Allele-specific underacetylation of histone H4 downstream from promoters is associated with X-inactivation in human cells - PubMed (original) (raw)

Comparative Study

Allele-specific underacetylation of histone H4 downstream from promoters is associated with X-inactivation in human cells

Harris Morrison et al. Chromosome Res. 2002.


We have used a novel approach to investigate the histone H4 acetylation status at X-inactivated genes compared with their active counterparts. Immunoprecipitation with a sheep antibody that preferentially binds multiply-acetylated H4 isoforms was used to select hyperacetylated chromatin from a human female lymphoblastoid cell line exhibiting non-random X-inactivation as a result of an X/autosome translocation. The distribution of active and inactive gene sequences between the immunoprecipitated and bulk chromatin was compared at four X-linked loci containing intragenic polymorphic microsatellite repeats to allow identification of individual alleles by polymerase chain reaction. We find that DNA sequences corresponding to transcriptionally silent alleles are consistently under-represented in the hyperacetylated fraction. As the microsatellite repeat sequences used to identify alleles range in distance from 6.5 kb to 25 kb downstream of promoters, we conclude that differential H4 acetylation of active and silent chromatin is not confined to regions involved in the initiation of transcription, contrary to previous reports.

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