest. Meedenken met Martien Parmentier op het gebied van oecumenica, patristiek en theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing, Houten, 2012
E. de Boer, B. van Egmond, P.J. van Egmond, A. Habets, M. Parmentier, and L. Westra, ‘Een bekeerd... more E. de Boer, B. van Egmond, P.J. van Egmond, A. Habets, M. Parmentier, and L. Westra, ‘Een bekeerde manicheeër? De geloofsverklaring CPL 174, overgeleverd op naam van Ambrosius’, in: K. van der Kooi, P.-B. Smit, L. Westra (eds.), Vele gaven, één Geest. Meedenken met Martien Parmentier op het gebied van oecumenica, patristiek en theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing, Houten 2012, 13-38.
Sacris Erudiri, 2011
In this contribution the validity of Jean Garnier’s reconstruction of Caelestius’ confession of f... more In this contribution the validity of Jean Garnier’s reconstruction of Caelestius’ confession of faith (or Libellus fidei) is examined. In an overview of its influence, it is pointed out that earlier criticisms of this reconstruction have fallen into oblivion, with significant risks and consequences for current research on the Pelagian controversy. Next, Garnier’s method of reconstrucing the text is shown to be wanting, and the result should be rejected : he combines into one two essentially different texts from two different authors. As a consequence, the larger part of his edition consists not of Caelestius’ but Pelagius’ words. The article closes with a new and improved edition of the remaining fragments of Caelestius’ confession (CPL 768).
Published in: Augustiniana 57 (2007), pp. 345-385. (NB the pdf is a pre-print version with incorr... more Published in: Augustiniana 57 (2007), pp. 345-385.
(NB the pdf is a pre-print version with incorrect pagenumbers.)
This paper is a preliminary exploration of the manuscript tradition of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus fidei"), written as preparation for my dissertation research.
Paper in Dutch. Complete reference: S. Stoppels en P. van Egmond, 'De Pax Christi-kerk in Den Haa... more Paper in Dutch. Complete reference:
S. Stoppels en P. van Egmond, 'De Pax Christi-kerk in Den Haag. Een dubbel spoor', Praktische Theologie 34.2 (2007), 213-219.
PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam). (The pdf contains: prefac... more PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam).
(The pdf contains: preface, table of contents, bibliography, summaries [ENG, NL]).
A study of some fundamental aspects of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus fidei", written 417 CE): context, background and immediate cause; text (critical edition); sources; analysis of and commentary on the paragraphs directly related to the controversy.
Augustine had labelled the confession as misleading and ambiguous, pope Zosimus on the other hand accepted it as both honest ("without pretence") and orthodox. Augustine's view is repeated and confirmed up to the present day.
The analysis offered suggests that Augustine mistook Pelagius' confession for an answer to African accusations and questions. Pelagius, however, seems to have taken Jerome's writings as point of departure rather than Augustine's. This throws new light on his supposed ambiguity.
The thesis also includes editions of some text not yet critically edited or reconstructed before: the confessions of Caelestius and Julian of Aeclanum/a group of Aquileian bishops, Ambrose "of Chalcedon", et al.
(Commercial publication, in two separate volumes, is in preparation.)
Late Antique History and Religion, vol. 18; Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2018
This book is the second in a series on the mystagogy of the Church Fathers produced by the Nether... more This book is the second in a series on the mystagogy of the Church Fathers produced by the Netherlands Centre for Patristic Research. The first volume, Seeing through the Eyes of Faith: New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers (LAHR, 11), initiated the study of the Church Fathers as mystagogues, since this approach does more justice to the Fathers' own intention in writing a work or a sermon than does regarding them as theologians avant la lettre. Early Christian writers did not primarily seek to offer rational reflection on the faith as an objective in its own right, but their works were rather aimed at an existential transformation in their audience.
The present volume focuses on how the Church Fathers conceived prayer as an aspect of such a process of progressive transformation, and as a means to achieve an awareness of God as Mystery, with whom one could, paradoxically, communicate in prayer. In the essays collected here many aspects and dimensions of the mystagogy of early Christian prayer are examined: different kinds of prayer, their antecedents and their development over time; their historical, theoretical, and ritual contexts and meanings; and their noetic, imaginative, and physical strategies.
