A review of family-based tests for linkage disequilibrium between a quantitative trait and a genetic marker - PubMed (original) (raw)


A review of family-based tests for linkage disequilibrium between a quantitative trait and a genetic marker

Warren J Ewens et al. PLoS Genet. 2008.


Quantitative trait transmission/disequilibrium tests (quantitative TDTs) are commonly used in family-based genetic association studies of quantitative traits. Despite the availability of various quantitative TDTs, some users are not aware of the properties of these tests and the relationships between them. This review aims at outlining the broad features of the various quantitative TDT procedures carried out in the frequently used QTDT and FBAT packages. Specifically, we discuss the "Rabinowitz" and the "Monks-Kaplan" procedures, as well as the various "Abecasis" and "Allison" regression-based procedures. We focus on the models assumed in these tests and the relationships between them. Moreover, we discuss what hypotheses are tested by the various quantitative TDTs, what testing procedures are best suited to various forms of data, and whether the regression-based tests overcome population stratification problems. Finally, we comment on power considerations in the choice of the test to be used. We hope this brief review will shed light on the similarities and differences of the various quantitative TDTs.

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