Intermittency, Diffusion and Generation in a Non-stationary Random Medium (original) (raw)


Zeldovich Y., Molchanov S., Ruzmaikin A., Sokoloff D.

This classic survey considers passive scalar and vector transport processes in a random nonstationary medium, which are described by linear parabolic equations. Integration over random paths is used, along with the asymptotic behavior of the product of a large number of independent identically distributed random matrices. The most interesting effect is the appearance of concentrated structures (intermittency) of a smooth initial distribution of the transported quantity. The occurrence of intermittent distributions in the linear problem is due to the fact that the coefficients of the transport equation are stochastic. The intermittency shows itself in the rates of exponential growth of the successive moments (Lyapunov exponents) as the moment number increases. Moment equations are obtained for the scalar and vector, and are used to study temperature evolution and magnetic-field generation in a random fluid flow. These equations are differential in a medium with short time correlations and integral in the general case. The range of application of the diffusion description is analyzed. The behavior of the diffusion coefficients in the case of time reversal is examined. The properties of an individual realization of a scalar and vector are also explained, and a dynamo theorem is given on the exponential growth of the magnetic field in a random flow with renewal.

Publication based on the results of:

Intermittency, Diffusion and Generation in a Non-stationary Random Medium

, Bowers G. M., Loganathan N. et al., Energy & Fuels 2021 Vol. 35 No. 20 P. 16515–16526

As global energy demand increases, natural gas recovery from source rocks is attracting considerable attention since recent development in shale extraction techniques has made the recovery process economically viable. Kerogens are thought to play an important role in gas recovery; however, the interactions between trapped shale gas and kerogens remain poorly understood due to the ...

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Yakunkin M. M., Перспективные материалы 2011 № 5 С. 5–11

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Added: July 2, 2016

Kolokolov I., Turitsyn K., Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2002 Vol. 94 No. 6 P. 1193–1200

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Added: February 25, 2017

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Added: July 5, 2017

Glazov M., Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2019 Vol. 100 P. 034703-1–034703-13

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Added: January 13, 2021

Yurova P., Yaroslavtsev A. B., Караванова Ю. А. et al., Мембраны и мембранные технологии 2014 Т. 4 № 1 С. 26–30

Asymmetric membrane materials based on MK-40 membranes modified with a thin layer of perfluorinated ion exchangers MF-4SK with embedded polyaniline were obtained. The diffusion characteristics of the obtained composites are investigated. An abnormal asymmetry of ion transport in a neutral medium was detected. The diffusion coefficients of individual cations for membranes with mixed cation composition ...

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Added: February 1, 2023

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Added: August 24, 2021

Novikov S.V., Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 2018 Vol. 98 No. 1 P. 012128-1– 012128-8

We demonstrate that the Einstein relation for the diffusion of a particle in the random-energy landscape with the Gaussian density of states is an exclusive one-dimensional property and does not hold in higher dimensions. We also consider the analytical properties of the particle velocity and diffusivity for the limit of weak driving force and establish a connection between ...

Added: July 23, 2018

Glazov M., Physical Review Letters 2020 Vol. 124 P. 166802

We study theoretically weak localization of excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. The constructive interference of excitonic de Broglie waves on the trajectories forming closed loops results in a decrease of the exciton diffusion coefficient. We calculate the interference contribution to the diffusion coefficient for the experimentally relevant situation of exciton scattering by acoustic ...

Added: January 13, 2021

Kozyrev O., Logvinova K. V., European Journal of Scientific Research 2010 Vol. 45 No. 1 P. 64–78

In this study we investigate impurity dynamics in media with random characteristics for different physical assumptions. We first discuss possible models for diffusion in porous media on the small scale. Then we describe some random processes, which are able to represent the disorder in such a medium. After that, we recall the definition of a ...

Added: January 14, 2013

Logvinova K. V., Kozyrev O., European Journal of Scientific Research 2010 Vol. 45 No. 3 P. 383–390

In this study we investigate the successive approximation procedure allowed us to derive new equation, valid for the transport of dissolved matter in porous media, or in random force fields, on the macroscopic scale. To do this the diagram technique was exploited. ...

Added: January 9, 2013