Genetic detection and characterization of Lujo virus, a new hemorrhagic fever-associated arenavirus from southern Africa - PubMed (original) (raw)

Figure 3. Phylogenetic analyses of LUJV.

Phylogenetic relationships of LUJV were inferred based on full L (A) and S segment nucleotide sequence (B), as well as on deduced amino acid sequences of L (C), NP (D), Signal/G2 (E) and G1 (F) ORF's. Phylogenies were reconstructed by neighbor-joining analysis applying a Jukes-Cantor model; the scale bar indicates substitutions per site; robust boostrap support for the positioning of LUJV was obtained in all cases (>98% of 1000 pseudoreplicates). GenBank Accession numbers for reference sequences are: ALLV CLHP2472 (AY216502, AY012687); AMAV BeAn70563 (AF512834); BCNV AVA0070039 (AY924390, AY922491), A0060209 (AY216503); CATV AVA0400135 (DQ865244), AVA0400212 (DQ865245); CHPV 810419 (EU, 260464, EU260463); CPXV BeAn119303 (AY216519, AF512832); DANV 0710-2678 (EU136039, EU136038); FLEV BeAn293022 (EU627611, AF512831); GTOV INH-95551 (AY358024, AF485258), CVH-960101 (AY497548); IPPYV DakAnB188d (DQ328878, DQ328877); JUNV MC2 (AY216507, D10072), XJ13 (AY358022, AY358023), CbalV4454 (DQ272266); LASV LP (AF181853), 803213 (AF181854), Weller (AY628206), AV (AY179171, AF246121), Z148 (AY628204, AY628205), Josiah (U73034, J043204), NL (AY179172, AY179173); LATV MARU10924 (EU627612, AF485259); LCMV Armstrong (AY847351), ARM53b (M20869), WE (AF004519, M22138), Marseille12 (DQ286932, DQ286931), M1 (AB261991); MACV Carvallo (AY619642, AY619643), Chicava (AY624354, AY624355), Mallele (AY619644, AY619645), MARU222688 (AY922407), 9530537 (AY571959); MOBV ACAR3080MRC5P2 (DQ328876, AY342390); MOPV AN20410 (AY772169, AY772170), Mozambique (DQ328875, DQ328874); NAAV AVD1240007 (EU123329); OLVV 3229-1 (AY216514, U34248); PARV 12056 (EU627613, AF485261); PICV (K02734), MunchiqueCoAn4763 (EF529745, EF529744), AN3739 (AF427517); PIRV VAV-488 (AY216505, AF277659); SABV SPH114202 (AY358026, U41071); SKTV AVD1000090 (EU123328); TAMV W10777 (EU627614, AF512828); TCRV (J04340, M20304); WWAV AV9310135 (AY924395, AF228063).