Characteristics and gender differences among self-excluded casino problem gamblers: Missouri data - PubMed (original) (raw)

Characteristics and gender differences among self-excluded casino problem gamblers: Missouri data

Lia Nower et al. J Gambl Stud. 2006 Spring.


The present study explores gender-related differences in the demographic and gambling-related characteristics of 2670 problem gamblers participating in a state-administered (Missouri) casino self-exclusion program between 2001 and 2003. Female (n=1298, 48.4%) and male (n=1372, 51.1%) participants ranged in age from 21 to 84 years. Gender-related differences were noted among demographic variables, patterns of gambling behavior, reasons for self-exclusion, and involvement in self-help, counseling, and bankruptcy services. Female self-excluders were more likely than males to be older at time of application, African American, and either retired, unemployed or otherwise outside the traditional workforce. In addition, female self-excluders were more likely to report a later age of gambling onset, a shorter period between onset and self-exclusion, a preference for non-strategic forms of gambling and prior bankruptcy. The main predictors for female participation in self-exclusion included a desire to gain control and prevent suicide and referral by a counselor. The desire to save the marriage was a motivating factor for all participants. Findings suggest that the most efficacious treatment strategies with this group will include family systemic therapy and financial management in addition to pharmaco-treatment and culturally-sensitive individual therapy.

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