Trypanosoma cruzi 5S rRNA arrays define five groups and indicate the geographic origins of an ancestor of the heterozygous hybrids - PubMed (original) (raw)

Trypanosoma cruzi 5S rRNA arrays define five groups and indicate the geographic origins of an ancestor of the heterozygous hybrids

Scott J Westenberger et al. Int J Parasitol. 2006 Mar.


Isolates of the etiological agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, have been subdivided into six subgroups referred to as discrete typing units. The subgroups are related through two distinct hybridisation events: representatives of homozygous discrete typing units I and IIb fused to form discrete typing units IIa and IIc, whose homozygous genotypes have features of both ancestral types; a second fusion between strains of homozygous discrete typing units IIb and IIc created the heterozygous hybrid strains discrete typing units IId and IIe. The intergenic region of the tandemly repeated 5S rRNA array displays four variant sequence classes, allowing the discrimination of five discrete typing units. The genome project reference strain, CL Brener, is a hybrid discrete typing unit IIe strain that contains both discrete typing unit IIb and IIc classes of 5S rRNA repeats in distinct arrays present on different chromosomes. The CL Brener discrete typing unit IIb-type array contains approximately 193 repeated units, of which about one-third contain a 129 bp sequence that replaces a majority of the 5S rRNA sequence. The 129 bp 'invader' sequence was detected within the arrays of all hybrid discrete typing unit IId and IIe strains and in a subset of discrete typing unit IIb strains. This array invader replaces the internal promoter elements conserved in 5S rRNA. The discrete typing unit IIb Esmeraldo strain contains approximately 135 repeats and shows a region of homology to the array invader in the 5' flank of the array, but no evidence of the invading sequence element within the array. A survey of additional discrete typing unit IIb strains revealed a split within the subgroup, in which some strains contained invaded arrays and others were homogeneous for the 5S rRNA. The putative discrete typing unit IIb ancestor of the hybrid discrete typing units IId and IIe more closely resembles the extant Bolivian/Chilean IIb isolates than the Brazilian IIb isolates based on the correlation with the array invader.

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