Detection of 23 immunogenic pneumococcal proteins using convalescent-phase serum - PubMed (original) (raw)

Detection of 23 immunogenic pneumococcal proteins using convalescent-phase serum

G Zysk et al. Infect Immun. 2000 Jun.


A genomic expression library of Streptococcus pneumoniae was screened with a convalescent-phase serum for immunoreactive proteins. Six known and 17 unknown pneumococcal proteins were detected. Five of the known proteins were surface-located virulence factors, and eight of the unknown proteins were putative membrane proteins.

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FIG. 1

FIG. 1

Immunogenic pneumococcal proteins of known function. The parts of the proteins which were encoded by the cloned DNA inserts of the expression library are hatched. The intensity of IgG binding to the expressed proteins on the Western blot using whole-cell lysates of E. coli recombinants is indicated. x, no reactivity; +, ++, and +++, weak, medium, and strong reactivities, respectively; N, native conditions; D, denaturing conditions.

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