Hair follicle stem cells are specified and function in early skin morphogenesis - PubMed (original) (raw)

Hair follicle stem cells are specified and function in early skin morphogenesis

Jonathan A Nowak et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2008.


In adult skin, epithelial hair follicle stem cells (SCs) reside in a quiescent niche and are essential for cyclic bouts of hair growth. Niche architecture becomes pronounced postnatally at the start of the first hair cycle. Whether SCs exist or function earlier is unknown. Here we show that slow-cycling cells appear early in skin development, express SC markers, and later give rise to the adult SC population. To test whether these early slow-cycling cells function as SCs, we use Sox9-Cre for genetic marking and K14-Cre to embryonically ablate Sox9, an essential adult SC gene. We find that the progeny of Sox9-expressing cells contribute to all skin epithelial lineages and Sox9 is required for SC specification. In the absence of early SCs, hair follicle and sebaceous gland morphogenesis is blocked, and epidermal wound repair is compromised. These findings establish the existence of early hair follicle SCs and reveal their physiological importance in tissue morphogenesis.

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Figure 1

Figure 1. A Label Retaining Cell (LRC) Population Expressing SC Markers is Specified Early in HF Morphogenesis and Gives Rise to the Adult Bulge SC Niche

K5-tetVP16/TRE-H2BGFP double transgenic mice were chased at E18.5 to shut off H2B-GFP expression and identify label retaining cells (LRCs) within the early postnatal skin epithelium (P2-P8). (A) Appearance of LRCs during HF morphogenesis. Shown are representative skin sections with green H2B-GFP epifluorescence and counterlabeling with indicated antibodies (Abs) (red). After 3d of chase, the brightest H2B-GFP LRCs in the HF reside in a narrow zone of the upper ORS (brackets in 1A-1B) and are distinct from rapidly proliferating (Ki67-positive) cells, abundant in the infundibulum (In) and matrix (Mx). Arrowheads indicate a trail of slightly dimmer H2B-GFP LRCs extending down the ORS. Dotted lines denote the basement membrane that separates the interfollicular epidermis (Epi) and HF from the underlying dermis (Der) and dermal papilla (DP). (B) Immunofluorescence reveals partial co-localization (brackets, arrowheads) of LRCs with Abs specific for transcription factors expressed preferentially in adult bulge cells. (C) Immunofluorescence shows that after 22d of chase, LRCs labeled during embryogenesis are found exclusively in the adult bulge (Bu) niche (CD34-positive) and secondary hair germ (HG), and not in the K5/K14-positive basal layer of the sebaceous gland or interfollicular epidermis (Epi). Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Sox9 is Expressed Early in Developing HFs, and Sox9-derived Progeny can Contribute to all Skin Epithelial Lineages

(A-E) Immunofluorescence microscopy with indicated Abs (color coded). Sox9 is first expressed in a few suprabasal cells of the hair placode (Pc), while P-cadherin (Pcad) and Lhx2 mark basal Pc cells. As morphogenesis proceeds, Sox9 continues to mark a zone of cells within the upper ORS, a region that becomes the bulge of the adult follicle. Note that during the rapid anagen growth phase at P2, Sox9 expression is absent from the transit-amplifying matrix. Dotted lines indicate epidermal-dermal border. ECad, E-Cadherin. (F) Real time PCR of FACS-purified populations from the skin (Rendl et al., 2005) reveals the specificity of Sox9 mRNA expression in the ORS. DF, dermal fibroblasts; Mc, melanocytes. (G) Genetic marking studies with Sox9-Cre/R26R reporter mice. Blue XGal staining marks β-galactosidase activity, reflective of Sox9-expressing cells and their progeny in tail skin HFs. At E18.5, XGal staining is similar to Sox9 protein expression. By P8 and thereafter, the entire HF and SGs are nearly completely comprised of blue cells, indicating derivation exclusively from Sox9-expressing cells. K14-Cre/R26R skin provides a positive control for XGal reactivity in the IFE. Scratch wounding of Sox9-Cre/R26R P3 mice demonstrates the contribution of Sox9-derived HF cells to the IFE lineage. β4, β4-Integrin. Other abbreviations are as in the legend for Figure 1. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Failure of Quiescent Early Bulge SCs to Form when Sox9 is Conditionally Targeted in Embryonic Skin

WT early bulge region (Bu) and approximate cKO bulge region (asterisk) are indicated by brackets. White dotted lines denote epidermal-dermal border. Abs for immunofluorescence are color-coded. (A) Immunofluorescence of E16.5 backskin shows absence of Sox9 in cKO placodes and hair germs. (B) Hematoxylin & eosin stained P2 backskin reveals that the thickened zone of ORS which normally develops just below the SG (curved line) is absent in cKO HFs. (C-E) Immunofluorescence shows that Nfatc1 marking developing bulge cells never appears in cKO follicles. In contrast, Lhx2 is appropriately expressed at the leading edge of cKO follicles but is completely lost by P2. Tcf3, expressed in developing bulge cells and lower ORS, is present in P0 cKO follicles, but is progressively lost, and at P2, Tcf3 is expressed only in the lower ORS. White dot in (D) marks autofluorescent hair shaft. (F) An E17-E18 embryonic BrdU pulse-chase demonstrates that early LRCs do not form in Sox9 cKO HFs. Immunofluorescence shows discrete accumulation of BrdU(+) LRCs in the WT early bulge region and absence in cKO. After 7d of chase, an ~8X reduction in BrdU LRC(+) HFs is observed in cKO vs WT follicles. Graph shows percentages (± SEM). (G) A 6h BrdU pulse at P6 shows enhanced proliferation in the approximate bulge region of cKO HFs. Immunofluorescence shows BrdU incorporation in the ORS and graph indicates the percentage (± SEM) of cells in the ORS or IFE positive for BrdU incorporation. Asterisk indicates p-value < 0.05. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Early Bulge SCs are Required to Maintain a Transit-Amplifying Matrix Population

