AKAP79/150 anchoring of calcineurin controls neuronal L-type Ca2+ channel activity and nuclear signaling - PubMed (original) (raw)

Comparative Study

AKAP79/150 anchoring of calcineurin controls neuronal L-type Ca2+ channel activity and nuclear signaling

Seth F Oliveria et al. Neuron. 2007.


Neuronal L-type calcium channels contribute to dendritic excitability and activity-dependent changes in gene expression that influence synaptic strength. Phosphorylation-mediated enhancement of L-type channels containing the CaV1.2 pore-forming subunit is promoted by A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) that target cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) to the channel. Although PKA increases L-type channel activity in dendrites and dendritic spines, the mechanism of enhancement in neurons remains poorly understood. Here, we show that CaV1.2 interacts directly with AKAP79/150, which binds both PKA and the Ca2+/calmodulin-activated phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). Cotargeting of PKA and CaN by AKAP79/150 confers bidirectional regulation of L-type current amplitude in transfected HEK293 cells and hippocampal neurons. However, anchored CaN dominantly suppresses PKA enhancement of the channel. Additionally, activation of the transcription factor NFATc4 via local Ca2+ influx through L-type channels requires AKAP79/150, suggesting that this signaling complex promotes neuronal L channel signaling to the nucleus through NFATc4.

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Figure 1

Figure 1. CaV1.2 and AKAP79/150 interact directly

(A) Lysates from primary cultured hippocampal neurons (12–17 DIV) were immunoprecipitated (IP) and then immunoblotted (IB) with anti-AKAP150 or anti-CaV1.2 C-terminal (CT4) antibodies (n = 3). Extract lane exposure times were 5 min, all other exposure times were 1 min. Control lane (IgG, right), IP with non-specific rabbit IgG. (B) Top, Alignment of human AKAP79, rat AKAP150, and orthologs from other species showing conservation of heptad-spaced hydrophobic residues between the end of the PKA-RII anchoring region and the C-terminus. Bottom, LZ motif alanine substitution mutants (LZm) introduced into AKAP79 and CaV1.2. (C) Micrographs of transfected HEK293 cells showing subcellular localization of AKAP79-CFP (donor), CaV1.2-YFP (acceptor), CFP-YFP colocalization (Merge), and corrected, sensitized CFP-YFP FRET (FRETc; monochrome), and FRETC gated to donor intensity (FRETC(CFP); pseudocolor). N and C indicate fluorophore fusion to the N- or C-terminus. (D) Effective FRET efficiency (E_eff) calculated from both 3-filter set measurements (3F) and YFP-acceptor photobleach (PB) measurements from the same cells (n values indicated in parentheses; * P = 0.025, # P = 0.018, *** P = 2.46 × 10−6, ### P = 4.20 × 10−7, relative to the upper row of data). (E) Left,_ LZ mutations disrupt coIP of CaV1.2 and AKAP79 in HEK 293 cells. Lysates from cells transfected with either wt or LZm forms of CaV1.2 and AKAP79-CFP were IP’d with the anti-CaV1.2 CT4 antibody and then probed by western blotting with an anti-GFP antibody that recognizes CFP-fused AKAP79. The same blot was stripped of anti-GFP and re-probed with the anti-CaV1.2 CT4 antibody. Extract lane was loaded with 50 μg total protein, CaV1.2 band is visible on the strip and re-probe blot at longer exposure times as in A. Right, Western blot of 40 μl IP input lysates. Untransfected control lysate marked as untx.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Down-regulation of CaV1.2 currents in HEK293 cells following disruption of PKA anchoring

