Dominant-negative mutations in alpha-II spectrin cause West syndrome with severe cerebral hypomyelination, spastic quadriplegia, and developmental delay - PubMed (original) (raw)

. 2010 Jun 11;86(6):881-91.

doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2010.04.013. Epub 2010 May 20.

Jun Tohyama, Tatsuro Kumada, Kiyoshi Egawa, Keisuke Hamada, Ippei Okada, Takeshi Mizuguchi, Hitoshi Osaka, Rie Miyata, Tomonori Furukawa, Kazuhiro Haginoya, Hideki Hoshino, Tomohide Goto, Yasuo Hachiya, Takanori Yamagata, Shinji Saitoh, Toshiro Nagai, Kiyomi Nishiyama, Akira Nishimura, Noriko Miyake, Masayuki Komada, Kenji Hayashi, Syu-Ichi Hirai, Kazuhiro Ogata, Mitsuhiro Kato, Atsuo Fukuda, Naomichi Matsumoto


Dominant-negative mutations in alpha-II spectrin cause West syndrome with severe cerebral hypomyelination, spastic quadriplegia, and developmental delay

Hirotomo Saitsu et al. Am J Hum Genet. 2010.


A de novo 9q33.3-q34.11 microdeletion involving STXBP1 has been found in one of four individuals (group A) with early-onset West syndrome, severe hypomyelination, poor visual attention, and developmental delay. Although haploinsufficiency of STXBP1 was involved in early infantile epileptic encephalopathy in a previous different cohort study (group B), no mutations of STXBP1 were found in two of the remaining three subjects of group A (one was unavailable). We assumed that another gene within the deletion might contribute to the phenotype of group A. SPTAN1 encoding alpha-II spectrin, which is essential for proper myelination in zebrafish, turned out to be deleted. In two subjects, an in-frame 3 bp deletion and a 6 bp duplication in SPTAN1 were found at the initial nucleation site of the alpha/beta spectrin heterodimer. SPTAN1 was further screened in six unrelated individuals with WS and hypomyelination, but no mutations were found. Recombinant mutant (mut) and wild-type (WT) alpha-II spectrin could assemble heterodimers with beta-II spectrin, but alpha-II (mut)/beta-II spectrin heterodimers were thermolabile compared with the alpha-II (WT)/beta-II heterodimers. Transient expression in mouse cortical neurons revealed aggregation of alpha-II (mut)/beta-II and alpha-II (mut)/beta-III spectrin heterodimers, which was also observed in lymphoblastoid cells from two subjects with in-frame mutations. Clustering of ankyrinG and voltage-gated sodium channels at axon initial segment (AIS) was disturbed in relation to the aggregates, together with an elevated action potential threshold. These findings suggest that pathological aggregation of alpha/beta spectrin heterodimers and abnormal AIS integrity resulting from SPTAN1 mutations were involved in pathogenesis of infantile epilepsy.

Copyright 2010 The American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Figure 1

Figure 1

SPTAN1 Aberrations in Individuals with West Syndrome and Cerebral Hypomyelination (A) Genomic rearrangements at 9q33.3-q34.11 in subject 1. Top depicts chromosomal bands and genomic location (Mb) from the p telomere (cen, toward the centromere; tel, toward the telomere). Our previous study by BAC array could reveal the approximate size of the deletion (2.0 Mb) (horizontal line above boxes). The deletion was newly analyzed by Affymetrix GeneChip 250K array and turned out to be 2.25 Mb in size (chr9:128,236,086-130,486,226) (UCSC genome browser coordinate [version Mar. 2006]) (horizontal line below boxes). Blue and red boxes indicate old and renewed deletion intervals, respectively. Five RefSeq genes (ODF2, GLE1, SPTAN1, WDR34, and SET) were newly found (in red box). The rearrangements include an unexpected 204 kb inversion (green arrow). Intact genomic regions are shown in sky blue. (B) Schematic representation of SPTAN1 (transcript variant 1) consisting of 57 exons (UTR and coding region are open and filled rectangles, respectively). Exon 37 of transcript variant 1 is missing in variant 2, the only difference between the two transcripts. Two distinct mutations were found at evolutionary conserved amino acids in triple helical repeats (spectrin repeats). All these mutations occured de novo. Homologous sequences were aligned with the CLUSTALW web site. α-II spectrin consists of 22 domains (numbered), including 20 spectrin repeats, an SH3 domain, and an EF hand domain. The mutations occurred within the last four spectrin repeats, which are required for α/β heterodimer association (bidirectional arrow).