(A) H&E stained backskin reveals normal HF density but impaired HF growth. Box and whisker plots quantify HF length and reveal defects by P0: minimum and maximum length are marked by whiskers; upper and lower box boundaries indicate quartile divisions; central line indicates median; square dot indicates mean length. (B) Genetic marking studies with Sox9-Cre/R26R reporter mice. Blue XGal staining marks Sox9-expressing cells and their progeny, demonstrating a temporal progression of blue ORS cells that move to and enter the matrix (Mx), eventually replacing all prior Mx cells during HF morphogenesis. The mesenchymal DP encapsulated by the Mx and melanocytes (Mc) are not affected. However, Mc provide brown pigment to differentiating hair shaft cells, giving some intermingled blue and brown cells. Asterisk indicates XGal negative Mx cells. (C) Immunofluorescent tracking of Ki67 positive Mx cells over time. The cKO Mx expands only transiently before reaching an abnormally small maximal size. After P2, the cKO Mx shrinks and ceases proliferation. Representative examples are shown. ECad, E-cadherin. Graph displays the average number of Ki67 positive cells (± SD) found in the Mx. (D) Mx proliferation and differentiation kinetics were analyzed by short BrdU pulse-chases at P4. Note that the percentage of BrdU positive cells in the lower ORS was lower in cKO HFs compared to WT at both the 12h and 20h timepoints, whereas the percentage of total BrdU positive cells and BrdU/AE13 double positive, differentiated cells was largely unchanged. Graphs indicate averages (± SEM). Asterisk indicates p-value < 0.05. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Early bulge SCs are Required to Form the Complete Pilosebaceous Unit

(A) Immunohistochemical analysis of Blimp1 expression shows an absence of unipotent SG progenitors in the upper ORS of Sox9 cKO HFs where the SG should normally form. Arrows indicate Blimp1-positive cells in the early SG of a WT HF. Note that Blimp1 is still appropriately expressed in subrabasal cells of cKO epidermis (arrowheads). (B) Immunofluorescence reveals that PPARγ, a sebocyte differentiation marker (bracket, SG), is absent in cKO follicles (bracket, asterisk). (C) Detection of lipids by Oil-red O staining reveals no evidence of lipid-accumulating SGs (arrows) associated with cKO follicles (asterisks). By contrast, the formation of dermal fat is not affected when Sox9 is conditionally targeted by K14-Cre. Hem, hematoxylin. Other abbreviations are as in the legend for Figure 1. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Early Bulge SCs are Required for HF-mediated Wound Repair of Interfollicular Epidermis

Full thickness (epidermis and dermis/HFs) and split thickness (dermis/HFs) skins from newborn male WT and Sox9 cKO mice were grafted onto female Nude recipients and analyzed for their gross appearance 6 wks after placement (A) and contribution of engrafted cells to the repaired epithelium, as judged by Y-chromosome in situ hybridization (Y-FISH) (B). Quantifications of these data are presented in (C) and (D), respectively. Notes: 1) WT grafts were shaved to expose skin surface. Insets in (A) show unshaved hair coat. 2) Quantifications in (C) are of average graft areas (± SD) from 10 experiments. Full thickness WT and cKO grafts have a similar average area, while split thickness cKO grafts are smaller compared to split thickness WT grafts at 6wks. All grafts except cKO split thickness increased in area over time. 3) Y-FISH reveals that Sox9 cKO HFs are impaired in contributing to the epidermis (Epi). 4) Full thickness grafts show abundant Y chromosome labeling, indicating donor origin and efficacy of the engraftments. 5) Split thickness grafts show a striking absence of Y-positive cells in cKO vs WT epidermis. Only _Nude_-derived, Y-negative cells exist in the re-epithelialized cKO epidermis. Panels in B’ represent enlargements of boxed areas in (B) and illustrate Y-positive cells (arrowheads) in the dermis of all grafts. Dotted white lines indicate epidermal-dermal border. Graph indicates the average %Y-positive cells in the basal layer (± SD). Asterisk indicates statistical significance of p < 0.01. Scale bars, 50 μm.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Model Depicting Roles for Sox9 during Embryonic and Early Postnatal Skin Development

(A) Sox9 expression begins in the hair placode, where it marks a few suprabasal cells overlying PCad/Lhx2-positive basal cells at the leading edge. It persists in the upper ORS, where it overlaps with the quiescent LRCs that give rise to the adult bulge. (B) Genetic marking is consistent with the notion that Sox9 labels presumptive bulge stem cells within the upper ORS of the developing HF. As HF morphogenesis proceeds, Sox9-expressing cells give rise to the ORS that extends below the early bulge and also the emerging SG above the early bulge. Subsequently, Sox9-expressing cells move down the ORS and completely replace the initial matrix, which is likely to be derived from the Lhx2-positive basal cells of the placode. Upon completion of morphogenesis, the entire HF is composed of Sox9-expressing cells and their progeny. In the presence of a wound stimulus, the progeny of Sox9-expressing cells can robustly contribute to IFE repair. (C) Conditional ablation of Sox9 prior to HF morphogenesis reveals that in the absence of Sox9, an early bulge SC population never forms, and all three epithelial lineages are affected. HF differentiation is initially unimpaired, but a lack of SC input to replenish transit-amplifying matrix cells results in aborted hair production. The sebaceous gland never forms in the absence of SCs, and HF contribution to wounded IFE is markedly impaired.

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