Densely methylated sequences that are preferentially localized at telomere-proximal regions of human chromosomes - PubMed (original) (raw)

Densely methylated sequences that are preferentially localized at telomere-proximal regions of human chromosomes

G J Brock et al. Gene. 1999.


We have constructed a library of densely methylated DNA sequences from human blood DNA by selecting fragments with a high affinity for a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) column. PCR analysis of the library confirmed the presence of known densely methylated CpG island sequences. Analysis of random clones, however, showed that the library was dominated by sequences whose G+C content and CpG frequency were intermediate between those of bulk genomic DNA and bona fide CpG islands. When human chromosomes were probed with the library by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), the predominant sites of labelling were at terminal regions of many chromosomes, approximately corresponding to T-bands. Analysis of the methylation status of random clones indicated that all were heavily methylated at CpGs in blood DNA, but many were under-methylated in sperm DNA. Lack of methylation in germ cells may reduce CpG depletion at some sub-terminal sequences and result in a high density of methyl-CpG when these regions become methylated in somatic cells.

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