(A) Representative CaV1.2 current records demonstrating the effect of St-Ht31 (top) or its inactive analog, St-Ht31pro (bottom), applied from 0 s onward to forskolin (FSK)-stimulated cells co-transfected with AKAP79-YFP and CaV1.2 channel subunits. (B) Average time course of St-Ht31 effect on peak current amplitude. All experiments were performed in the presence of FSK except where otherwise indicated. Black bar indicates duration of St-Ht31 application.formula image (Con), Current down-regulation in response to St-Ht31 in cells transfected with wild type CaV1.2 and AKAP79.formula image (-FSK), Effect of St-Ht31 in the absence of FSK. formula image, (St-Ht31pro) Response to application of a proline-substituted form of St-Ht31. (C) St-Ht31 application to cells coexpressing either LZm forms CaV1.2 and AKAP79 (LZm/LZm, formula image), or the CaV1.2 phosphorylation site mutant S1928A and wild-type AKAP79 (S1928A, formula image). (D) Representative micrographs of COS7 cells demonstrating subcellular localization and 3-filter sensitized FRETC (presented as in Figure 1C) between CFP-labeled AKAP79 (79WT, top) or AKAP79 lacking the core PXIXIT-like motif of the CaN binding site (79ΔPIX, bottom) and CaN A-YFP. (E) Effective membrane FRET efficiencies (E_eff) for AKAP79WT-CFP or AKAP79ΔPIX-CFP and CaN A-YFP as measured by acceptor photobleaching (PB) and 3-filter (3F) methods (n values indicated in parentheses; *** P = 1.38 × 10−6 and ### P = 2.16 × 10−7). (F) Top,_ immunoprecipitations (IP) of myc-tagged CaNA (α-myc) from lysates of HEK293 cells transfected with myc-CaNA and either 79WT, 79ΔPIX or AKAP79ΔCaN, probed with anti-AKAP79. Bottom, the same blot was stripped of anti-AKAP79 and re-probed with anti-myc (n = 3 for both panels). (G) Representative current records from HEK293 cells expressing 79ΔPIX-YFP and wild type CaV1.2 exposed to St-Ht31 beginning at 0 s. (H) Average peak current time course following St-Ht31 application to cells expressing wild type CaV1.2 and 79ΔCaN-YFP(formula image) or 79ΔPIX-YFP (formula image), or wild type CaV1.2 and AKAP79-YFP in the presence of the CaN inhibitor cyclosporin A (CsA, ◆). In C and H, small dots reproduce the time course of St-Ht31 action in the control condition shown in B as formula image.

Figure 3

Figure 3. VIVIT disrupts AKAP79/150 anchoring of CaN and increases CaV1.2 current amplitude

(A) Immunoprecipitations (IP) of myc-tagged CaNA (myc) from lysates of HEK293 cells transfected with myc-CaNA, AKAP150 and either GFP or VIVIT-GFP, probed with anti-AKAP150. (B) Micrographs of COS7 cells demonstrating subcellular localization of transfected AKAP79 (indirectly immunolabeled with Alexa Fluor 647) and myc-tagged CaN (indirectly immunolabeled with Texas Red) in cells expressing either GFP or VIVIT-GFP. Right, sequence of the entire VIVIT peptide and residues 333-348 of AKAP79. (C) Representative currents showing the effect St-VIVIT applied beginning at 0 s on cells co-transfected with AKAP79-YFP and CaV1.2 channel subunits in the presence (top) or absence (middle) of FSK, or in FSK-stimulated cells expressing AKAP79ΔPIX (bottom). (D) Average time course of St-VIVIT effect on peak current amplitude. Currents were recorded in FSK except where otherwise indicated. Black bar indicates the duration of St-VIVIT application. formula image (Con), Current up-regulation in response to St-VIVIT in cells transfected with wild type CaV1.2 and AKAP79. formula image (-FSK), Effect of St-VIVIT in the absence of FSK. formula image (79ΔPIX) Effect of St-VIVIT in cells expressing 79ΔPIX-YFP. (E) St-VIVIT application to cells expressing LZm forms of both CaV1.2 and AKAP79 (LZm/LZm, ◇), wild type CaV1.2 and a PKA binding-deficient AKAP79 containing A396P and I404P mutations (79pro2, formula image), the CaV1.2 phosphorylation site mutant S1928A and wild type AKAP79 (S1928A, formula image), or to cells expressing wild type CaV1.2 and AKAP79 preincubated with the PKA inhibitor PKI (PKI, formula image). Small dots reproduce the control condition shown in D as formula image.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Reversal by CaN of FSK enhancement of CaV1.2 current

(A) Superimposed, selected currents elicited by a 1 Hz train of 20 ms step depolarizations (left), and current record after recovery of enhancement during a train of 20 ms depolarizations at 1/min (right). Currents recorded from HEK293 cells expressing CaV1.2-based channels and AKAP79-YFP, and bathed in FSK. (B) Peak inward Ca2+ current amplitude in response to changes in step depolarization frequency. Pipet solution contained 10 mM EGTA, CaN autoinhibitory peptide + 10 mM EGTA, or 10 mM BAPTA. For the 10 mM EGTA data, recovery of current amplitude during 1/min depolarization was fit with a single exponential function (solid black curve). Time courses corrected for the rate of channel rundown at 0.2 Hz prior to 1 Hz stimulation. Error bars for all data points are plotted in gray.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Anchored PKA and CaN have opposing effects on L-type Ca2+ current in cultured hippocampal pyramidal neurons

Peptides and other drugs were applied intracellularly via the patch pipet. Representative current recordings are shown for each time course as indicated; black records and colored records show currents 60 s (time point 1) and 250 s (time point 2) after establishing the whole cell recording configuration, respectively. All scale bars indicate 600 pA. (A) Average peak current time course during dialysis of intracellular recording solution alone (Con, formula image) or in the presence of either VIVIT (formula image) or Ht31 (formula image). (B) The effect of CsA dialysis (formula image) and co-application of VIVIT and PKI (formula image). (C and D) as in A and B, but with FSK added to the intracellular recording solution.

