The wheat cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene has an intron insert and three radical amino acid changes relative to maize - PubMed (original) (raw)

The wheat cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene has an intron insert and three radical amino acid changes relative to maize

L Bonen et al. EMBO J. 1984 Nov.


We have determined the sequence of the wheat mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) and find that its derived protein sequence differs from that of maize at only three amino acid positions. Unexpectedly, all three replacements are non-conservative ones. The wheat COII gene has a highly-conserved intron at the same position as in maize, but the wheat intron is 1.5 times longer because of an insert relative to its maize counterpart. Hybridization analysis of mitochondrial DNA from rye, pea, broad bean and cucumber indicates strong sequence conservation of COII coding sequences among all these higher plants. However, only rye and maize mitochondrial DNA show homology with wheat COII intron sequences and rye alone with intron-insert sequences. We find that a sequence identical to the region of the 5' exon corresponding to the transmembrane domain of the COII protein is present at a second genomic location in wheat mitochondria. These variations in COII gene structure and size, as well as the presence of repeated COII sequences, illustrate at the DNA sequence level, factors which contribute to higher plant mitochondrial DNA diversity and complexity.

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