Figure 2

Figure 2

Brain MRI of Subjects with SPTAN1 Aberrations at the Most Recent Developmental Stages (A–C) T2-weighted axial images through the basal ganglia. Subject 1 (with a 2.25 Mb deletion) showed only slightly reduced white matter (A). By contrast, cortical atrophy and severe hypomyelination with strikingly reduced volume of white matter were evident, especially in the frontal lobes, in subjects with in-frame mutations (subjects 2 and 3) (B and C). (D–I) T2-weighted axial images through the brainstem/cerebellum (D–F) and T2- (G) or T1-weighted midline sagittal images (H and I). Compared with subject 1 (D and G), subjects 2 (E and H) and 3 (F and I) show a thinned and shortened corpus callosum (arrowheads), severe atrophy of the brainstem, and hypoplasia and/or atrophy of the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis (arrows). m, months.

Figure 3

Figure 3

Mutational Effects on the α-II/β-II Spectrin Heterodimer (A) Positions of the two mutations (c.6619_6621del, p.E2207 del in blue; c.6923_6928dup, p.R2308_M2309 dup in purple) in the predicted human α-II spectrin structure. Domains 19–21 (the last three spectrin repeats) are colored red, yellow, and green, respectively. (B) GST pull-down assay of a recombinant GST-tagged α-II spectrin/β-II spectrin heterodimer. The WT and two mutant α-II spectrins could form heterodimers with β-II spectrin at comparable levels. β-II spectrin did not show any binding to GST alone. (C–F) CD spectra (C and D) and CD melting curves (E and F) at 222 nm of the WT, del mut, and dup mut of α-II spectrins and β-II spectrin as a monomer (C and E) and as heterodimers of the WT, del mut, and dup mut of α-II spectrins with β-II spectrin (D and F). CD spectra showed no difference in the helical content of the WT and mutant α-II spectrin monomers and heterodimers with β-II spectrin (C and D). The WT and mutant α-II spectrin monomers are unfolded at 60°C, whereas β-II spectrin is unfolded around at 50°C (E). In contrast, dimers of WT and mutant α-II spectrins with β-II spectrin are partly dissociated and accompanied with denaturation of a local part of the monomers at 50°C–60°C (_T_m [°C]: 58.362 ± 0.059 [WT], 55.617 ± 0.047 [del mut], 57.110 ± 0.077 [dup mut]) and completely unfolded at 70°C–80°C (_T_m [°C]: 78.515 ± 0.327 [WT], 75.813 ± 0.115 [del mut], 75.267 ± 0.469 [dup mut]) (F). The thermostability of the heterodimers is obviously different between the WT and the mutants. Each dot represents the average of three repeated experiments; error bars, SD.

