Membrane trafficking along the phagocytic pathway - PubMed (original) (raw)

Membrane trafficking along the phagocytic pathway

W Berón et al. Trends Cell Biol. 1995 Mar.


Phagosome maturation involves extensive remodelling of the phagosomal membrane as a result of intracellular transport events. Newly formed phagosomes exchange membrane-associated and soluble proteins with early endosomes by fusion. Budding of vesicles from the phagosome and fusion with Golgi-derived vesicles may also contribute to the remodelling of the phagosomal compartment. As a consequence of changes in membrane composition, phagosomes acquire the ability to fuse with late endocytic compartments. In vitro reconstitution and other studies suggest that the trafficking events underlying phagosome maturation require several GTP-binding proteins, including Rab5 and Galphas', NSF-SNAP-SNARE complexes and coatomers.

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