Prayer and the Transformation of the Self in Early Christian Mystagogy
Edited by Hans van Loon, Giselle de Nie, Michiel Op de Coul, and Peter van Egmond
Foreword by Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony
Late Antique History and Religion, 18
Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2018
ISBN: 978-90-429-3611-9
Pages: XXVIII-482 p.
See also:
H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014); s... more H. Commandeur, P.J.J. van Geest, P.J. van Egmond, Management en Organisatie 68, no. 5-6 (2014); special issue: "Inzicht in drijfveren II"
XLII Incontro di studiosi dell'Antichità Cristiana: Povertà e ricchezza nel Cristianesimo Antico ... more XLII Incontro di studiosi dell'Antichità Cristiana: Povertà e ricchezza nel Cristianesimo Antico (I-V sec.), Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome, May 9, 2014.
International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Program Unit: Early Christianity and... more International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Program Unit: Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy, St. Andrews, Schotland, July 9, 2013.
Scarcity is an acknowledged fundamental concept in modern economics. Because there is scarcity, goods need to be divided and distributed, which is essentially what economic systems do. In its extremer forms, scarcity takes the shape of famine, poverty, and similar crises. Economic reflection on the concept in a stricter sense is, of course, a relatively recent phenomenon. However, as a problem of shortage, of lack of necessary goods, it belongs to all ages. This paper explores the way the church fathers, in their time, reflected on the issue of scarcity. Special attention is given to two leading theologians of the early church, one from the East (John Chrysostom) and one from the West (Augustine). As bishops of areas with probing social inequality and economic problems, they were forced to formulate their position on scarcity in a meaningful, almost practical way. They did so, not in weighty theological tractates, but in sermons held before audiences of people who were confronted by these issues in everyday life. How did Chrysostom and Augustine deal with the questions raised by inequality, scarcity, famine, and poverty? What answers did they formulate, and in what respect did their answers differ – and why? And is there, despite the gap between then and now, some connection between their thinking on scarcity and ours today?
All lectures (in Dutch) held at the first ERGO Symposium (Economics, Religion, Governance & Organ... more All lectures (in Dutch) held at the first ERGO Symposium (Economics, Religion, Governance & Organisation), Clipper Stad Amsterdam, June 25-26, 2013.
[1] Tekort als kans. Johannes Chrysostomos (ca. 349-407) over God en gebrek
[2] Ruil, werk en menselijke waardigheid. Ambrosius van Milaan (ca. 335-397) over de grenzen van vrijgevigheid
[3] Wie bent u op de markt? Aurelius Augustinus over menselijke drijfveren.
[4] Kwijtschelding als waardevermeerdering? Anselmus van Canterbury (1033-1109) en Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) over schuld en vergeving.
(Short communication) Kuyper Seminar, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, January 8, 2013.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 12, 201... more Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 12, 2011; as part of the workshop: "The Pelagian Debate in the East" wich was organized with Walter Dunphy (Nanzan University) and Hans van Loon (Tilburg University).
First International CPO-conference: "The Mystagogy of the Church Fathers", Utrecht, May 20, 2011.
Augustiniana 66, 3-4, 2016
Review of: Di Berardino, Angelo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, InterVarsity Press, ... more Review of:
Di Berardino, Angelo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity,
InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove (Il.) 2014, ISBN 978-08-308-
2943, ISBN 978-08-308-2940-8, ISBN 978-08-308-2941-5,
ISBN 978-08-308-2942-2, I: xxxviii + 937 pp., II: xxxiv +
1020 pp., III: xxxiv + 994 pp. (Translation and revision of the
Nuovo dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane, Casa Editrice
Marietti, Genova-Milano 2006-2008.)
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2015
Combined review of: S.A. Keefe, Explanationes symboli aevi Carolini, Corpus Christianorum Continu... more Combined review of:
S.A. Keefe, Explanationes symboli aevi Carolini, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis 254, Turnhout 2012;
S.A. Keefe, A Catalogue of Works Pertaining to the Explanation of the Creed in Carolingian Manuscripts, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaeualia 63, Turnhout 2012
Augustiniana, 2013
Review of: Kari Kloos, Christ, Creation, and the Vision of God. Augustine’s Transformation of Ear... more Review of:
Kari Kloos, Christ, Creation, and the Vision of God. Augustine’s Transformation of Early Christian Theophany Interpretation, The Bible in Ancient Christianity 7, Leiden-Boston 2011.