Figure 4

Figure 4

Mutant α-II Spectrin Causes Aggregation of α/β Spectrin Heterodimer (A and B) Expression of the WT and the two mutant α-II spectrins at 7 DIV. Flag tagged-α-II spectrin (WT-Flag) showed similar expression to endogenous α-II spectrin (top, compare with Figure S2A). However, two mutant α-II spectrins (del mut-Flag and dup mut-Flag) showed aggregation predominantly in cell bodies and axons (arrows), and these aggregations were colocalized with β-II and β-III spectrins (middle and bottom). (C and D) Aggregation of endogenous α/β spectrin heterodimers were found in LCLs derived from two subjects harboring SPTAN1 in-frame mutations. In LCLs of subject 2 (with c.6619_6621del, p.E2207del) and subject 3 (with c.6923_6928dup, p.R2308_M2309dup), aggregation of α-II/β-III (C) and α-II/β-II (D) spectrin heterodimers were frequently observed (middle two panels, arrows), while such aggregation was never observed in subject 1 (top). LCL of subject 3's father did not show any such aggregation (bottom). The scale bars represent 10 μm. The following primary antibodies were used: mouse anti-α-II spectrin (1:400 dilution; clone D8B7; Abcam, Tokyo, Japan), mouse anti-β-II spectrin (1:600 dilution; clone 42/B-spectrin II; BD Transduction laboratories, San Jose, CA), rabbit anti-β-II spectrin (1:100 dilution; Abcam), rabbit anti-β-III spectrin (1:400 dilution; Abcam), mouse anti-Flag M2 (1:1000 dilution; Sigma), and rabbit anti-DDDDK-Tag (1:2000 dilution; MBL, Nagoya, Japan).

Figure 5

Figure 5

Transient Expression of Mutant α-II Spectrin Led to Disturbance of AnkyrinG and VGSC Clustering at AIS Expression of ankyrinG (AnkG) (A) and VGSC (B) at 9 DIV. When WT α-II spectrin is expressed, neurons showed clustering of AnkG and VGSC at AIS (top). However, clustering of AnkG and VGSC were disturbed in the presence of extensive α/β spectrin aggregation when mutant α-II spectrins (both the del mut and the dup mut) were expressed (middle and bottom). AIS regions are shown by dashed lines. The scale bars represent 10 μm. The following primary antibodies were used: mouse anti-ankyrinG (1:100 dilution; clone 4G3F8; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), mouse anti-pan sodium channel (for VGSC) (1:100 dilution; clone K58/35; Sigma), and rabbit anti-DDDDK-Tag (1:2000 dilution; MBL).

Figure 6

Figure 6

Mutant α-II Spectrin Elevated Action Potential Threshold in Primary Cultured Cortical Neurons (A) Left, representative sets of action potential traces recorded from cultured cortical neurons expressing either WT or mutant α-II spectrin (del mut or dup mut)-Flag-nucEGFP during 500 ms injection of depolarizing current in +10 pA increments, from a holding potential of −60 mV. Right top, input-output relationship of the number of evoked action potentials versus the injected current (WT, n = 7; del mut, n = 9; dup mut, n = 7). Although there were no significant differences in the passive membrane properties among each genotypes (see Table S3), repetitive action potential elicitation was significantly reduced in the two mutants. Right bottom, representative responses to a series of subthreshold and suprathreshold depolarizing current injections of 10 ms duration. A base holding potential (−60 mV) and an identified action potential threshold are indicated by thin and dashed lines, respectively. Note that mutants elevated action potential threshold compared with the WT (see Table S3). (B–G) Recordings of whole-cell sodium currents with conventional activation (C–E: WT, n = 11; del mut, n = 10; dup mut, n = 10) and inactivation protocols (G: WT, n = 11; del mut, n = 9; dup mut, n = 10). (B) Representative sets of sodium current traces recorded from dissociated cortical neurons expressing WT and mutant α-II spectrins. (C) Voltage dependence of channel activation measured during voltage steps between −90 and +10 mV. Statistical analysis indicated that del mut and dup mut exhibited significant differences in current-voltage relationship compared with the WT. Both mutants displayed a significant depolarizing shift in activation compared with the WT. (D) Peak current density elicited by test pulses. Statistical analysis indicated a significant reduction in peak current in both mutants compared with the WT. (E) Activation kinetics assessed by 10%–90% rise time plotted against test potential for WT and mutants. There were no significant differences among WT and the two mutants. (F) Representative sodium currents in neurons expressing WT or mutant α-II spectrin under influence of 500 ms inactivation prepotentials. (G) Voltage dependence of inactivation assessed in response to inactivating prepulses between −90 and −35 mV. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences among WT and mutants (p = 0.96). Error bars, SEM. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, as compared to the WT. Most of the recorded parameters are summarized in Table S3.


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