New basal eutherian mammal from the Early Cretaceous Jehol biota, Liaoning, China - PubMed (original) (raw)

Figure 3

Dentitions of A. yanensis (holotype, IVPP V15004). (a,c) Stereo photographs of lingual views of mainly lower molars; (b,d) Stereo photographs of labial views of mainly upper molars. (e) Lateral view of upper and lower dentitions. al, alveolus for posterolabial root of M3; e, cusp e of m1; me2, metacone of M2; pr1, protocone of M1; pr2, protocone of M2. Measurements in mm: upper tooth length: I1, 0.25; I2, 0.4*; I3, 0.4; I4, 0.4; C, 1.0; P1, 0.7; P2, 0.6; P3, 0.5; P4, 1.0; P5, 1.3; M1, 1.3; M2, 1.4 (width, 1.5; M3, 0.7; lower tooth length, i1, 0.4; i2, 0.5; i3, 0.4; c, 0.8*; p1, 0.8; p2, ?; p3, 0.9; p4, 0.9; p5, 1.0; m1, 1.3; m2, 1.3*; m3, 1.4 (asterisks indicate estimated measurements). Scale bar, 1 mm.