Figure 6

Figure 6. The effect of VIVIT on neuronal L-type Ca2+ channels is specific to AKAP79/150

(A) Top, micrographs of primary cultured hippocampal neurons transfected with the pSilencerAKAP150-short hairpin RNAi construct (150 RNAi) and GFP, demonstrating suppression (marked with GFP and arrows) of endogenous AKAP150 (red, indirectly immunolabeled with Texas Red). Bottom, simultaneous RNAi suppression of AKAP150 expression and rescue with AKAP79-GFP in hippocampal neurons. Normal levels of AKAP150 staining are seen in adjacent untransfected neurons. PSD-95 staining (blue, indirectly immunolabeled with Alexa Fluor 647) is a postsynaptic marker of excitatory synapses. (B) Representative current recordings 60 s (time point 1, black traces) and 250 s (time point 2, colored traces) after establishing the whole cell recording configuration for 150RNAi + VIVIT, 150RNAi + VIVIT + FSK, 79rescue + VIVIT + FSK and 79ΔPIX + FSK conditions. All scale bars indicate 600 pA. (C) Average peak current timecourse for cells expressing 150RNAi and GFP during VIVIT dialysis (150RNAi, VIVIT, formula image) or co-application of VIVIT and FSK (150RNAi, VIVIT + FSK, formula image), and for cells rescued from AKAP150 knockdown by AKAP79-GFP co-transfection (79 rescue, VIVIT + FSK, formula image). Small dots reproduce the effect of VIVIT + FSK observed in untransfected neurons (formula image from Fig. 4C). (D) The effect of FSK alone on neurons after AKAP150 knockdown and replacement with AKAP79ΔPIX-YFP (79ΔPIX rescue, +FSK, formula image). Small dots reproduce the effect of FSK in untransfected neurons (formula image from Figure 4C).

Figure 7

Figure 7. AKAP79/150 couples L-type Ca2+ channel activity to NFATc4 activation via targeting of CaN

Following a 3 h preincubation in tetrodotoxin (TTX), primary cultured hippocampal neurons were stimulated by 3 min exposure to high (90 mM) K+ Tyrode’s solution and then fixed at the indicated time points (stimulation protocol schematized in the lower left of A). n = 20–30 cells for each point in averaged time courses. (A) Left, deconvolved projection images collected at each time point (NS, not stimulated). NFATc4 distribution was determined by indirect immunofluorescence (Texas Red) and nuclei were stained with DAPI (images not shown). Right, average time course of NFATc4 nuclear translocation following application of high K+ solution for untreated cells (Con) and cells treated with the L channel antagonist nimodipine (Nim). (B) Images of immunolabeled NFATc4 for cells transfected with 150 RNAi and GFP (150 RNAi) or with 150 RNAi and AKAP79-GFP (AKAP79 rescue). GFP (or AKAP79-GFP) expression (white) was used as a marker for cells transfected with the AKAP150 RNAi construct. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (C) Time course of NFATc4 translocation for the 150 RNAi, AKAP79 rescue and 79ΔPIX rescue (150 RNAi and 79ΔPIX-YFP) conditions. (D) Time course of NFATc4 translocation for cells loaded with either EGTA-AM or BAPTA-AM. Representative images shown below the time course plots. (E) Time course of NFATc4 translocation for cells preincubated with myristoylated PKI (myr-PKI) or St-Ht31. Dashed line reproduces the time course for the control condition shown in A. Representative images shown to the right of the time course plots.

Figure 8

Figure 8. AKAP79/150 confers two distinct properties upon neuronal L-type Ca2+ channels

(A) AKAP79/150-anchored CaN (red) strongly opposes L channel phosphorylation by PKA (green). Calmodulin (CaM, blue) binds directly to the proximal C-terminus of CaV1.2, where it mediates Ca2+-dependent inactivation of the channel (Cens et al., 1999; Erickson et al., 2003; Tillotson, 1979; Zuhlke et al., 1999). It is not known whether this CaM molecule, another CaM molecule associated with the channel or free CaM activates CaN in response to Ca2+ influx. (B) AKAP79/150 targeting of CaN to L channels is necessary for NFATc4 activation. The known roles of CaM and PKA in nuclear signaling are also illustrated. CaM binding to the CaV1.2 C-terminus is critical for L channel-dependent activation of CREB (Dolmetsch et al., 2001), but the role of AKAP79/150 anchoring in PKA-dependent activation of CREB or CaN-dependent opposition to CREB phosphorylation has not been studied. Hash marks represent multiple steps and/or long distances involved in signaling pathways that affect transcription factor activation.

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